
Wednesday 24 August 2022

An Autumnal card


Good Morning Ladies, 

It doesn't seem possible that we have been here a week already, the girls only have 6 days left!   

Monday was a pool day as it was a bit breezy, Tuesday started off as a beach day as the weather was glorious, although my feet haven't even gotten wet yet!! 

Today has to a good day as it's Matt's 30th Birthday, gosh that makes me feel old, It felt bad enough when I had no children at primary school,  then none at school at all, but this hits different!! We are hoping he has an amazing day in a field somewhere at Dorset Steam Fair !! 

Todays card is one I made using the free papers in the last IndigoBlu Magazine Box kit,  I think thst this card looks quite Autumnal with the oranges and dark reds. I used one of the cards in the magazine as inspiration.  The sentiment is very true! 

I hope that you all have a wonderful Wednesday,

Love and hugs to you all, 

Sandra xxxxxxx 


  1. Terrific card SANDRA and I love that sentiment I forget to even look at the free papers from magazines! Whilst rummaging I found a CD-ROM of Christmas background papers So I must take a look at those!
    I feel so so much better today I hope to craft later and there’s some crochet I must finish
    Have a lovely day everyone and hope all pain is going away

  2. Hello everyone, very hot and muggy here today. We have just had a heavy shower, but not enough for the garden.
    Very different card today, it looks like a lot of work, I’m not much good at that kind of card, yours is brilliant.

    All Dr did yesterday was to up my water tablets again, another blood in a weeks time , so let’s hope it helps. Trainee again, very young, but also very keen. Have a good afternoon, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card Sandra. Thought I recognised it for I have that magazine and used the little die on last weeks cc .
    Happy Birthday to Matthew.😊 Christian was 30 last year but I still feel like 28 😉 just the body that lets me down 😒
    Very muggy day but I got the washing on the line. The rain seem to go around us but we might get some tonight. Had a brekkie at Frost this morning. Only a bagel and coffee. It was around 30 women and OH was the only man outside for a while , it was hilarious for he was like in a hen house 😂
    Trying to make a wedding card for my stepson and his partner. The ideas are tumbling over eachother as always.🙈
    Glad to hear you feeling better Karen, take care.
    Sonia, I listen to your OH band. They are good, I like them .
    Lilian, hoping you are alright and the legs are getting better and the meds. will help you out. Take it easy.
    Sue, wish your migraines are staying away but the head can be a bit funny in this heat and the bones are hurting. I think my cortisone injections have more or less stopped working but it has not stopped me going for our walks yet 😑😏
    Have a nice day everyone. Enjoy the beach Sandra and do get your feet wet 😃 Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday to Matt 🥳 I hope he has a great day xx
    Love your pretty card today and I love the sentiment 😊
    Thank you Maria, for listening to the band and I’m glad you liked what you heard 😊 Good luck with the wedding card. I’ve got another one to make too for the end of September, but will probably do something similar to the last one.
    Hope you’re all having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
