
Wednesday 21 September 2022

2 'Scandi' style Christmas cards


Happy Anniversary 
❤Sonia & Mark ❤

Good Morning Ladies, 

How are you all feeling today?  Janet if you are anything like me you will be feeling the exhaustion of tge journey all week, Paul likes to get the car done straight away,  I left that to him, he did leave the roof box a couple of days though, trouble is if you need the car to go shopping etc you have to empty it first.! 

Sonia, Happy Anniversary, I am so pleased that you got unpacked and into that hot tub on day one, it must be so relaxing for you both,  Mark must be super exhausted promoting the new album as well as working, enjoy every moment my lovely 😍 

Today's card is made with the same stamp set as yesterday's card, they are a free stamp set with the latest edition of Creative Stamping magazine,  I will share it with you on Saturday.   This is one of the cards featured.  It's called 'Scandi ' or Scandinavian style, which is basically red & white cards with simple stamped backgrounds.  

I stamped one card on Cream and one on white, I matted the cream onto gold and white onto silver, imstead of a sentiment I used the mittens as the focul point.  I added the sentiment to the top.  It's hard to tell the difference in the photo though.  I think I prefer more traditional style Christmas cards if I'm honest but these are ok. 

Paul is doing long days in the office this week, my days feel endless,  fingers crossed we'll be back to normal next week, I miss my craft room/office companion. 

I hope that you all have a good Wednesday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    I love both of your cards today, that free stamp set looks great 😊
    Thank you so much for the Anniversary wishes, and sharing our photo - I do love that picture (even if I do say so myself ☺️)
    Sandra, I hope this week goes quickly for you and Paul is back working from home with you next week xx
    Janet, glad you’re home safely and the unpacking doesn’t take too long xx
    Karen, hope work is going well for you xx
    Brenda, sounds like you had a lovely family day on Sunday. I hope you’re keeping well xx
    Maria, I hope you managed to sort out all of your crystals and are enjoying doing your next piece xx
    Lilian, hope you’re back is ok and you’re taking it easy xx
    Sue, hope you’re keeping well and relaxing xx
    Lynda, hope you’re ok xx
    Apologies if I’ve forgotten anyone, I’m thinking of you all and sending hugs xx
    Have a good day everyone xx

  2. Your cards are beautiful and I would consider them quite traditional…. ?
    Happy Anniversary Sonia Sounds like you are celebrating it in style Have fun
    Take care everyone I am shattered My eyes have been quite blurry today So it was a bit of a struggle reading pc screen today

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely Scandinavian style Christmas cards you have made with your free stamps. Love them.
    Hope you will be ok this week with Paul doing extra long days, just try to keep busy and hopefully the time will pass quickly. xx
    Sonia thank you for your good wishes, we had a lovely family day on Sunday. Wishing you and Mark a Happy Anniversary hope you are enjoying your time in Wales. xx
    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    I love these x mas cards Sandra. The red you have used is nice.
    Lovely photo of you Sonia and Mark. Happy anniversary. 💐
    😣 oh the crystals, well I spent hours on to sort some out but they were very static so gave me bit of a headache. the rest are now in a plastic tub to be sorted as I go 😊
    Karen, hope it was just tiredness that made your eyes go blurry and nothing else. Look after yourself.
    Lynda, sending you and Terry hugs. Take care
    Lilian, hope your back and legs are feeling better.
    Brenda, sending you some extra hugs too. How is your sister doing ?
    Michele and Cheryl, hope you both are okay. Love to see you back in the cafe' and see some of your craft you made lately. 😊
    Janet, hope you had a good day but also lots of rest after the long journey back.
    Hope you all had a nice day and will have a good night sleep. Many hugs to you all xx

  5. Hello, lovely sunny day, but chilly tonight.

    Love both of your Christmas cards today , red and gold together always look good.
    Sonia Happy Anniversary, hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday.
    Janet just take it easy for a few days, coming home is always tiring.

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, been feeling rough for a couple of days, back ache is so tiring, feeling wiped out.
    Have a good night all. Lilian
