
Wednesday 14 September 2022

Another Bright & Beautiful Birthday card


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,

How are you all today my lovely friends?  What are you all up to?  I know our Janet is getting organised for her trip home, Karen & Sonia I hope you are making the most of your days off!  Lilian,  Brenda,  Sue & Maria sending you love and hoping you are having a good day xx

Today Paul and I are celebrating our 31st Wedding anniversary, as I have said many times, I feel so blessed to be spending my life with my Best Friend.  We are going out for dinner tonight, Lucy is coming too so she doesn't have to sit home alone. 

We had a very long day yesterday,  Becca was an absolute Star,  she had so much fluid drained off of her knee the Doctor was shocked, the poor nurse had to keep going to get more syringes!  He even told her that she was a champ after draining her knee and injected both knee and elbow with steroid.  She was very sore afterwards but we left her ready to get in bed and stay there for 24hrs!! I couldn't have been prouder of her (I would have gladly traded places with her)! I am done with hospitals this week ! 

Today's card is perfect for our Bright & Cheerful challenge,  I absolutely love this card, it features green so always a winner, the green/ yellow layer is beautifully embossed,  the pretty satin finish has lovely die cut that shows off the embossing below.   The sentiment is perfectly matched to the background and this gorgeous Birthday card was made for me by Our Maria XXX 

Sending my love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful birthdaycard SANDRA andinyour fav colour too.

    I hop Becca is feeling more comfortable today. Having needles stuck in knees is bad enough but having to have repeats is horrible. I am sure she will feel the benefit though.

    Well we are half way through our last week and the'to do' list is slowly going down. Not fast enough but come Friday I'm hoping the slate will be empty.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Hi everyone
    A very Happy Anniversary to you and Paul. Enjoy your meal tonight 😊 xx
    A lovely card from Maria. I love the colour combo and the embossing showing through the die cut 😊
    I hope Becca is ok, and she got a good nights sleep, and you too. It must’ve been tiring for you all xx
    Karen, I do hope you’re ok after your day yesterday xx
    Hope everyone is well and have a good day whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Beautiful card from MARIA I hope both you and BECCA are feeling better today
    Yesterday was very upsetting for me and I feel very angry and bitter after a visit to my dad but I won’t bore you with the details I’ll just say it was his choice to leave the family home 50+ years ago not mine!
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Sitting here and looking at the card and thinking ,I have got that die and not remember this was the card I sent you 😄 glad you liked it.
    Hope Rebecca feel better soon and not too sore.
    Good luck Janet with finish off your chores but also enjoy the next few days. Hopefully you have similar weather as us. Sunshine and a autumnal feel in the air.
    Sonia, how did you do with the clearing out ? I need to sort mine out but not really looking forward to the task as I know it will take a whole day. Why do we collecting so many things ?
    Karen, sending you some extra hugs. You know where we are if you need to talk.
    Hoping to see some you on the 25th in Bedford !!
    Hoping to start on a card for my mum but feeling a bit lost in what to make. Saw a card on line I like the look of so will do my best to make a similar one, well fingers crossed.
    Have a nice day all and glad to see you are feeling better Sue, take care. Brenda, thinking of your sister. Hugs for you and John.
    Many hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card from Maria. Maria the colours you have used are very fresh and cheerful, definitely a card to brighten someone’s day. xx
    Love both of yesterday’s cards Sandra. xx
    How is Becca doing? Hope she is coping and not in to much discomfort.
    Hope everyone is safe and well, love Brenda xxx
