
Sunday 1 October 2023

Your Freestyle Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,'s done!! I finished all floors at around 9pm last night, I don't think I have ever been so exhausted or in so much pain, by the time I was done I literally couldn't move my legs, I kept stumbling!  Paul still has to go back to finish a bit of the garden but then we can relax.  I couldn't have done it without both Girls, Lucy was a champion removal assistant at the beginning and after she went down with covid and Soph recovered from her tummy problems she stepped in and has been  true champion this last 4 days, despite having Covid, she has masked up and got dien to business!   

I am looking forward to having time now to relax and make our new house our home 🏡 

Your Freestyle Challenge cards 


Maria's Description:

Cards for Sunday coming here.
New home card from a set by Honkydory.  
Christmas card. 
 Used a die to cut into the top one and then put it on top the same picture underneath . 
You got the name for this?
Happy birthday card is stamped with flowers, coloured in with water colour pencils. Leftover crystal bits in the middle of the flowers and a ladybird 🐞 from my stash.

3 gorgeous cards Maria, thanks again for suggesting this challenge! 
Now I do know the name for the technique you used on your Christmas card but it has completely gone from my brain!  It will return I'm sure and I will let you know it works brilliantly for the image you have used.  Thank you for taking part my lovely XXX 


Sonia's Description:

I’ve used a Memory Box die on Kraft card, which has all been inked in white. The snowflakes are from The Stamp Market and the ‘Merry Christmas’ from Reverse Confetti.

Oh Sonia I do love your Kraft card designs,  your snowflakes look like Vintage lace !  An absolutely stunning Christmas card, thank you so much for taking part XXX 


Karen's Description:

I made this during the week Doing bits at at time I’d never sprayed water through a stencil on to an inked piece
They’re all Tracy Evans stamps

OMG Karen, I love this card, your design is so lovely,  the white flower looks so striking against the coloured background, if you zoom in you can see the different layers of detail.  So inspirational!  Thank you so much for taking part XXX 


Janet's Description:

Both cards are from my favourite LABLANCHE and were made quite some time ago.

Beautiful cards Janet, made with beautiful papers, so much incredible detail, I love both designs, I think I have those shrink wrap bottle/ jar covers in the design with the bird on!  ( I haven't used them yet )! 
Thank you so much for sharing your cards with us XXX 


Lilian's Description:

Here is my card for this week, 
An old digi stamp, one of my usual embossing folders. Not very inspiring but have not been feeling up to par since vaccination on Tuesday.
Have a good weekend, Lilian.

Oh Lilian such a beautiful Christmas card, that embossing folder is beautiful and creates the perfect frame for that stunning digi stamped image.
Thank you for taking part XXX 

It's so lovely having such an incredible display of your cards my lovely friends ❤️ 

I hope that you all have a Super Sunday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Thank goodness you are done with the old house Now you don’t have to do anything in a rush You will be able to take your time unpacking ((I’m sure I’ve still got boxes to unpack in the loft after 40years of living here!) You’ll be able to enjoy that beautiful view and not rush to have to be somewhere else
    Covid plus the diabetic issue has wiped me out a bit but I’m getting there We don’t have anything planned for today I hope to do a little bit of crafting later
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Ooh Sorry I totally forgot to say how much I liked seeing everyone’s cards xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love all of your beautiful cards 😍
    Glad you’re finally done at the house. Hope you can have a relaxing day today before you start the unpacking 🥰
    I hope Sophie, Lucy and Becca are all starting to feel better xx
    Karen, hope you’re alright too xx
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Morning everyone.
    Thanks for joining in and make such a lovely lot of cards for today ladies.
    Sonia, love your x-mas card. Need to use Kraft card more often.
    Karen, amazing card. Love the stamps you have used and also the water stamping. Hope you are getting better soon. Hugs
    Janet, love the papers. So pretty cards.
    Lilian, I love your card and that EF is so pretty. Glad you managed to make a card after not feeling too good. Wish you better.
    Some days with the problems we have it is so so hard to muster and get to do any crafting but I do believe that with this group here that our wonderful friend Sandra have put together and not forgetting the Cotswold's Cafe' it makes you get some time, sometimes, to forget the pain you are in.
    Sandra, THANK YOU ! Wishing your girls better soon and hoping that you and Paul don't get any of the illnesses. Have a restful day everyone and hopefully you get to see some of the sunshine that we have outside. I'm going to potter around in the garden and then doing some crystal art while hubby watching the sport this afternoon. Love and many hugs to you all .xxx

  4. Hello All, another sleepless night, pain was so bad, no easing.
    It’s been thick mist and drizzle here all day.

    The cards today are lovely, will try and have a look through Pinterest to find something a little different to spark my interest.

    Sandra glad to hear you have finished with the old house, it’s time to put your feet up and get some rest, before you start on the new house.
    Hope the girls will soon be on the mend, I understand this latest virus takes longer to shake off.
    Karen, do hope you will also be feeling better soon.

    Hope you will have a good evening, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a lovely selection of challenge cards ladies, everyone is a masterpiece. I apologise yet again for not making a card for this weeks challenge, I hope I will manage to make one for next week. XX
    Karen I hope you have sorted out your insulin problems, it must be a constant worry you have to deal with. I must say you seemed to cope very well. 🙏
    Sandra I hope you will now be able to relax and enjoy your new home. It sounds like the girls really rose to the challenge when needed, then to be struck down with Covid - what stars 🌟 they are.
    I’ve had yet another day when I’ve been asleep most of the time, I’m sure it must be down to all the medication I’m on. We have a meaI I sit down and in minutes I’m asleep, it happens after breakfast and then after lunch.
    I hope everyone has had a good weekend, ours has been very quiet but I’m not complaining.
    Have a good week everyone. Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Beautiful cards today. A lovely mix of styles. I hope to join in with the challenge next week.
    Sandra, I’m so glad that you have finally finished the old house. How you managed to do so much is amazing. Your unpacking can wait. You have the kitchen basics unpacked but everything else can wait. The priority for you now is rest, rest and more rest for as long as it takes. We will definitely remind you about paying cleaners if and when you move again! Sending gentle hugs to you and the girls xx
    I had a lovely day with Paige and Penny. We ended up just sitting around the dining table chatting and drawing and colouring all afternoon after playing a few games this morning. Just the easy day I needed.
    Karen, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. You need lots of rest too xx
    Brenda, your body obviously needs the sleep so don’t fight it xx
    Lilian, sorry your back is so painful at the moment xx
    Maria, a great challenge and I hope you can make more cards when you have less pain xx
    Janet, I hope the sale is going as well as possible xx
    Sonia, I hope you stay well and Covid free xx
    I’m nodding off writing this so must hit publish now. Take care. Love Sue xx
