
Sunday 15 October 2023

Karen & Lilian's Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

We had a lovely bright and sunny day yesterday but my goodness I was cold all day, particularly while we were out shopping in the morning, however I didn't warm up when we got home either.  It ended up being a busy day as just after we got back from shopping we had a load of logs delivered for the log burner,  so Paul and Matt were out stacking them in the dry so they stay ready to be used.  We may even light the log burner this weekend. The temperature here is quite the contrast to last weekend. 

Today I am sharing cards from Lilian and Karen, we are still in ' Freestyle ' mode as I haven’t had the mental capacity to set a challenge!


Lilian's Description;

Hi, here is my card for tomorrow, sorry it’s late.
Lavinia stamps for the wreath, hobby art for the cottage.
Will add message when the stickles are dry.

Such a lovely Christmas card Lilian,  I absolutely love the wintery scene you have stamped and coloured,  the holly frames the secen beautifully.
Thank you so much for sharing your card with nys XXX 


Karen's Description:

Here’s a card I made earlier in the week for my cousin’s birthday on Saturday (guess who forgot to take it with me when picking up my aunt!)
A very simple card using Clarity Stamps paper and a Sue W die 

That Clarity paper works so well, I wasn't sure about this style die to start with but it has grown on me over time,  it's very 'American Varsity' i  style, they do make perfect teen or man cards though.       I have no idea how you found time to create a card this week but I am grateful that you did. Thank you so much for sharing XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Your card is beautiful Lilian I must make another start on a few more Christmas cards
    Because my card was so quick and easy I managed hee hee! The longest faffiest was paper piecing the “HAPPY” Now I know I forgot to take it with me but for the life of me I don’t know where it is or if I have since posted it!
    It has turned very cold but it is lovely and bright I am seriously thinking about turning on the central heating!
    We have a very relaxing day today Daughter and son in law (ooh that feels weird!) are coming for lunch but I’ve decided to get takeaway pizza (the wedding breakfast was a full on roast dinner) and I know the grandkids love pizza
    Enjoy your Sunday and take care xx

  2. Hello, sunny but very chilly. Hoping to get the washing dry. Always do my washing (bedding) on Sunday as from 11am till 4pm it’s half price, so do several loads. Still have to do mid week.

    Karen great card, good for men or girls that don’t like fancy frills.

    Have a lovely Sunday all, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Lilian, love your winter scene x-mas card. Hope you are ok, take care.
    Karen, a fun Birthday card. Wonder if you ever find out where it went. Congrats again to Charlotte and her husband .
    I'm not doing to much, trying to stay out of the way mostly for Son and girlfriend to pack up, donate and take to the skip. We had the heating on low all night so they didn't freeze. It was down to +2c.
    Have a nice day everyone. Many hugs to you all xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Great challenge cards this week. Lilian what a lovely card it defiantly ticks all my boxes, it’s bright seasonal and
    delivers the message. Karen now that die didn’t appeal to me when I first saw it, but you have made realise it’s possibilities, think it would work well for ladies in flowery or feminine colours or background. Love it.
    I did send a CC yesterday afternoon but it must have got lost in cyberspace. Maybe I’ll get something to you for the next challenge.🤞
    Did you get to light the log burner yesterday Sandra? It was definitely cold enough to warrant using it. Today I have put pop socks on as my feet were really cold yesterday evening, so far we have resisted turning the heating but if this chilly weather continues we will definitely be turning it on.
    Hope everyone is having a good day, keep warm and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Sandra it really has turned very chilly hasn’t it. Your log burner and the Aga will make it very toasty for you. Sorry I didn’t make a card again this week. I hope to get to it on Tuesday which is the only day I am home this week. Why does everything happen at once? So often the only things on are seeing you, always my highlight and seeing Pop and then various grands at weekends but it is so busy fir the next 10 days and that’s without helping Pop pack! You know just what it’s like don’t you my lovely xx
    Lilian, a gorgeous card, your colouring as always is perfect and makes this stamped scene so atmospheric xx
    Karen, a great card for everyone. Like Sandra and Brenda I wasn’t keen on this style of die but you and others have made me realise how good it is. I’m sure it will turn up either at yours or your cousin will receive it. I’m glad it’s not just me that has no memory of something 🤭 xx
    I hope you all sleep well, and don’t get chilly. Sending hugs. Take care. Love Sue xx
