
Tuesday 2 August 2022

Another stencilled Card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you well, it took me a while to get going yesterday as I started to reorganise the pantry, OMG,  I wish I hadn't bothered, I was about on my knees by teatime,  then the ladies football was on and so we decided to eat out, phew thank heavens the Ladies won and the others felt like celebrating! I was in no fit state to think about dinner.  I decluttered about 16 jars, old beetroot,  3 jars pickled onions,  Paul had 5 almost empty jars of honey (don't even ask)!  I also dug out some old apple sauce and some other out of date things, the shelves are so deep on one side that everything gets pushed to the back, I just have the tins to sort through and herbs and spices and packet of flavoured rice, couscous etc, then the bread area, I need to summon the strength first!  I have enough Icing sugar and pudding rice to last an eternity! 

Todays card I quite enjoyed making, I used a multi layered stencil by Stampin Up! the colours are So Saffron & Daffodil Delight, the leaves are Pear Pizzazz.  I used a newer Stamp and die set for the sentiment. I added sparkly gems to the flower centres to finish  i quite like how it turned out.

Janet I hope your packing goes ok so that you are ready in plenty of time for the weekend,  are you taking Craft stuff to replenish your stocks? XXX

Sonia Wow you do have a busy August, you will need a holiday in September to recover, I hope that you enjoy all the Celebrations especially James 21st Birthday XXX 

Karen where you just in for the day yesterday?  I hope it isn't permanent,  Paul says he definitely gets more done at home.  XXX

Maria, the photo was on Jo Channon Facebook page, I found it and tagged you last night. I hope you are feeling brighter today.  It sounds like Christian and his girlfriend are getting settled into their new adventure together. Sending hugs XXX 

Brenda, Lilian & Lynda I hope that you are all having a good day, sending love and hugs to all of you XXX 

Sue how's the cough?  I how Gem is on the mend, did you have Grands at weekend?  Looking forward to seeing you later in week XXX

Gina I hope your energy levels are increasing as each day passes,  I hope you manage to get lots of crafting done,  are joining in our Challenge this week? XXX

love and huge hugs to anyone else looking in,

Sandra xxx



  1. Love the card SANDRA These layering stencils are becoming very popular
    Yesterday was a one off - until next summer It was a job that needed to be run on separate computers
    I think that’s why I love my pull out shelves in my larder you can see all of the products so less chance of items “hiding” What’s the oldest you’ve thrown away!
    I’m back at the doctors this afternoon for a nasty leg wound to be redressed and then I hope to start this week’s challenge
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love everything about your pretty card today 😊 The layering stencils look great, I might have to add some to my wish list 😉
    I keep putting big jobs off at home, because I know I’ll get half way through and wish I hadn’t started! I bet you’re glad it’s done though 😊
    I think I will need a holiday after this busy month! Funnily enough I have been looking at the availability of the hot tub lodge in Wales, and it’s available over our anniversary in September ☺️ Watch this space.
    Did you manage to find another stop over hotel for your holiday?
    Karen, hope your leg is ok xx
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra, love the so saffron colour. Thanks for letting me know where the photo was. Healthier eating from now on 😉
    For your pantry, not sure if it would work but you can get some shelving units that you can have in your cupboards and it is in three stages so when you put your things on you can see what's in the back as it is a bit higher up.
    Weather today is fine but a bit humid and the wind keeps the rain away. We popped to Frost this morning after OH had some blood work done and I had picked up some meds. Why is it you can never order them all at the same time. I have asked I don't know how many times to sink it better but no...
    I hope you all have a nice day and you get things done you want to have done today. Hopefully Brenda, Mojo only have a short break and soon be back . Many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today, the multi layered stencils are a great idea and the results are really effective.
    How is the pantry de clutter going? Haven’t got a pantry but items still hid at the back of cupboards hoping they will not be seen. Not one of my favourite jobs!!!
    Hope everyone has had a good day, sending caring hugs to everyone, take care Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Beautiful cards in Sunday and yesterday and todays is gorgeous. I love both the stamps and the colours and your layout is great. A real beauty so whoever gets it will love it. I am always envious when you get something out if your pantry as that is something I have always wanted. Well done on sorting most of it, just keep telling yourself how lovely it is going to be when it is all finished 🥰 Gem is definitely feeling better day by day now, thank goodness xx I have felt bad for the last few days but better now.
    I hope you all manage to get some sleep tonight. It is very humid here at the moment. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  6. Hello All, sorry just noticed it’s late again. It’s been super humid here today . Felt really sorry for my cleaners today.

    Sandra loved your todays card, always nice to see something new.
    Not sure what to do for next week, stencilling I expect, it’s my favourite method at the moment.
    I’ll wish you goodnight, Lilian
