
Saturday 27 August 2022

Mixed up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

What do you all have planned this Bank Holiday weekend?  We will be doing pretty much the same aa most days, chilling out on the beach or by the pool.  My legs were pretty bad yesterday so we had a pool day, It's a combination of having to walk across the sand and sitting on the sand all day, I will say that the extra pain is definitely outweighed by being able to get in the sea.  The pool will get better as more people leave, there were days last year that Paul and I had the pool to ourselves, which was lovely.   We will go out to eat tomorrow and go and have a wander around Pals old town, the girls have some shopping to do for their friends too. 

The photo above is one I took on the evening we went for a wander around the camp site, there is a big lake that they use for rice growing and it is part of a Nature Reserve,  I just happened to snap this photo quickly as we were being attacked by Mosquitos,  we were laughing so hard as we were all panicked and how many there were,  it reminded the girls of a time years ago when Paul took them on an adventure,  he was in our little boat with them they were recording on a little flip camera we had back then,  all you could hear at one point was the manic sound of flip flops wacking mosquitos and laughter!  They still giggle about it today.  We have some lovely memories of our holidays here. The girls have made it quite clear that they don't want this to be our last one, in fact they talk of bringing their families here! 🙄


Maria has been busy creating some more of her Beautiful Crystal Art paintings. These two  pieces are absolutely stunning, I love how both of the pieces are designed to give off a glow which is highlighted even more by the sparkle from the crystals.  My opinions of these Crystal paintings has really changed since you started them Maria, I had seen a few with really big crystals and they didn't come anywhere near the standard of yours.  Our Lovely blue tit Christmas card was noticed by everyone last Christmas and we now have it in a frame to bring out every year.  Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful paintings with us XXX 


Karen's Description:

Here are my latest crochet makes They’re supposed to be a lady and man wearing our bowls club attire I purposely tried not to make them look like anyone in particular.

Karen's Crochet talents show no limits, these two lovelies are kitted out in Karen's Bowls Team kit, your attention to detail is incredible Karen, the perfect stripe down the shirt and around the sleeves finishes the pieces perfectly, I think that you will end up making a lot more of these once everyone sees them!!  Thank you so much for sharing them with us Karen XXX 

I hope that you all have a lovely Saturday, 

Love and hugs to all, 

Sandra                                                                      xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    MARIA and KAREN your works of ART are absolutely wonderful. I can see so much time going into such beautiful pieces.

    We had our Friday market day in Corbigny. It was 'back to normal' as most of the holiday people had left and so the market is a little smaller but it's just the locals so so much better for 'people' watching while having coffee outside in the street.
    We visited our cake shop -of course- and so here are this week's cakes.

    Jim decided he would have a 'MONTE CHRISTO'
    this was circular in shape -like a basket but no handle'. Made of sponge with an Almond liquor added.
    The filling was Almond pate and topped with thin slices of Almonds.
    His comment was 'that was rather nice. In fact more than that'.

    I had a small oblong cake with the name 'ROYAL'
    This was made with a cracked Marzipan bottom.
    On top was a thin layer of Dark Choc Mousse
    The next layer was a delicious thick Milk Choc Mousse.
    Topped with a Dark Choc glaze.
    This glaze was decorated with a Small Macaron/tiny beads of Dark/White choc and finally a tiny piece of Dark Choc shaped like the moon.

    Absolutely gorgeous but definitely not one to eat on a regular basis.
    See you all next Friday for our market shopping.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Your photograph is beautiful I think it’s lovely that the girls want to carry on with the family holidays
    Your cakes certainly sounded mouth-wateringly delicious JANET
    I’m a bit like SANDRA when it comes to crystal art Yours are beautiful MARIA
    I hope the bowls club like my “makes” I am donating them to the club to do whatever they like with them I enjoyed making them but they were a bit fiddly TOFT do not have an angel policy which is a little bit of a shame But if anyone will want one they can buy the yarn and donate to me
    We have an inter club competition this afternoon
    Tomorrow we are looking after the boys So a quick whizz around moving stuff out of harm’s reach this morning!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your crocheted people Karen, the bowls club will love them. Janet, your Friday cakes sound so good. Can't be easy to choose just the one.
    Thanks for liking my CA's. it's so relaxing to make them.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone. Nice that the girls want to continue the tradition of going to Spain.
    Many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    That’s a lovely photo, and looks a beautiful area to wander around, despite the mosquitoes!
    Maria, your crystal art pictures are so beautiful 😍
    Karen, I love your crochet people. I thought perhaps it was you and your other half 😊 Good luck with the competition this afternoon.
    Janet, another couple of delicious cakes. So lovely to have a treat to look forward to when you go shopping 😊
    I’m off out to a party tonight, looking forward to letting my hair down but I’m working tomorrow, so won’t be overdoing it 😉
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
