
Saturday 14 October 2023

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

Hoping today isn't as wet and wild as yesterday!  Mind you we have plenty of jobs to keep us busy! 

What are you all up to this weekend?  Karen, I hope you can have a relaxing day today after the excitement of yesterday.  Sometimes you feel a little low after a big event because you spend so long working hard to make it the perfect day and it's all over in a blink of an eye.  

You can probably guess our plans, more unpacking and reorganising, we are possibly going to let Milo and Bella out in the garden this weekend too, supervised of course in case they wander off, the garden is plenty big enough for them to explore though.  

Paige's Artwork

Sue has shared this gorgeous piece of art that Paige made using string smooshed into Distress Oxides.
Its a similar effect to the ones acheived by paint pouring.  But this looks a lot less messy! 

Sue's Description:
Paige made this gorgeous piece by squishing string into 3 DOxides with a couple of sprays of water added. Then she payed the string on the watercolour card put another piece on top and pressed really hard on it with one hand and pulled the string out with the other hand. This was her second attempt and she was so happy with it. She gave it to me so I’m going to frame it as I love it so much xx

Thank you so much for sharing Paiges artwork Sue its amazing,  I bet you both hadva lovely surprise when you lifted up the paper. 😍🥰
Paige you definitely need to make some more! XXX 

Diecutting Essentials Issue 108

Another Christmas issue, the free gift is a Crafters Companion die, it's quite a nice die, there are also some free Coordinating Papers and toppers to Download.

As always the first feature is inspiration for the free gift, Sarah has made some lovely Christmas cards using the free die, she has also used glitter card and Worn Lipstick & Rustic Wilderness distress ink to enhance the cards.

Technique Showcase:  Using your dies to Emboss.

Cathy has created cards using dies to emboss detail into card, you will also need a Silicone mat and a Sanding block to get the best effect.  It also explains that you get better results with more intricate designs than you do with outline dies.  (Although that seems obvious to me)  Some of the cards are ok but I would definitely say that it has mixed results.

Back to Basics:  Using small Die cuts to create toppers.

Some nice designs made by using up leftover die cut bits, I do have a pot of die cut leftovers mostly if it's from card that I really like, otherwise I bin them.  

Expert Guide:  Using your Dies to create Peep Hole cards.

Marie shares a step by step guide showing how to create a peep hole card, 

Lilly Fletcher shares some more inspiration for using the free die   

Marta shows you how to use your dies to create a fun Kinetic card. Something different to have a go at. 

Finally Amy shares some lovely ideas for Gift wrapping & tags. 

All in all a good Magazine with a useful die.  I received mine last Friday so it must be in the shops now. 


I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sue what a lovely piece of art Paige gave you, the colours she has used really compliment each other. I’m sure it’s going to be a treasured for ever.
    Sandra thank you for the magazine review. I’m still ploughing through mine, I look through it when it first arrives, then keep going back to look at articles that caught my attention. I keep them for a while then every now and again I make a package up and post them on to my sister. Hope you and Paul manage to get some time to relax this weekend, don’t go pushing yourself too hard the boxes will get sorted eventually 😃
    Take care everyone and enjoy your weekend.
    Love Brenda xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Lovely piece of art by Paige. I’m not surprised you’re going to frame it Sue as it’s fabulous and one to treasure 😊
    Thank you for the magazine review, there’s some lovely inspiration in there.
    I hope Milo and Bella enjoy exploring their new surroundings.
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Some lovely cards Sonia and Karen. And a great magazine review today. I am just about to show Paige that her picture is on the blog today. She will be so happy xx
    Sandra I hope you are managing to get more boxes empty. I can’t wait to see your craft desk/room and the pantry when it’s all sorted too. Bella and Milo will love being outside. The garden will keep them busy for a while won’t it xx
    Karen, I hope the wedding went well and the rain held off for some photos xx
    Maria, I’m sure you are having lots of tea and coffee to help with all of the talking you will all be doing 🥰
    The last few days have been a wipe out with migraines so have not been doing anything. Chris took all of the grands and a friend of Phoebes fishing today which they all enjoyed and everyone caught fish except Grandad 🤭 Have a good evening. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hello everyone, colder here today, the Indian summer didn’t last long.
    The art work from Paige today, obviously a budding artist in the making.
    Glad you had a lovely wedding day Karen.
    I’ve managed to make a card for tomorrow, not very inspiring but at least I’ve started.
    Hope you are having a bit of rest in between unpacking Sandra.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  5. We had a fabulous day yesterday Itcall went so well I don’t know what I was worrying about
    Thank you for your lovely comments about my card yesterday
    Paige’s artwork is amazing No wonder you are going to frame it Sue Thank you for the magazine review Not sure I particularly like it
    I hope the cats enjoy their wander Don’t work too hard!
    Take care everyone xx

  6. Hi everyone
    Love Paige's art work, great colours and what a clever idea. Well done.
    Thank you for the magazine review Sandra, I like the die so might get this one.
    Karen, glad it all went well with the wedding and you all had a good time.
    Sue, take care. Did you have the fish for dinner or did they threw them back in ?
    Hope you all have had a nice day and did what you wanted.
    It's been a good but long day here so going to turn in now so I wish you all a good night. The heating had to be put on for the night downstairs for they were cold during the night, a bit earlier then norm but it has gone a lot colder so
    Many hugs to you all xx
