
Thursday 23 February 2023

My First Thrinchie

Good Morning Ladies,

Well ladies my Antibiotics are finished,  so now I am going to start taking my Alternative treatment,  I have started some of the supplements already, Cranberry Supplements I have taken for a while, I have started a Probiotic and Garlic & Parsley seed capsules,  I did research into them all including L-argininne and Magnesium and they are all fine with my AF/Flutter infact some of them are helpful to heart conditions.  The only one that had a negative was Evening Primrose oil, which can cause palpitations,  so I will watch out for that,  I get them anyway so we'll see if they increase. 

The Dream Team! 🤞🙏

This is what I am hoping will prevent me from having anymore antibiotics,  the research papers that I read said that this combination worked in preventing Uti's it also reversed the Resistance to antibiotics that all participants had. So fingers crossed, there are lots of other benefits to these too, I am trying to stay positive.  
Now the "alternate Treatment " the GP was talking about was a combination of a drug called 'Hiprex'  which basically changes to formaldehyde & Ammonia in your bladder turning your urine acidic, so that Ecoli bacteria cannot thrive/grow in acidic environment, combined with D-Mannose which is an over the counter supplement that I could add into my combination above.  The Hiprex has some pretty nasty side effects that don't excite me so I'm not keen on taking it, this combination smooth the lining of your bladder and create an environment that's hostile to bacteria which is exactly what the natural combination above do, so I am going to try that first.  I had to buy a new medication dispenser to fit all of these new medications in, otherwise I'd be in a right muddle! 

Now onto my Thrinchie, my first realisation.... working on a small 3x3 inch piece is as daunting as working on an A3 piece!!  You have to scale everything down, finding that balance between not enough and overkill is not as easy as you think when you start out. 
I started by making some backgrounds on Tuesday afternoon using Pixie Powders and Brushos,  this particular piece was a Brusho background. I added a bit of stencilling and some stamping, the main wings feature I created by stamping the wings from Aall&Create #45 onto vellum and embossing with white powder, then fussy cutting 2 times layering together, I added extra detail by stamping butterflies and adding clear embossing powder and another butterfly I stamped and fussy cut, the little dots of Nuvo sparkly are hard to pick up on camera.  I really enjoyed creating it, I need to stop overthinking now and enjoy the process! 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Hi everyone
    I absolutely love your Thrinchie 😍 The background is lovely and the butterfly and details you have added are just right ☺️
    Fingers crossed the new supplements help and you remain antibiotic free 🥰
    Thank you everyone for your kind words yesterday on my card, and the congratulations for Luke xx
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Your Thrinchie is gorgeous I am loving doing them I have about 10 left to do from the FB challenge
    I sincerely hope the new regime helps You’ve had enough bloomin’ UTI’s to last a lifetime
    Out dancing this evening and dentist this afternoon Take care everyone xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Love love your card for today SANDRA. That butterfly is just gorgeous.

    SONIA congrats to LUKE on passing his driving test.

    I managed to talk to one of the Drs at the surgery who was very kind and listened to everything re last week. She sorted out a couple of my meds (their strength) and made me an appointment for two weeks to visit the surgery. I'm still waiting for the hospital to send me one of the tests I need to do at home and another surgery to contact me for the other twenty four hour test I need.

    I hope your new treatment works SANDRA and that at last you have found a successful way of staying infection free. I have everything crossed.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Absolutely love your first little thrinchie . The colours are great and everything is so beautiful with the butterflies.🦋
    Hoping all these new herbal treatments will work for you and no need for any more antibiotics 🤞
    The pressure pump for the shower sprang a leak yesterday afternoon so had to get the plumber out. Turned out we had to turn it off and get a new one but not for a few days = no 🚿 for us 🤭 have to get the drying stand out of the bathroom 😂
    Have a good day everyone. Wrap up warm, it's very cold where we are today. Many hugs to you all, xxx

  5. Hello, dry but very cold. Heavy cloud all day, so grey and depressing.
    Sandra I love your card, very clever the way you have balanced the background with the foreground.
    Hope your new regime does the trick and you remain infection free.
    Janet also hope you get all your tests sorted and you will feel better soon.
    Sending hugs to all , Lilian
