
Saturday 25 February 2023

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

We have a fun outing this morning as Sophie has asked us to take her into work with her huge Oil Painting, it won't fit in her clio, plus I think she wants us to see it hung up in the restaurant, we get to spend a few hours in the park too which will be lovely,  although its very cold around here today! 

I have donevq review on the 100th Edition of Diecutting Essentials below so lets have a look at what this month has in store.....

Diecutting Essentials 

Issue 100

Magazine Review 

Issue 100 has a lovely free gift courtesy of Chloe Endean of Chloe’s Creative Crafts, you get a lovely butterfly die and three word dies that are a decent size.  The magazine has lots of inspiration too.

Chloe herself takes you through how to make sone of the cards made with the free gifts. As always Chloe’s cards are really pretty and have lots of sparkle.

Technique Showcase: Stepped Back Technique 
This technique shows how to highlight a focal point by creating a 'tunnel effect, by raising the things around it.  So if you have a die cut flower,  you would cut the flower out of the background and raise the background up with foam pads, then drop the coloured flower die cut into the aperture. I have zoomed in on the tutorial to help you.  Its a fun idea and another way to get more use out of your dies.

Back To Basics: sentiment dies

This technique requires sentiment dies with separate background dies ( the double layer ones)

It looks like you are using the background part of the die to cut an aperture and then adding the die cut word into the aperture. Its nice to see a different way to use those dies.

Sandra Rayner has made some lovely projects with the free dies, that Birthday Hanger is a lovely idea.

Nicky has made some lovely projects using both the free dies and the downloadable papers, the cards really do Showcase the free gifts perfectly. 

Skills Booster: Faux Foiling 

Basically this technique gets you using a metallic marker to add gold detailing around your die cuts etc.   A simple idea thats quick and quite effective.

This magazine has some lovely content, as long as you aren't sick of Butterflies!  

I hope you ladies have a lovely Saturday,  

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Enjoy your day at the park I would love to see their faces as she unveils it
    The magazine looks interesting but like you say - are we sick of butterflies
    I have a prescription to collect this morning I wonder if it will all be there and I get the right meds! I might treat myself to a posh coffee from the bakers and just sit and watch the world go by for a little while I love people watching I also need to shorten/lengthen some trousers and we’re off to a 40th birthday party tonight
    Take care everyone Hope you are on the mend Brenda and Janet xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love that quote 😉
    A lovely magazine review, with some great inspiration. I love the free dies by Chloe and her cards showcasing them are beautiful. Yesterday she released a new collection with some more butterflies, they’re lovely but not sure if I’ll purchase anything this time. I really must make use of what I already have ☺️
    I ordered some Distress Oxides yesterday, from In2Craft - they seem to have the best deal at the moment of 4 for £23.99. I only ordered the 4 as they didn’t have a couple of colours I wanted, but I’ll hold on until Newbury in July and hopefully get a deal there 😊
    Enjoy your day at the animal park, it will be a proud moment for you all seeing Sophie’s work hung up 😊
    Karen, enjoy your coffee and the party tonight 😊
    Maria, I’ve not been out with Luke yet in his car since passing. I did take him out a couple of times when he was learning….but I would mostly sit back quietly when he asked and let Mark have that pleasure as I’m quite a nervous driver ☺️ We’ll be doing it all again in the coming months as James is also learning.
    I hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing. Stay warm, it’s getting colder out there!
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    Love the poster Sandra, It’s so true of my craft room I know where everything is (well mostly) even if it does look chaotic!!
    The magazine review is great. I have enjoyed reading mine this week but it wasn’t until you mentioned it - it’s mostly butterflies! I suppose that says I’m not fed up with them yet, Ha Ha.
    I bet you are the proudest parents on the planet today going to see Sophie’s painting being hung. She is such a talented artist. Hope you get lots of pictures of it hanging for everyone to admire. XX
    We are going to daughters any minute now (just waiting for SIL to pick us up) Samuel is home from University just for the weekend, he was 21 this week, so it will be a birthday celebration.
    Hope you are having a good day, love and hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Sadly my room is not yet a organised chaos place but it will one day 😉
    Thanks for the magazine review. I think you can have too many I'm afraid of butterflies but saying that, this one is a bit different so ....and I like this magazine.... 😊
    Spoke to one sister yesterday for over two hours and another one today for three hours and that made me so tired so slept this afternoon away. Going out tomorrow so it won't be no afternoon nap 🤞
    Hope the hanging of Sophie's art work went well today, loved to been a fly to have seen all the faces when it was up.
    Have a good evening and night everyone. Many hugs to you all 🤗 xxx

  5. Hello all, sunny today, but bitterly cold again.

    Poster, my room is chaos but not organised. Every thing is piled up everywhere.

    Hope the picture hanging went well, very talented daughter you have.

    We have had trouble with Rs computer today, it’s rather out of date, he’s using windows 7 which nothing else seems to like.
    I’m not very computer savvy, but I couldn’t find his emails, so will have to get a friend to look at it.
    Hugs to all, Lilian
