
Wednesday 3 August 2022

Embossed Acetate Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Well yesterday seemed to go on forever, I was home alone which made it worse, the girls seem to have really messed up their shift pattern, they both try and work the same shifts so that they can car share, but since Lucy changed a day for Sophie's Graduation her shifts haven't gone back to normal, Tuesday is usually a Mum & Lucy day, then Soph is home Wednesday and Thursday,  she will spend Wednesday with Lucy usually and Thursday we sometimes do something together but she is in the middle of a huge Oil Paint Mural for the Wildlife Park Restaurant,  so every spare moment she is trying to get as much dobe so it's finished before holiday .   Paul's home working today and in Office again tomorrow, I am grateful for any days he works from home it's nice having company while I craft.  

I managed 3 and a half cards yesterday,  pausing for clean up after each card, trying to keep the mess to a minimum!  Today's card was my second card of the day, I tried Embossing Acetate for something different,  the first one I tried I had a go at putting texture paste on the reverse of the acetate so that it highlighted the pattern, but I couldn’t get the around the embossed bits clear of paste without dragging the paste out of the embossed bits, so I gave up, I might try with a less patterned folder.  The embossing showed up well enough without the paste thankfully!  I attached the Acetate to the card using mini silver brads to avoid any adhesive mess. 
I used a die set that I bought ages ago from Hobbycraft, I used a combination of the two background card colours for the sentiment.  It would work for a Masculine card I think.

Karen the oldest thing was 2019, only because we threw away all the really out of date stuff when we moved in here the year before,  its spices that tend to be older thsn I think, as I don't use all of them very often,  I have about 8 regular herbs ans spices that I use most weeks. XXX 

I hope you all have a lovely Wednesday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. morning Everyone
    Sorry I have been AWOL for the last few days but our internet has been playing up and I tried throughout the day yesterday to publish but nothing would happen. When I get back I must look at another provider and see if that helps.

    Anyway it's getting to the time Jim is asking 'have you got things ready for the car'. So today I have to really get all my crafting ready.

    The CAFE is OPEN -HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe. Fingers crossed publishing is working.xxxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Great card today, love the embossed acetate 😊
    I’ve actually used a strip of acetate on James’ birthday card, not embossed but to add the ‘21’ onto his card. I will be sharing it for this weeks challenge so you will all be able to see it 😊 I used to use acetate quite a lot when I first started card making, but not so much now!
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello everyone , very hot here today. There is some breeze but it’s like being in a tumble dryer.
    Sandra love the card, the acetate certainly adds a new dimension.
    I’ve been sewing a new tote bag today, lots of appliqué, so my hands are feeling rather sore. Hope to get it finished tomorrow.
    Then I can get on with this weeks card done.
    Hope you all have a pleasant evening. Liian

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Love your inspiring man card today Sandra. xxx
    I have never thought of embossing acetate and although I have some have never thought of using it on my cards, something I must look into.
    Janet hope you managed to sort out your crafting goodies ready for your trip to France.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a great card today. And like Breanna I’ve never thought to emboss acetate. I love the look as it is something a bit different for a change. Glad to hear you are managing to get more than one card made. I’m looking forward to seeing Sophie’s sign again. As always her work is absolutely fabulous. I would love to see her bosses face when she shows him. I think he will be speechless. See you tomorrow my lovely xx
    We have had Phoebe here for the day which was lovely. It is always good to see each one on their own but also lovely to have them on their own. Phoebe helped me start sorting and swapping things around on my desk. It is slow progress but once it is finished it will be better I hope.
    It has been very humid here again but there has been quite a strong breeze which dried the washing nice and quick. And the bonus is that there is very little ironing needed 👌
    Lilian, sorry your hands are bad and I hope your back has been less painful today xx
    Sleep well everyone. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  6. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra.Good EF to have.
    Have ordered some new plates and the rubber mat to the cutting machine so might give it a go again for last time it just kept breaking.
    Janet- hope the packing goes well and you soon on your way again to Marigny.
    Sonia -looking forward to see the card. Hope he have a great 21th!
    Karen - hope you are okay ?
    Hope you all had a good day. Not so nice with it being so humid but hopefully we will soon get some rain and it will clear it a bit.
    Have been out all day so no crafting today so tomorrow it will have to be :>)
    Have a good night. Hugs to you all, extras for our missing friends xxx
