
Thursday 25 August 2022

Pretty Dsp Challenge card


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

How are you all today?  I do hope that those if you feeling unwell are having a better day, love and hugs on route to you all.  

We had another lovely beach day yesterday,  I actually managed to get in the sea for the first time this holiday, it was heavenly,  we stayed in for a good hour and a half!  I remembered to bring beach shoes this time,  they aren't pretty but they make getting in and out so much easier as your toes aren't hurting on rocks and shells!  We spent the rest of the day on the beach, luckily we packed enough fruit and snacks to last all day. 

Today's card is made using a piece of paper from a free 'sale a bration' collection that goes with the Wonderful World stamp set.  I paired it with some matching card (Rich Razzleberry) and and I used one of the tags from 'Ornate Tags' die set to hold my stamped focal piece. I love how the die has little pieces that hold that centre piece on place.  I added some matching ribbon to give the effect of holding the tag in place and to create the decorative bow at the bottom.  I hope that you like it, I think it looks quite pretty.

I hope that you all have a great Thursday,

Love and hugs to ALL of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA.

    We had a supermarket morning yesterday and so the rest of the day was recovering. Going round in temps of 30plus isn't one of the wonderful outings but necessary and there isn't any home deliveries here.

    Having a restful day today with perhaps short stops at my craft table in the verande.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. We have rain! Hooray!
    Pretty card SANDRA I love the “smokey” pink colours
    As it was so hot and humid, yesterday was a bit of a wash out for me I felt so lethargic
    Have a better day today ladies Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Pretty card Sandra. Glad to hear you had a good day at the beach.
    We got rain too, yay! It's coming down very gentle, hoping it is for a full day so I can get some crafting done.
    Have a nice day everyone whatever you are up to. Many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your card today, the paper is beautiful 😊
    Your beach day sounds lovely and relaxing. I hope you’re having a lovely day today too, whatever you’re doing 😊
    We had torrential rain for a couple of hours this morning, which slowly fizzled out. None of the forecast thunderstorms though. It’s dry now, but very grey.
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a pretty card. I love the papers and that die is lovely, one of those handy ones you turn to time and time again when making floral cards I think. Glad you got to have a good swim/relax in sea the sea my lovely. I know how much you like it. Beach shoes aren’t pretty are they but who cares. Just about everyone wears them now anyway don’t they. I hope you are all having a great day xx
    Karen, I’m glad you are feeling much better now. Enjoy your crafting xx
    Maria, I’m sorry that your steroid jabs aren’t working. You must go back to the doctor for different pain killers xx
    Lilian, thinking of you and hoping your back is a little easier xx
    I am home alone for a couple of hours while Chris takes Chris jnr home. It has been so good having all of the grands staying with us at different times since last Thursday. I am just about wiped out now but love every minute with them all though 🥰 It starting raining last night and hasn’t really stopped so the gardens are getting a good soaking. And so are the last few bits of washing that I forgot to bring in last night! I hope you are all having a good day. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  6. Hi All, we had a little rain that night, but sunny and warm here again now. Very breezy so the washing should dry well.

    Love your pretty card today, lovely papers, and the die cuts makes such a good frame. Glad you managed to get to the beach and have a lovely swim, is the water temperature a bit warm.
    Not feeling up to much today, not sure if it’s the doubling up of the tablets.
    Hope you all have a nice afternoon, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I haven’t left a message for a few days. Let’s just say that I have not been feeling my best. SORRY I missed Matts birthday. Belated 30th Birthday wishes Matt, hope you managed to celebrate in style. XXX
    Love the cards you have made for the blog, your inspiration is brilliant, todays card is so pretty - love the colours you have used.
    SUE take life at a slower pace now grandchildren have returned home. Can’t believe they start back to school next week. Where has the summer holidays gone? It’s OK for us we can live at our own pace but teachers, Mums, Dads and carers it’s back to clock watching.
    Sandra so pleased you managed to get into the sea, it must be a great feeling to be laying down and relaxing letting the water support you. XX
    Karen hope you are feeling a bit better today, I’m sure it’s the after affects of that dodgy sandwich you had. Take care xx
    Maria sorry your knee is still painful, don’t just leave it phone or see your doctor maybe they can offer something else to make life more bearable. xx
    Lillian hope you are alright, yes I’m sure doubling up on the pills will take some time getting used to, just be careful and don’t push yourself to hard. xx
    Janet, hope you and Jim are relaxing and enjoying your lovely holiday home. Just realised it’s cake day tomorrow, I’m drooling already thinking about your mouthwatering description.
    Sonia like you we had rain to start the day, but no thunder (thank goodness) hopefully enough to save some of the plants in the garden.
    Time to get a wiggle on and organise dinner, not that I feel like eating these days, (I blame my medication) Have a good evening everyone. Love Brenda xxx
