
Tuesday 3 October 2023

Another Lovely New Home card


Good Morning Ladies, 

It was so lovely having a day doing nothing yesterday,  well I was doing paperwork/bills, address changes etc but it was done on the sofa.

We popped to our nearest shop yesterday which is a Co-op in Bourton On The Water,  which is the prettiest cotswold village with a river running through it, lets just say the prices in the Co-op reflect the the Clientele that the place is aiming for!  I bought bread (had to buy a boring cut warburtons) as their uncut fresh bread started at £4.50 !!! Milk, 6 eggs, some bacon & sausage,  chicken breasts, apple strudel (frozen), sour cream, french stick, tomato sauce and mustard, and some vegetables and it came to £96 !!! It must be tourist prices or something,  I almost fainted when I saw the amount!!  The biggest department was fine wines, they also had 3 full double sided freezers with high end ready meals, cottage pie for 4 £12 !!   Paul went white when i told him, he said that would be a huge trolley full in Aldi and the quality is no different!  So that shop will only be used for very essentials or if we fancy something luxury ! 

Today's card is the lovely card that Sonia made for us, the contrast of the white card on the Kraft card with the Gold embossing is stunning, the tree stamp is Inkylicious I believe but its almost identical to the SU Lovely as a Tree stamp. The little Kraft card house finishes the card perfectly.  Thank you so much my lovely XXX 

I hope that you all have a terrific Tuesday, 

Love and hugs

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my card, I'm glad you like it 😊
    Blimey, those prices in the Co-op are extortionate! I agree they must be higher due to the tourists. James works in our local and they're not as expensive as that. As you say, it'll be nice to use for something as a luxury and a treat.
    We arrived safely at the log cabin and its really lovely. Plenty of space for just the 2 of us and its lovely and peaceful. It feels good to be relaxing in a hot tub again too 😌
    I hope you're all OK, take it easy everyone feeling under the weather 🥰
    Have a good day
    Sending hugs to you all
    Love Sonia xxx

  2. Beautiful card Sonia and the lodge you are staying in looks gorgeous
    Wow! Sandra they really are village shop prices! Saying that I think our tiny local Tesco is or can be more expensive than the huge ones
    Yesterday I left the work group chats which felt very strange Today I must pack up my “office” ready to return the equipment tomorrow The extra table it occupies in my craft room will become so so handy I need to get on with the last bits of wedding stationary too
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. What a beautiful card. Those trees, from a couple of different companies are probably the one stamp that we all have as they are so versatile.
    Sandra, blimey that was an expensive shop wasn’t it!!! I can just imagine Pauls face when he heard the total. I know the smaller stores are a bit more expensive but that one is ridiculous. As you said it must be the weekenders and tourists that drive the prices up that far! Paul will definitely be shopping in Carterton after work won’t he. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. It doesn’t matter how many boxes are around as long as there is a place for us to sit and have a cuppa. And you know I will happily help you unpack if you want xx
    Sonia, your card is beautiful. I love white and Kraft card together. Enjoy the hot tub xx
    I hope everyone has had a nice day.
    Sleep well all. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hello, heavy showers and very cold wind, it’s supposed to be warming up at the weekend.

    Sonia lovely card, the gold embossing really stands out. Have a lovely holiday.
    Not much else going on, no crafting again I just can’t seem to get myself motivated.
    Good night all, Lilian

  5. Morning everyone
    Well I'm really late today and the reason is that we have had SIL and her husband around all day and when they left I was going to pop in for a coffee but OH wanted to watch a program with me and I simply forgot.
    Very nice card Sonia. When I go to the NEC next time I will see if I can find some good colour craft card, sometimes they seem to come in some funny brown. Have a fabulous time away and enjoy the hot tub 😉
    Km åren, must be feeling a bit weird packing away your office work and it will be a bit funny for a while but you soon be so busy with other things so .... hope you are alright and start to feel better.
    We had lunch today at Frost and went through the food shop afterwards and the prices in there is for people who have won the lottery I think. No idea how they can survive. Have you got an Aldi or Lidl near you as somewhere ?
    How's the girls doing ?
    Enjoy the day with Sue if she comes over.
    I probably be saying the same thing again later just incase you don't see this 🤭😊. I'm going to bed now, have things to do in the morning. Bye for now. Good night everyone. Many hugs to you all, xx
