
Thursday 15 September 2022

My beautiful birthday card from Michele


Good Morning Ladies,

As you read this I can assure you I will be either in or laying on my bed !! What a week !!

Yesterday started perfectly,  Paul woke me with breakfast in bed, a beautiful card that had me in tears and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, I literally feel so incredibly blessed that I get to spend my life loving and being loved by Paul. ❤ He couldn't hang about though as he had a super busy work day.  

Lucy came down a little bit later and asked me (with that look in her eye ) if I was doing anything!  I told her that I needed to go to shop at some point as Mother Nature had also blessed me with an anniversary gift 🙄!  She said that she would take me but she wanted to pick something up while we were out, I said Ok and got ready.  Paul put my wheelchair in her car because my legs were so bad from Monday & Tuesday.  We set off and so I asked where we were going....... IKEA Mum !!   

Don't get me wrong I love a trip to IKEA, when I have planned it, but I had my wheelchair so I thought it would be fine, I wasn't going to spoil her excitement either!  We got home at 6pm, Paul and I were going out for dinner st 8pm, I just wanted to climb into bed.  

So today I am resting,  not that my body is giving me a choice!! 

Today's beautiful card, is the card that Michele made for my birthday, such beautiful greens and yellows with luxurious hints of gold.  Absolutely gorgeous  thank you so very much Michele XXX

I hope that you all have a fab Thursday  

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxxxx


  1. Lovely card MICHELE is definitely the queen of this shaped card
    I am sorry to hear that your body is misbehaving R&R is definitely the order of the day
    I am waiting on a delivery of some crafting stuff It would be lovely if it arrives and I can “play” this morning We have a bowls match later It’s the last one of the season I can’t believe that apart from Finals Day on Saturday that the season is over
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card from our Michele.
    You take it easy today and rest Sandra. The body do tell you when it had enough. Remember tho if you ever go to our IKEA to pop in for a coffee.
    We are in Dunelm this morning, having a bacon bap before having a look around. From my chair I can see downstairs a huge pile of Teddy throws, thinking of getting a few for when the winter is here and one trying to save on the electricity.
    Karen, have fun playing bowls today.
    Have a nice day today everyone and many hugs are sent to you all 🤗 xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card card from Michele. The fancy fold is fantastic 😊
    Sorry to hear you’re not feeling too good, hope you have a relaxing day today. Despite the aches and pains, and Mother Nature’s gift, I hope you had a lovely meal last night xx
    Karen, hope your craft goodies arrive so you can have a play. Have fun at bowls this afternoon.
    Maria, good thinking about the teddy throws. I was going through my jumpers last night, and although I’ve not worn some for the last couple of years (they’re really thick and warm) I thought I’d best keep them for this year, thinking about the cost of electricity!
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Me again ☺️
      Wasn’t signed into Google!
      Just to let you know, this comment is from me ☺️☺️ Xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I know you couldn’t have wished for a better start to your special day my lovely, apart from Paul not having to go to work of course. Sorry you had your frequent visitor though, why is the timing always just when you least want it!!!! IKEA is tiring no matter what isn’t it. Lovely that you had the day with Lucy. I hope that you are not in quite so much pain now xx
    Karen, you have enjoyed playing bowls haven’t you. Shame your club isn’t the same as ours as they have a surface or surfaces that can be used all year apparently. Nice that you and hubby have a hobby you both enjoy xx
    Maria, those throws are super soft and thick aren’t they xx
    Sonia, good idea to keep some thick woolies xx
    Janet I hope you are enjoying the last few days xx
    Brenda, sending gentle hugs and hoping you haven’t got lots of hospital visits this week xx
    Lilian, how is your back? I hope it’s not as bad as it has been xx
    Another quite day here. Might try and see if I can start a card today. Sending love to you all. Take care xx

  5. Hi, it’s been a lovely sunny day here, hope it’s the same with you.

    Michele what a super card, love the different lines. You must have infinite patience.

    Sandra hope you are feeling better today after your lovely day yesterday.

    Saw another new GP this morning very pleasant young lady, she has put me on a very strict diet, which will be tough but I’ll give it a good try. Also change of tablets again. Went at 11.55 out at 12.50. So she really did read through my notes which the rest just skim through.
    Hope you all have a nice evening, Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Michele love the card you made for Sandra’s birthday
    Maria I can recommend Dunelm throws we have one, they are almost weightless but so warm. Was thinking of getting some for the lounge for the winter to help if we find the heating is to expensive.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Sending love and hugs for everyone, take care and stay safe, love Brenda xxx
