
Thursday 15 June 2023

Another White with a 'Pop' Challenge card

Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

Another very warm day, I do hope that you are all managing to stay cool and comfortable, we are carrying the fan from room to room at the moment.   I also had to switch the Aga off on Tuesday night as it was so unbearably hot in the kitchen, way too hot to stand and cook for anyone. By Wednesday lunchtime we were missing it already, its just so handy having the oven on a the time, for example on a Friday we buy Crusty Rolls from Lidl Bakery, bow usually even at 1 day old crusty rolls can lose their crispy top, so we hold them under the tap for a couple of seconds and put them straight onto the Aga oven shelves, within 5 minutes you have perfectly crispy rolls with the 'fresh baked' centre, that's just one example,  its the same with Scones ir pastries, 5 minutes and they are as they were when freshly baked.  We may put it back on if the heat dies down, we'll see how we manage with the Air Fryer, our Microwave is also a convection oven so we should be ok, the big electric oven in this house is a bit of a dinosaur and not that efficient,  so we try and avoid using that. 

Today's card is another White with a pop of colour challenge card,  I die cut a rectangular frame and placed a beautiful floral background behind it that Sonia gifted me, I believe its a Pink Fresh studios die cut.  I adhered the frame to the background and then used foam pads to stick the framed background to a piece of card, covered with double sided adhesive thst I added Crushed Ice Crystals to, from Anne Marie Designs, just to give a bit of sparkle to the card, I then die cut some flowers and added green leaves to the backs of the flowers and then finished them with tiny yellow glossy dots for that pop of colour.  I placed the finished piece onto a 4 1 1/4  X 5 1/2  inch card base. 

I hope that you all have a lovely Thursday,  its Our Becca's birthday today so I'm not sure what our plans are, Paul is in the office today, I am sure Becca will be working too.

Sending my love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your card 😍 Great minds think alike as I was also going to use that beautiful floral background ☺️ You’re right, it is from Pink Fresh Studios ☺️ I love the addition of the sparkle behind it, it’s beautiful.
    Happy Birthday to Becca, I hope you get chance to celebrate together 🥳 xx
    We’re off to Dorset late afternoon to bring James home. They’re registering Teddy’s birth today and then celebrating Fathers Day.
    It’s going to be another hot one! Hope you’re all managing to stay cool.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Another beautiful inspiring card today, with just a hint of colour in the centre of the flowers and the sparkling background make this card very special, the recipient will be delighted with this card.
    Hope you manage to see Becca today, sending her my very best wishes for a very happy birthday xxx
    How are you feeling my lovely? Is the medication working? And have you been able to get some sleep? Lack of sleep only makes you feel worse when you are already feeling under the weather, please take care of yourself. xxx
    Sonia hope the drive down to Somerset is not to hot and uncomfortable for you. It will be a treat to see Teddy again, enjoy the cuddles with him xx
    Hope all of the blog ladies are safe and well, it’s difficult in the heat to get motivated and do anything, I haven’t set myself any goals recently so anything I do achieve is a bonus!
    Linda and Terry thinking of you both hope all is well with you.xx
    Sending crafty hugs to everyone, take care Love Brenda xxx

    1. WOOPS Sonia I had you going to The wrong county 🤣 😂

  3. Beautiful card SANDRA It reminds me of a few dies by Sue W
    Enjoy your trip Sonia Hope Teddy is doing OK in this heat
    You’re so right Brenda Don’t set goals if we get something done then great but if not we can do it another time when it’s cooler
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hello everyone, just come in from the garden, it’s so lovely out at this time of night, it’s beautifully cool and full of bird song.
    Sandra a really special card, would make a lovely anniversary card, with a different sentiment.
    It’s very hot today, have spent the day watching the tennis from Nottingham.
    Sonia hope your journey went well, and little Teddy is doing well.
    Goodnight all, hope you manage to get some sleep, with it being so warm. Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Hope you all had a good day.
    Sonia, hope you got lots of cuddles with Teddy while you were in Dorset.
    A beautiful card Sandra, love the little flowers and the yellow Pop of colours in the middle.
    Hoping you all can have a all right - ish night. Many hugs 🤗 Maria xx
