
Tuesday 13 June 2023

A White Card with a pop of red


Good Morning Ladies, 

We are forecast wall to wall sunshine today and highs of 28° !!  We are going to the town that we used to live in, where Paul still works, to get our hair cut this afternoon,  I think we might go and have an Icecream after, to help us cool down! 

I hope that you all manage to stay cool, it certainly drains your energy, poor Paul had his patience tested yesterday, first of all as we got back from the Doctors Milo decided it would be nice to bring us a mouse, he hasnt done that for ages, he dropped it in the lounge where it ran under a chair, after trying to catch it for an hour, but gave up and set a humane trap with so peanut butter, he kept going in to see if it had been trapped,  it was in no hurry however!  I think it was 4.30pm when he finally got it to seek refuge in the trap, he then took it to a secluded area and let it go.  About an hour and a half later the girls came home, they were laughing at the upturned furniture and chaos in the lounge, Paul decided he was going to do a 'Spring clean' before putting all the chairs back!!  So he started the vacuum cleaner and we heard Lucy squealing for help!!! Bella had decided that she wasn't going to miss out on the Gift giving, she had caught a shrew and taken it up to Lucy's bedroom, as I am writing this they have been trying to capture it for over an hour with no joy!  I don't know what's gotten into these cats, maybe it's the heat! 

Todays card is a very simple Challenge card, I used my new Gina Kay embossing folder, then die cut the sentiment twice and stacked them together and adhered them to the bottom of my card.  To embellish I used an old Sue Wilson flower die set to cut three tiny flowers out of one of those backgrounds I made with the tissue paper the other day. I placed them where the flowers were on the embossing folder.  I finished the flowers with some tiny irredescent pearls.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Poor Paul! That’s why I couldn’t have a cat - the gift giving would scare me half to death!
    Your card is lovely That embossing folder is gorgeous and would look just as beautiful with or without the flowers
    I hope to go into our local town after work and fetch my wedding ring I somehow managed to break one of the rings (one of three that slot together) I’ve felt quite lost without it
    I started another card yesterday I hope to finish it later
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card, it’s beautiful 😍
    I hope there have been no more ‘gifts’ from the cats today 😬
    Another very hot day and it was stifling at work. I was so glad to get in my car and put the air conditioning on.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    A beautiful card. The pop of those tiny red flowers is perfect. And that ef is wonderful, such a deep and clean emboss. I’m sorry but I did giggle when I saw that both cats decided to bring you and Lucy little live gifts yesterday. I know from experience just how high your voice can go when you see whichever small creature is scurrying around indoors 🤣🤭🥰 I hope you got some cooking ice creams after your haircuts xx
    Karen, I hope you get your ring back. I had to take both my wedding band and engagement ring off when the Arthritis started in my hands causing them to swell. I felt so lost without them. I am so happy that I can wear them again, albeit on my left hand little finger now. Xx
    Sonia, Im not a car air con lover but even I appreciate it when it’s hot like today. I hope you can relax with a cool drink when you get home too xx
    Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely CAS card today with just a tiny bit of colour, it’s very tasteful and pleasing to the eye. Love it xx
    Oh I feel for Paul having to try and catch those critters, I know the cats are just saying thank you with their little gifts but I would prefer they didn’t. He probably felt he had been to gym for a workout afterwards.
    Sandra hope you were all able to get your hair cut and enjoy an ice cream this afternoon.
    Karen hope your wedding ring was ready for collection. I had to have mine made larger some years ago because I had Arthritis in my finger joints, I took both mine and mother-in-laws (she left her jewellery to me) to see which would be best to size up. The jeweller suggested using both rings because as he said what will you do with the other one? Saying It will probably just sit in a draw. So that’s what was done. But now my joints have shrunk and the ring needs resizing again as it keeps falling off my finger!

    Take care everyone, love and hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Nice card Sandra. You are busy with the cats bringing you their gifts 😄 I'm looking after the neighbours cat for a few days and fingers crossed no surprises.
    Hope you all were alright during the day. We went down to meet OH cousin near Kingston, London, long drive and lots of traffic. Very tiring and tomorrow will be a day staying at home and rest.
    Have a good night everyone, many hugs to you all, xx

  6. Hi everyone, gosh it’s hot. Hope it’s a bit cooler where you are.

    Sandra love today’s beautiful card, I had already done mine which is very similar to yours, sorry.

    I’ll say goodnight now as it’s late. Lilian
