
Thursday 4 August 2022

Double Embossed card


Good Thursday Morning Ladies 

We had another humid day yesterday, there was a strong breeze but it didn't make a difference in my craft room though!  Yesterday bought some worrying news,  my blood test results were back, the receptionist called to tell me that the 'Inflammatory Markers in my Liver Function test' were up, the Doctor wanted to speak to me about it,  so I said when can I come in?, her reply I can get you a phone consultation, the earliest is Friday 12th August!  2 days before we go on holiday!! Not great when you suffer Anxiety!!  I explained all of those factors but that is the only available appointment!  I had Hepatic Liver a couple years ago, they thought it was down to the new Beta Blockers that they had me on, I stopped them and after a while it seemed to sort itself out.  This time I'm not on any different medication so I've no idea what it could be, we really don't drink alcohol and we don't have 'processed food'  we cook from scratch.  I am trying not to refer to Dr Google!!  

Today's card I really like, its made using the 'double embossing ' technique. I took a piece of old olive card and ran it through the die cutting machine with the 'Pinewood Planks' embossing folder,  the  I used the smaller 'Greenery ' embossing folder and used the top of the folder on one side of the folder and the bottom pattern detail on the other side, so it gives the effect of leaves and vines trailing down from the top of the card and growing up from the bottom on the other side,   see picture above...

I really love the effect and would never have thought of mixing two folders, the foliage really frames the card,   to decorate the card I fussy cut a flower sprig from some pretty paper and used foam pads to raise it off the background,  all that it needed was the sentiment!  I think the lady that shared the technique was called Tina on Pinterest.  

So Ladies get your embossing folders out and have a play!! 

I hope you all have a great Thursday,  

You are all in my thoughts daily my lovely friends, 

Love and hugs, 

Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    Love love love today's card SANDRA.

    I cannot believe that your surgery doesn't have a telephone appointment before a week tomorrow. Surely they can sort one out for you. I know just how you must be feeling. HUGE HUGS.

    Another day of 'have you got everything ready for the car? for me. Saturday morning cannot come fast enough when we shall be heading south and if we have left anything behind it will be too late to bother.

    The CAFE is OPEN but after today it will be 'on it's Annual Hols'.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Great technique and a beautiful card I would have thought that using a second folder would have “squashed” the first
    I am gutted for you that you cannot get an earlier appointment Your surgery must be really short staffed I feel very blessed that although it is a hassle here we can usually see someone on the same day
    Good luck with the rest of the packing Janet As long as you have the important stuff like passport and paperwork etc anything else you can get in France In other words don’t stress
    I made a couple of cards yesterday for the challenge I must photograph them today
    OH is working today So home alone! Curry night for me!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love today’s card, and a great technique with the embossing folders 😊
    It’s crazy trying to get a doctors appointment here too! I’ve given up with trying to get one for an ongoing problem 😕 I was referred last June (2021) and still haven’t heard anything! Good luck, I hope you can get something sooner xx
    Have a good rest of the day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card, I have never thought of double embossing, as Karen said I would have thought the first embossed part would have got squashed. Must give it a try.
    Janet best of luck with the final packing, if you haven’t packed it by now it’s not that important - well unless it food!
    It’s ridiculous you have to wait so long to see your GP the waiting can’t be helping your anxiety. Wonder how long you would have had to wait if you wanted a face to face appointment!
    Take care everyone and stay safe, Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Love, love the card you made here Sandra. Never thought about to use two different EF on the same card, I would have thought it would squash the first one...
    Janet- like the other say. If you forgotten anything you will find it in France. Passport and paper works are most important. Love to hear what you be up to when you are there.
    Karen- hope your leg is better. Take care.
    Sad to hear that the surgery have not an earlier appointment for you Sandra and Sonia, hopefully you will get some help.
    I'm to a surgery on Saturday morning and will do some window shopping afterwards. OH is at football so hoping to do some crafting. I made a start today, making a mess and then nothing hihihi Brenda- have you seen my mojo with yours ?
    Weather was a bit funny today and I actually felt cold this afternoon but tomorrow I wish for some sunshine for I like the washing to go out.
    I hope you all had a good day as possible and the night will be kind.
    Many hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello All, it’s been very warm today, too hot to go out.

    Sandra great card today, very clever way of using two folders. I will dig some of my folders out and have a go.

    Do hope you will get some answers wen you see your GP tomorrow.

    Still waiting to hear from my surgery, supposed to be seeing him again. Will have to chase them again.
    Good night all , sleep well. Lilian
