
Wednesday 22 February 2023

Sonia's Congrats Card


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies 

It was like a lovely Spring day here yesterday,  Lucy wanted me to go to B&M Bargains with her which made for a fun couple of hours,  we had some lunch out to and got home around 4pm.  I was exhausted when we got back, I did sit and make some backgrounds for my Thrinchies using Pixie Powder and Brushos.   I then helped the girls make a stack of pancakes, which they enjoyed for that tea, they didn't save one for Paul and I though!  Lucy had chosen cooked apple with caramel sauce for her pancakes, we had what was left on a toasted sugar waffle with and Icecream๐Ÿ˜‹! Sophie just likes lemon and sugar!  I'm the same, I like it traditional.  

Sonia has some Super Exciting News to share with everyone... Her Son Luke Passed his Driving Test yesterday !!! ๐Ÿš—๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ

Today's card is the card Sonia made for Luke for passing his test,  it's perfect!! Sonia used her Tracy Hey stamps (which she is using for our Challenge) to create the card.  I love that background Sonia and the border is amazing.  The words are perfect for the occasion and for the age group. 

Thank you so much Sonia for sharing Luke's card and pass our Congratulations on to Luke, to pass with no minors is an incredible achievement too! XXX 

I hope that you all have a great Wednesday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Well done Luke and a beautiful card Sonia, very apt for the occasion
    I’m off to meet a friend E who has just started crochet later this afternoon So it will be great to have a catchup and see her latest makes
    I am struggling to get into my craft room this week Other jobs keep popping up
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Thank you so much for sharing my card, and the congratulations for Luke ๐Ÿ˜€ He was so chuffed, and we are so proud. After his original test a couple of weeks ago was cancelled an hour before, he was certainly feeling the pressure.
    Sounds like you had a lovely time with Lucy yesterday.
    The girls pancakes sound lovely - shame they didn’t save you and Paul some ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ll be making them tonight as we had Chinese takeaway last night to celebrate, and wouldn’t have managed pancakes too. I love lemon and sugar and syrup on mine ๐Ÿฅž๐Ÿ˜‹
    Karen, have a lovely afternoon with your friend. Fingers crossed you get chance to get into your craft room soon xx
    Hope everyone is keeping well and have a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Morning everyone
    Congrats to Luke passing his driving test. The card for him is great ๐Ÿ‘
    Nice to hear Brenda that you managed to get out for a while yesterday, always nice to catch up with friends and so Karen have a nice time today.
    Janet, hope you are alright and got hold of the GP . Take care.
    After being out to town yesterday I feel very tired today but hoping to get some crafting done this afternoon.
    Have a lovely day everyone, many hugs to you

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sonia give Luke my congratulations on passing his driving test. It’s a lovely feeling of freedom when you can actually go out driving on your own isn’t it? Love the congratulations card you made for him I’m sure he’s going to treasure it. XX
    What a lovely treat you had Sandra going out to B & M with Lucy. It’s lovely we get to spend time with all of our family but occasionally that one-to-one is really special isn’t it. The girls pancakes sound great, shame Paul didn’t get any!
    Hope everyone is having a lovely day.
    Take care love and hugs Brenda XXX

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in tonight.
    Sonia, congratulations to Luke and what a great card for him. It is perfect for the men. If it’s ok I will use your idea when I need to xx
    Sandra, lovely that you got to go out with Lucy. So nice to get some one to one time isn’t it. Lucy’s pancake topping sounds lovely but I must say that I’m like Sophie and you with preferring the traditional lemon and sugar on mine. I hope you aren’t feeling too bad today xx
    We all forgot it was Shrove Tuesday last night and have the rest of a fish pie to finish up tonight so it will be the weekend now when we are all here, along with some or all of the grands. Paige loves cooking so she will be making and cooking them apart from the tradition we have of everyone cooking and attempting to flip one each, with as much help as necessary of course. It always causes lots of laughter ๐Ÿคฃ
    Brenda and Karen, great that you got to see friends. Always a boost isn’t it.
    Janet, Lilian and Maria I hope you are all feeling as well as possible xx
    Sonia, I hope you get to spend some time crafting xx
    Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

  6. Hello, sorry it’s late again, I don’t know where the days go.

    Sonia congratulations to Luke on passing his driving test, no mean feat in this day and age. Love the card.

    Sorry not done much again today, just tired all the time.
    Goodnight all hope you all get some sleep, Lilian
