
Thursday 22 September 2022

An offset Gatefold Christmas card


Good Thursday Morning Ladies,

Oh what a long week this one feels (even though it was a short one🤣)!   I will be glad when friday afternoon is here!  

We have Bedford Stamperama to look forward to too, Sue is coming too, I can't wait, it seems ages since I did craft shopping, it's so much nicer actually being able to physically hold the craft goodies in your hand, I think that we have all misjudged the size of something before!! 

Maria & Karen have you written a list?? 

Today's card is based on a Gatefold card I saw on Pinterest.  I took a piece of Basic Grey card measuring 5 1/2  x  8 1/2 .  Scored at 3 inch and 7 1/4 inches.  This gives us our 4 1/4  x  5 1/2 inch 'Offset Gatefold base card.  I used Peaceful Place DSP, which I cut down to 1/4 inch smaller than the base card.   For the inside I used a Tree stamp to give the inside a similar look.  I stamped the sentiment on the front of the card and the sentiment in Basic Grey ink.  To finish the card I added some tiny diamantés over both panels on front.

Now despite me burnishing the creases and folds several times the card wouldn't stay closed.  So I ended up creating a 'Belly Band ' but I really didn't want to have anything detracting from that pretty paper, so....I painstakingly cut the patterned paper on the belly band to line up perfectly with the card front, so that it isn't obvious from a distance, I finished the belly band off with a silver snowflake. 

I hope you like my card,

Sending my love and hugs to all of you 

Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh SANDRA today's card is so beautiful and so classy.

    Another day of unpacking/sorting out etc and my hairdresser coming lunch time.
    I really have the same feelings returning as I have packing to go away. Everything upside down. Roll on next week when everything is back in it's place and 'normal' returns.
    At least I can join in this week's Challenge as I made Seasonal cards while I was away.

    HUGS on their way to you all.Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Lovely card I really must try different folds more often
    I am really looking forward to Bedford on Sunday I don’t have much in mind It is just being able to physically see items I’m looking forward to seeing you three and Kat We haven’t crafted together in weeks So a lot of catching up to do on the journey
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card again today. I love everything about it 😍
    It will be wonderful for you all going to Stamperama. As you say, there’s nothing better than actually seeing and holding craft goodies before you buy 😊 Ive actually realised that the wedding we’re going to on Saturday is very near to Bedford! We are staying over on Saturday night, and if it was just Mark and I, I’d stop by at the craft show when we left. Oh well, fingers crossed they’ll be another show soon where I can join you.
    Thank you for all your anniversary wishes yesterday. We’re having a lovely time. The weather has been kind to us so far, but I think we’re in for some rain today! Sad, that it’s our last day here though.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra and I thought it must have been so tricky to make the band to fit exactly with the stamping.
    Have no list really, just a few thing I like but they might not have it.
    Going to find out how much the Power Tex session will cost tho, maybe you like to come ? I have also got the tickets for NEC again, hoping the trains are running as they should by then.
    Had a little walk this morning, it was nice to get out for a bit. hoping now to get my mum's card finished and a couple of cc's, fingers crossed it goes to plan....
    Lilian, so sorry your back is so painful. Wish you could get some help. Sending you hugs.
    Lynda, hope Terry has a lovely day. Take care and hugs for you both.
    Brenda, hope you are alright ? hugs for you and John.
    Sue, hope you be fine to come with Sandra and Paul to Bedford. Sonia ,we see you sure at the next one :) have a gorgeous day today.
    Many hugs to you all and have a nice day as possible xxx

  5. Hi, dull day here today, spent most of the morning trying to get our covid booster appointments, none locally, have drive into Truro, there is no nearby parking, so I’m not sure I how I’ll cope with the walk to the pharmacy so hope. My legs hold up.
    Change of subject, Sandra what an ingenious card, very modern colours, and a totally different fold.
    Hope you all have a rest of the day. Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Where has this week gone? And have I really not commented since Monday! Love all of your cards especially todays. Making a belly band is a great way of solving the card staying open problem. You made a perfect job of matching the stamp up. I also love the trees inside the card. That is something I must try and remember to do as I think it finishes off the inside. I’m really looking forward to spending the day with you on Sunday my lovely. As usual I haven’t got a list as such but must see if I need to stock up on anything xx
    Sonia, belated anniversary wishes. It is a lovely photo of you both xx
    Maria and Karen really looking forward to seeing you both on Sunday too xx
    Lilian, sorry your back is still not good . Do you have a blue badge. Or can R drop you off then go and park the car? Your county council issue the badges and you can apply online if you want to. They definitely give you the chance to go out more xx
    Brenda, how to have the family around. Lots of fun and laughter I’m sure xx
    Janet, glad you are both home safe and sound. Where has the time gone though. It seems like you have only been at Marginy for a few days! xx
    We have been busy sort out two of the bedrooms and I haven’t been near my desk. I hope to craft tomorrow though. Sending love to you all. Take care xx
