
Monday 2 October 2023

Our First New Home Card


A Day Late But 

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I totally missed 'welcoming October ' yesterday,  so Welcome October,  New Month, New Season, New start!!!  

I really love Autumn,  I can't decide whether I love it more than Spring, its a close run thing.   I love the cosiness of Autumn,  we have new things to experience too, the log burner, which I think will get a lot of use, the Aga too, this one is Electric, I'm sure that its basically the same, we'll see I guess, luckily we have Economy 7 so we'll do its initial switch in at night, then it should just tick over, it says in the manual that it has a feature that knows when electricity is cheaper, unless I have read it wrong!  One thing I am excited for is Aga Jacket potatoes,  they are the best!!! 

We have another 'New start' too, as Our Lovely Karen starts her Retirement ❤️                                    Are you starting anything new?  Although you have more than enough to keep you busy as it is, people often say they didn't know how they fit work in after a few months of retirement,  it will be lovely to spend more quality time with Alan too.                                                                                       Happy Retirement my lovely,  wishing you many, many years of doing what makes you happy ❤

Today's card is the first of our New Home cards, it's so lovely,  the house in the centre is coloured so beautifully,  thank you so much Lilian XXX

Sonia I hope that you & Mark have the best time in Wales, you really deserve this break, it's a lovely way to Celebrate your Anniversary too XXX

I hope that you all have a great start to your week,

Love and hugs, 

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx


  1. Hi everyone
    I love you card from Lilian, it’s beautiful 😍
    Happy Retirement Karen, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of things to do to keep you occupied - once you’ve gotten over the virus. Take care 🥰 xx
    I can vouch for your Aga jacket potatoes, Sandra - they are delicious, enjoy your first of many 😉 xx
    Hoping to leave by 9.30 this morning, fingers crossed. I’m not sure what the signal will be like where we’re going, but I’ll try to keep in touch.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Lovely New Home card and now you can relax I’m feeling really washed out So my first day of retirement will be rest rest and more rest I’m gutted because we are looking after Charlie today So OH is taking him to the zoo on his own I don’t think I’ll even get the chance to wave to him through the window
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely new home card from our Lilian. I like that stamp.
    Happy retirement Karen. Sorry to hear you still feeling rough, just take it easy.
    Sonia, hope you have a good journey to Wales. The weather showing rain today but should get better later in the week.
    We are cleaning and washing the windows indoors. My arms are going to drop off by tonight but something I wanted to do for ages and as we have SIL here tomorrow is a good chance to do them. We have Son and his girlfriend coming home soon so I need to move out from his old bedroom for a while so trying to think what to keep out so I can still make some cards but it's not easy. Probably easiest is to keep stamps and colouring stuff around, most of the dies are already packed away. Best get a wiggle on so I wish you all a good day. Many hugs, Maria xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Your card is beautiful and coloured fabulously. Sonia you definitely have the knack. Enjoy your week away with hubby xx lol
    Sandra, I’m sure you don’t have a choice but I hope you are resting my lovely. It’s lucky you have an Aga again as you used it so much in your old house didn’t you. Send love to Soph and Lucy please. Gentle hugs for you xx
    Karen, wishing you a happy retirement. Sorry that you couldn’t go to the zoo with hubby and Charlie but I hope you feel better very soon xx
    Maria, you have been busy haven’t you. I bet you can’t wait to have C and his girlfriend to stay for a while xx
    I’ve had a very lazy day catching up after a busy week.
    Sending hugs to all. Take care. Love Sue xx

  5. Hello all, we have had thick fog here all day, very depressing, tried to craft but somehow couldn’t get going, will try again tomorrow.

    Glad you liked my card, I been saving it for quite a while, it’s a chocolate Baroque stamp from a few years ago.

    Happy retirement Karen, hope you soon feel better to enjoy it.

    Maria don’t wear yourself out with all the house work you’ve been doing, put me to shame.

    I’ll say goodnight all. Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra great you have an Aga in your new property, I would love one ….. Enjoy, as I’m sure you will.
    Karen, sorry to hear you’re feeling so poorly and were not able to go to the zoo with OH and Charlie, that said - I’m sure they both had a great boys only day, take care and get plenty of rest and fluids.
    Sonia I hope you had a good journey to Wales. Your holiday home lovely.
    Maria you and John have both been cleaning windows today. He won’t let me do them as I would need to use the ladder. (Don’t think he trusts me on it) But he keeps asking me to check there are no marks left. We used to have a window cleaner but he gave up the round and no one replaced him.
    Hope everyone has had a good day, Hugs Brenda xxx
