
Wednesday 18 October 2023

Another warm floral card


Good Morning Ladies,  

I hope you are all having a great Wednesday,  we are in for a rough week ahead weather wise as storm 'Babet' giving us a few days of rain, quite a lot of rain in fact, such a shame as Lucy and I were going to go and have lunch in Bourton On The Water, there are lots of lovely places to sit and picnic. It's less than 3 miles from here too! 

The river flows through the whole town. We have driven through quite a few times in the last couple weeks and its really busy, even on weekdays.

Today's card is another one using those beautiful papers that I used on Monday, this time I used  SU corner die to cut detail into the top (white) layer, I also stamped the sentiment on this layer too.  I added a piece of the Dsp to the back of that white layer with the reverse side showing,  it has a delicate pattern to it and of course matches the fussy cut flowers perfectly.  I fussy cut some leaves and added them between the flowers to add some interest. 

I hope that you all manage to stay warm and dry today,  I have extended the dining table to make room for you all to come and help me organise my craft space, I can pop some Scones in to have with our afternoon tea.  😊 

Sending warm hugs to all of you dear sweet friends,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Morning from Marigny
    We have just about recoverd from my two day journey . The house was lovely and warm and food in the fridge.
    Just a little bit more sorting to do .
    Hope the weather doesn't get too bad.
    Hugs to all.xxxx

  2. We have bright sunshine but it is mighty cold
    Today’s card is lovely and I might try something similar with the Clarity Stamp papers I have
    Started a card yesterday afternoon but I don’t like the gold embossed leaves I cut So going to try them in brown today
    Shame you have rain and not be able to go out with Lucy today You are very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra.
    I have not been able to do anything yet for all night have been dreadful after the covid injection. Very hot/ cold, splitting headache and a sore arm. Something i never had before.
    It's raining here today.
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs Maria xxx

  4. Hello, gales again, more wing than rain. Glad we’ve put our heating on.

    Sandra love your card the flowers are such a lovely soft colours. Not seen that die before, ideal for use with those beautiful papers.

    Maria, hope you are feeling better after your covid booster, I was like that with the first one, but have been ok since.

    Hope you are all managing to keep out of storm Babetts way, and staying warm. Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. If only we really could all turn up and help you and enjoy some delicious warm scones and a cuppa. Even I can’t make it tomorrow 😢 Another beautiful card today. Those papers are gorgeous aren’t they. I wish I could fussy cut half as well as you my lovely. What a shame you didn’t get to eat out with Lucy yesterday. Maybe you can plan it for next week instead. Give you something nice to look forward to xx
    Janet, I’m sure it is a very emotional time for you both but I hope everything goes as well as it can for you xx
    Maria, sorry that you are suffering. Chris always had this type of reaction each time. He isn’t having the booster this year because of the side affects. I’m still undecided as I’ve been really lucky every other year but have heard that this year the booster causes bad side effects for those who haven’t suffered with them before. Hope you feel better very soon xx
    It is so grey, cold and damp isn’t it! Sewing is the job again today. Take care. Love Sue xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely pictures of Bourton on the Water, you bought back some lovely memories of the time we stayed in the area and visited lots of interesting places. I loved every moment.
    Another lovely card today, you are so patient cutting out the flowers and the leaves so beautifully.
    Janet, lovely to see you. I hope all is going well for you and Jim. It must be hard for you both having to say goodbye to your lovely French home, you must have so many lovely memories of your holidays in Marigny.
    Maria, sorry to hear you are suffering after having your Covid booster injection. Fingers crossed - both John and I are having ours tomorrow, just hoping that we don’t get the same reaction.
    Time to get a wiggle on , dinner is almost ready.
    Have a lovely evening ladies.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  7. Hi, just wanted to say R and I had our boosters in late September, no side effects apart from a bit of a sore arm.
