
Wednesday 14 June 2023

Karen's Challenge card


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,

Phew what a scorcher it was yesterday!!   We were out for a few hours getting our hair cut and then poor Lucy had to do a blood test to send in post, she had to fast for 12 hours before it,  it needed to be sent within a 24hour window so thats why we did at in Carterton at the post office,  bless her she couldn't get her fingers to bleed enough to fill the vial, so I suggested we came home and relaxed before trying again as she was getting light headed and nauseous, she hates anything to do with needles bless her.  Anyway she did it and managed to get to a post office nearby and got it on its way,  she has to do them every couple months I believe as she is starting a new medication for her skin. Fingers crossed next time will be easier! 

After a very long and hot afternoon I was too exhausted,  both mentally and physically by the time we got home,  so thankfully our lovely Karen has allowed be to share a card that she made for this Challenge....

Karen's Description:  

The corner dies are John Lockwood and I trimmed down a SueW sentiment and cut it out of Red velvet card.

Such a lovely Christmas card, clean and crisp and perfect ( makes a change to Deep & Crisp and Even) šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚.

All jokes aside this would be a perfect card to batch make,  you could change things up by adding a Happy or Wishes if you wanted to.  That background die is a great 'all-rounder ' !

Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card today Karen, it allowed me time to just be a mum when my girl needed me šŸ˜˜

I hope you all have a great Wednesday (how is it only Wednesday??!)

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra x❤x


  1. morning everyone
    Love your card KAREN. So simple to look at but very inspiring.

    I know I complained last weekabout being cold and no sun but I really must remember 'take care whatyou wish for'.
    Yesterday was really unbearably hot. I went to K&N and really wished I hadn't. We had everything which could be opened and we were only eight present. It was the first time in 17yrs that I didn't get the card we had finished. The heat and I really do not mix these days.

    The change over internet provider went reasonably well. No real problems. It took a little while for the new one to kick in but gave us time to have numerous cups of

    I have to place my Tesco order this morning and then empty my craft bag. After that it will be staying away from the sun/indoors/and blinds closed.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. I hope that next time Lucy has to do a blood test it will be easier for her I’ll message you later with the tips I use for doing a finger prick blood test
    I’m glad you were able to use my card and have a break from making cards on a busy day
    I’m going out this afternoon with a friend So I’m looking forward to the catch up
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card Karen, very versatile šŸ˜ thank you for sharing.
    It’s going to be another hot one, and I’ve got housework to do! šŸ„µ
    I’m off work for two days, so want to get it all done before James comes home tomorrow evening.
    I’m hoping to find time to do some crafting too.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello everyone, another hot day, I’m staying in until later after dinner when I hope it will be cooler.
    Karen love your Christmas card ,not done any yet , maybe an idea for next week.
    Hope you are all coping with the heat. Liliam

  5. H Sandra and all looking in today.
    Karen, what a lovely card. Those corners work so well don’t they with that Christmas pop of red. Thank you for sharing it xx
    Sandra, what a shame Lucy struggled so much to get the blood needed. It’s hard to stay hydrated enough when it’s so hot isn’t it, bless her. I’m sure she was grateful that you were there for her xx
    Janet, it’s hard when our words come back to ”bite us on the b*m” but I hope you are able to stay cooler today xx
    I need three cards so will make at least one work for the challenge. I will get them sorted later on this evening when it’s not so hot and sticky. I’ve been busy repotting plants today and now we need to replace an old one that has got rather tatty so a visit to a garden centre is needed to see what’s available. Sending hugs to you all. Take care, Sue xx

  6. Karen your card is really inspiring I would never have thought to use corner dies this way you really have been thinking outside the box. What a brilliant kick start to your Christmas cards.
    Janet it sounds like yesterday you were really pushed to the limits. I love the hot weather but have been spending a lot of time in the sitting room as it’s north facing and a lot cooler, although I have been getting outside late afternoon.
    I really feel for Lucy having to take her own blood sample, not sure I could do it.
    Take care everyone, try to enjoy the weather, I just love having the windows and the back door open .
    Big Hugs Brenda xxx
