
Friday 23 September 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well I made it to Friday, what a week, I have certainly missed my office companion this week!  He finishes at lunchtime today ! Hooray!!!  I was going to say that we don't have anything planned BUT we have Bedford Stamperama on Sunday, how could I forget, I am so looking forward to seeing Karen Maria & Sue, I am so excited to get my hands on some craft goodies too!! 

Our Next Challenge 

I decided on Our Next Challenge after looking around my craft room,  I have so many boxes of 'bits' of paper and card, I did cut down on what off cuts I keep as it got to the point I was keeping little strips that in my mind I thought would be perfect for sentiments!! In reality I never reach out for the bit box everytime I stamp a sentiment,  I tend to use the leftover bit of the card or project I'm working on!! 

So I'm guessing atleast some of you have overflowing bit boxes like me, I also have lots of 'PHD's', eithet from card project that I started on and decided to go with something else, or I have a box of backgrounds from experimenting with different techniques.  All in all I have too many boxes of bits that I don't use, so this coming week I am going to use them.  I have shared sone catds above that would work perfectly with just a small strip of paper.   

Karen reminded me that you can use the card off cuts to die cut into.  She had done just that to create her adorable Gnomes for her Challenge cards this week. 

I hope that you all enjoy this challenge and you get to use up some of your 'bits' ! 

I hope that you all have a great weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx


  1. You betcha I have boxes and boxes of bits
    I am fortunate in that I have a drawer for each colour of card and all the bits go in there! I use them to die cut flowers etc and gnomes!
    I am going to St Paul’s Cathedral tomorrow We’ve had the tickets for a few weeks now and Yay! A craft show on Sunday It will be lovely to meet up and just look at stuff!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week, I for one have loads of leftovers even though I did throw some away!
    Friday already, where has the week gone? Had a quick dip in the hot tub first thing and now packing up to go home. Sad to be leaving, but we’ve got the wedding to look forward to tomorrow.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone 👋
    Love your cards Sandra and the last one have the sentiment I am after 😊
    So far no luck in finding it....
    Sonia, have a good journey home. Hope the traffic is not too bad
    Karen, have a nice time at the cathedral .
    Looking forward to Sunday, A crafting fair and meeting up with friends, what better combination could you have ?🥰
    Hoping to get too see you other ladies too one day.
    Swear words to do and then some crafting this afternoon. I didn't get to bed until 5am this morning and was up again at 8am so who knows, maybe a nap happens too 🙄
    Have a nice day today. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx 🤗

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    A very interesting challenge for next week, thank you for all of the inspiration you have given us. I did recognise one of the cards and thought - I made one like that for Paul (SIL Paul) !!!
    Karen sounds like you have a busy weekend.
    Wish I could be joining you all on Sunday but feel I might be pushing myself to much, I will be with you in my thoughts, Enjoy your crafting day
    Sonia hope you have had a safe and uneventful journey home, enjoy the wedding tomorrow.
    Sending hugs and best wishes to our missing friend, hope you are all safe and well.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone, love Brenda xxx

  5. Hello All, another sunny day, but a little chilly.

    Love the inspiration for the next challenge, sorry to say I’ve not done this weeks yet, R is out all day tomorrow so I will definitely get one done tomorrow.

    Oh how I would love to able to go with you all on Sunday, have a lovely day, and enjoy lots of spends.

    Manage to get my blood test booked in for next Tuesday, and then Dr on Thursday, so we will go from there.

    Good evening Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. This week has flown by hasn’t it. I’m s looking forward to seeing you, Karen and Maria on Sunday. Still haven’t got to my desk but must get a list sorted xx
    A great challenge. I have far too many off cuts that I never turn to so hopefully I will use some for the challenge then get rid of the rest.
    Sleep well everyone. Take care xx
