
Tuesday 13 September 2022

A bright & Cheery card (and a oopsy card)


Good Morning Ladies, 

Another busy day today, Lucy is taking Becca to get her elbow and knee drained and injected with steroids, Becca asked if I would go too, to give a bit of Mummy Love, so I couldn't say no!! Now the Nuffield is the hospital that messed my hip up so it holds bad memories for me, but it is also a 'Centre of Excellence' for Rheumatology and they have helped Matt & Becca no end, so I will focus on that. 

It will be lovely to spend the day with two of my girls (while Sophie is shark spotting in Maldives)! 

Today's cards are the result of my little craft session yesterday afternoon,  I used Melon Mambo & Mango Melody ink which I added to the stamp with blending brushes, to give a blended, softer look, I used Granny Apple Green for the leaves.  I die cut the piece with a scalloped rectangle and added ribbon and foam pads and added it to an embossed background. 

Both cards where made in the same way,  however....... the one with the Green Ribbon and 'Just A Note' sentiment may look a little more vibrant!! Because this dingbat decided that the imagw would look even better with a touch of glitter, so I grab my Wink of Stella pen and as soon as I added a tiny drop I could have kicked myself, why would I add a water based glitter pen to water reactive ink ??!!  

Oh well,  I make the mistakes so you don't have to! 😉😘

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Two beautiful cards today. I think the more vibrant one with the glitter is lovely too - if you hadn’t mentioned it was a mistake, I’d never have noticed 😊
    Hope the day goes well for Becca, and the three of you can enjoy some girlie time together. Hope Sophie is having a lovely time too.
    I’ve decided to make use of my days off by starting to clear some cupboards and wardrobes. Not sure how far I’ll get as I know as soon as I start getting everything out, they’ll be Barney sniffing it all out and trying to run off with things 😂 Wish me luck ☺️
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Both cards are so pretty and like Sonia I wouldn’t have noticed that you made a little error. It really doesn’t look like a mistake. Tell Becca I’m thinking of her. Poor girl, life is so unfair isn’t it. I will be thinking of you too my lovely knowing how the NOC has such awful memories for you. Enjoy the rest of the day with Becca and Lucy. I’m sure you would all rather be with Sophie, I know I would. Take care my lovely xx
    Sonia, good luck with the cupboards. You can come and do mine after if you want and there are no pets to cause a distraction here 😁 xx
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love to you all. Take care xx

  3. I love these cards and thank you for the tip of don’t use Wink of Stella on water colour
    I’ve had a long emotional day which has made me feel quite tired but now getting ready for a meal out at the hotel we’re staying in
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hello All, another wet day.
    I think both cards look good, much better than mine.
    Not been doing much today, back has been aching like mad again today.
    Hope you have had a good day, Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Two beautiful cards, love the style and colour.
    Karen, hope you are alright ?
    Good luck with the clearing out with such a lovely helper at hand 🤭
    Hope everything went well for Rebecca and she is okay afterwards.
    Sounds nice to be in the Maldives, found it a bit nippy this afternoon.
    We went to Frost but had to go over to the other one for some toast as they were refurbish their kitchen. Just walking that little bit made me laid up all afternoon. I feel for you Lilian, try to take it easy and rest. Hope you are better soon.
    Many hugs to you all and extra for our missing friends. Xoxo
