
Monday 16 October 2023

Darker pinks for Autumn


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Where did that weekend go??? We had a very busy one, shopping, tip run and back home in time for our first big log delivery,  they top the load out the back of their truck onto the driveway, luckily Matt & Alex came over, so Matt helped Paul stack all the logs in the dry ready for us to use on the log burner, I also ordered Oil for the heating and water,  that was an eye water £780, Paul did say that we were paying over £200 a month for Gas alone so it should work out cheaper,  we will have to see how long 1000 litres lasts.  

Paul cut the grass and trimmed two hedges while the sun was shining, I was busy making up cleaning baskets for the girls bathrooms,  we are totally addicted to Nancy Birtwhistle's Green Cleaning,  it was all I used to clean Manor Lodge, there are two solutions 'Pure Magic'  which is Citric Acid dissolved in hot water,  then you add Eco washing up liquid and some Essential Oil, it gets limescale and soap scum off of anything and as a spot treatment for laundry stains its a miracle worker! The other solutions is All purpose or Kitchen & Bathroom cleaner,  for this you mix Vinegar,  Isopropyl,  water and Essentials Oil, its antibacterial, it cleans windows, mirrors, worktops, wash basins, taps, tiles etc like a dream, it breaks down grease and grime like magic!                              Sue was a 100% convert after using them to clean the bathrooms etc upstairs,  in fact I asked her if she would like Nancy's books as a thank you for helping me and she was delighted,  she was going to buy them herself if I hadn't bought them for her.  She is on Instagram 'Nancy Birtwhistle' I think she has a slot on the BBC Breakfast show too. 

These are her books, it's nice to know you aren't using chemicals that damage the environment too. 

Today's card I made back at the beginning of August,  I bought these papers last year, however I thought they were a little bit dark, but looking at them again the combination of the darker links with the dark burgundy colours looks really Autumnal I added pops of silver to add brightness but I think Gold would add a more warm tone. 
At this moment I have no idea what the papers are called but they are retired anyway!!  I fussy cut the flowers and added them to the layered dsp background adding a bow in matching coloured ribbon and a little tag with the sentiment on. 

I hope you have a lovely start to the week, 

Love & hugs to all of you,



  1. Your card is gorgeous Sandra I hope honk you need to set a challenge as Autumn - colours, leaves, acorns etc
    We had a busy weekend too Daughter and family came over for lunch It was lovely to see them
    Having an eye test today the sight in my left eye is especially bad So I think I may have to get new glasses!
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Don’t know where “hope honk” came from Should read “I think you should set a challenge” or words to that effect

  2. Hi everyone
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, but I love the cards from Karen and Lilian 😍
    Lovely card today too, I love the colours 😍
    I will have to look into Nancy’s books - some of the shop bought products don’t work, and costing a fortune really are a waste of money!
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card and I like the colours. You all have been busy Sandra and a lot to think of for the winter. Hope you will have it warm and cosy later on.
    It's Son's birthday today but they are working so it be a Chinese for dinner and a movie at home. He doesn't like going out.
    It's sunny but cold so the heating was on all night, do not like feeling cold.
    Have a nice day everyone, many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello all. Very cold here, heating on, so lovely and warm.

    Sandra love your card, the colours are mellow.
    I think as Karen suggested, autumn colours would be a good theme for the next challenge, if you are going to set one.
    Hope the unpacking is going well, I remember it seems to take so much longer than packing.

    No crafting today, hands a bit stiff.
    Hope it’s warmer where you are, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sounds like you had a busy weekend, hope you will soon see light at the end of the tunnel (of boxes etc.) Great Matt arrived in time to give Paul a hand with stacking the logs. I like the idea of not using chemicals for cleaning, I use white vinegar quite a lot it is great on windows, sometimes I mix a little olive oil with it, used sparingly it brings up woodwork beautifully. I haven’t felt the need to buy spray polish for years. Thank you for showing us the books by Nancy Birtwhistle.
    Love today’s cards and the colours you have used are beautiful, it all coordinates perfectly
    It has been so cold again today, we have had the heating on this afternoon and evening.
    Hope everyone has had a good day, take care and sleep well.
    Love Brenda xxx
