
Tuesday 17 October 2023

New Challenge & AMAZING Retirement card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that today finds you well, this chilly weather seems to have crept up on us out of nowhere, the heating went on last night for a couple hours.

I had a busy day sorting my SU in to Alphabetical order, after about 2 hours I was regretting my decision, I persevered though and got it finished. I am convinced there is another box of stamps somewhere though 🤔 🙄 !!!

Today's I am sharing the most AMAZING retirement card, made for Karen by our very own Lilian, I absolutely love everything about it, it literally couldn't be more perfect, Karen was absolutely blown away by it too 😍🥰.  

Our Next Challenge 

A little later than usual but better late than never!  Karen gave me the idea to set Autumn as the theme for our next Challenge.
Look how beautiful those colours are 🥰😍!
I hope you enjoy the challenge and I can't wait to see what you all create.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,  

I have a scan at noon today,   fingers crossed all is well x

Love and huge hugs to all of you, 



  1. Sandra is right I was blown away Your card is gorgeous and perfect for a crafter
    It has turned exceptionally cold all of a sudden or is it because it changed suddenly and we’re not used to it
    I only thought of autumn as Sandra’s card yesterday fitted the bill and the Craftea group at the library are also doing an autumn challenge! But that’s mainly knitted, crocheted, sewn items for a tree
    I hope the scan goes well today and they find something that is treatable and get rid of this awful situation where you need antibiotics all of the time which obviously affects your liver
    Today I think I am going to sort out my wardrobe and be ruthless at what I keep Half of it doesn’t fit anymore - why do we hang onto things just in case
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Starting with yesterdays card as it is so pretty. I love the colours, they work together so well. A great challenge using autumnal colours too. And todays card for Karen from Lilian is fabulous. Easy to see it will definitely be put in your keepsake treasures box Karen xx
    I have to say that I am so grateful for Sandra introducing me to Nancy Birtwistle and her green cleaning. Not only are the recipes brilliant at cleaning they also smell so good. No nasty bleachey/chemical smells. I am just about to finish reading the first book that Sandra bought me and am looking forward to the second one. Thank you again for them my lovely. They are perfect to dip in to get an answer for a particular cleaning job but also as a full book read too as Nancys way of writing is so easy to read and understand. I also couldn’t believe how far the cleaning products went when I did the pantry, bathrooms and some of the bedrooms upstairs so I had a variety of different cleaning needs and they were all met with a few simple ingredients. Genuine good, easy and CHEAP cleaning products that aren’t adding to the terrible chemicals and plastics nightmare in the world today!
    Sandra, glad you have sorted the oil and logs. It will be interesting to see how they work out price wise. I have been thinking of you and hope that you at last have some answers my lovely xx
    Another busy day so I must get on. I hope you all are warm. Autumn is definitely here isn’t it!
    Take care. Love Sue xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Fabulous card by our Lilian for you Karen.
    Sandra, hope all goes well today and you get some answers.
    Love the autumn colours challenge. Will se if I can find something suitable in my mess.
    It's a nice day here even if cold and very windy so the leaves rustling around on the ground. Covid injection was fine and then we went and got a few vegan cakes for we didn't have any yesterday.
    Hope you have a nice day everyone. Many hugs, Maria xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a fantastic card Lilian made for Karen. Lilian you have put so much detail into this amazing card. Its a real work of art.
    Sandra I hope your scan went well. Do you have to wait for the results?
    Today I went out for lunch with ladies I used to work with, it was lovely seeing them and catching up with their news. The time just flew by and we can always find something else to talk about .
    Hope your day has been good.
    Take care everyone and sleep well, Love Brenda xxx

  5. Late again, very windy here, blowing all my pots about, I have many with hydrangeas in and they are heavy, but the wind just picks them as if they were nothing.

    Glad you liked my card, easy design but a lot of fussy cutting, once I’d worked out the design.

    Sandra glad your scan went well.
    Goodnight all Lilian
