
Friday 24 February 2023

Hello Friday......


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

It's been a really long week, I am literally buzzing that it's Friday, I feel like I've hardly seen Paul this week, then yesterday I was home alone,  Paul didn't get in until after 6pm, he left at 6.30am!   So he was exhausted,  it didn't help that I was awake until around 4.45am, my tinnitus was so loud Wednesday night it drove me crazy, combined with Mr walrus snoring next to me, even Milo snore, when you can't sleep yourself hearing snoring is like torture because you wish you were joining them. I really have to find away to get Paul to go to GP as he definitely has sleep apnea!   Despite my long night I was up and organised by around 10.30am, Paul had emptied dishwasher etc so i only had a few jobs to manage.  Sadly though Sue couldn't make it over, 😪.  So I decided to get in my craft room and get busy to keep those demons from my mind!! 

I decided I was going to sit and get busy making backgrounds for my Thrinchies, so I set up my laptop watched some YouTube videos and dug out my Gelli plate, I followed a Tracy Evans tutorial for ideas for background using Gelli plate, I made about 30 using that,  then I got my oxide sprays out and made a few more, finishing with some 'smooshed' backgrounds and some Distress oxide on gelli plate.  I was still going when Paul came in!

Here are a few of them...

I think there were 60 in total, so not a bad afternoon crafting!  It's not until you stop that you fulky appreciate the mess you have created! 😲😳🤣


Just a reminder that we are carrying last weeks challenge over to next week, I hope that you have all decided what stamp set / Brand eyc you are using ?? I would still like some for this Sunday if you have them ready . 

I hope that you all have a fantastic Friday, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                      xxxxxx


  1. Lack of sleep is not fun I’m going through a patch too!
    Shame Sue couldn’t make it I know you look forward to her visiting
    Your backgrounds look amazing Enjoy turning them into the Thrinchies challenge
    Dentist got cancelled yesterday afternoon So I still have that to look forward to!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. I love your first Thrinchie. You aced it. And I can’t wait to see what you do with those great backgrounds. I am happy to see you were up to making them. I wish I could have made some with you too. I had another bad day, mind was willing but body said no! I hope you managed to get some sleep last night my lovely and that you new treatment works. I’ve got everything crossed for you xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Wow, your backgrounds are fabulous, so many different ones. Can’t wait to see what you make with them 😊
    Shame Sue wasn’t able to make it yesterday 😔
    I hope you’re you’re feeling better today Sue xx
    Karen, fingers crossed you don’t have to wait too long for another dentist appointment xx
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Wow Sandra, your backgrounds look fantastic. Can't wait to see what you make with them. 🙂
    Sorry Sue couldn't come over. 😔
    Sue, wishing you feel a bit better today. Our bodies do try us at times. I'm happy today because I managed to see my injection doctor for a another one so hopefully when we are away for a few days next week from Friday I will be able to walk a bit easier and not in too much pain 🤞
    Karen, hope you don't have to wait too long for a new appointment at the dentist. Have fun going dancing. Janet, hope you and Jim are alright. Take care.
    Lilian, you know where we are if you ever want to talk. Take care. Sonia, have you had a lift by Luke yet? Perhaps you taught him so you know how he's driving is. It felt wierd when Son took me out the very first time, especially around a roundabout 🤭 and we have plenty of them in our city 🙄 but we got back without any problems.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    My goodness you had a very productive day yesterday you had yesterday, you created so many backgrounds I’m sure they will keep you going for a while. Sue sorry you we’re not able to get to Sandra’s yesterday, sometimes we have to listen to what our body is saying even if it’s not what we want to hear. I hope you’re feeling better today.xx
    I hope you were able to get some sleep last night and the snoring wasn’t to bad. I used to poke John in the back when he started snoring so he would roll over, it helped.
    I hope all of you ladies have had a good day, take care, love Brenda xxx
