
Friday 26 August 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I can hardly believe its Friday already, it literally feels like a couple days ago that I was setting last challenge!  But here we are again, are you areasy for the weekend, are you doing anything nice over the Bank Holiday?  I hope the weather is going to be nice, it makes such a difference.  The weather here is set to be a bit changeable here over the weekend,  we have some thunderstorms forecast but the girls and I all have different weather apps and they all say something different so we will just have to wait and see. 

Our Next Challenge 

Now when I was making cards to cover the blog posts while I was away I didn't think about particular challenges,  so I am making them up around cards that I have made. 

So for this weeks challenge we are going to work with Colour, either shades of one colour or monochrome (one colour plus black, white, green or metallics).   I have added cards to show what I mean.  I really don't mind which way you chose, just do what you enjoy. 🙂🤣😍

I hope that you all have a lovely long weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra x❤️x


  1. Morning everyone
    I'm still trying to make this weeks cc. I sit at the desk, putting the radio on and dreaming away. Picking up a card there and another one comes out, in the end I got loads of stuff out but no card to show for it. Well you know me. We are going out this morning but I will get some crafting done this afternoon......
    Sending many hugs to you all and extras for our friends who are not feeling so good. Have a good day and take care xxx

  2. I like challenges like this it I really need to get my mojo back from wherever it’s travelling!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week, and I love all the inspirational cards 😊 I’ve made one card for this weeks, and started another but not sure if I’ll get round to finishing it!
    I’m working this weekend, but got a work colleagues 60th party tomorrow night, so I’m looking forward to that 😊
    Hope the weather stays fine for you all and have a lovely weekend.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great inspiration for the next challenge Sandra, thank you. I love all of the beautiful cards you have showcased to inspire everyone, thank you xxx
    Had to go for an echocardiogram this morning, so waiting for an appointment with the consultant for results, I have felt exhausted this afternoon, silly really because I haven’t done anything.
    Had a PET scan last week and should get the results when I go for my clinic appointment on Wednesday. It just seems I’m attending different hospitals every week.
    Hope all of you ladies who are not feeling to good get some relief soon, sending caring hugs.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
