
Monday 1 August 2022

My 1st Challenge card using Stencil


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Welcome August you have arrived a lot faster than we anticipated, July was over in a flash!  I always think that as August finishes it feels like we are on the run down to Christmas, when we get back from holiday the shops have started getting in the Christmas Chocolate etc. We have a lot happening in August so I am guessing it will fly by too.  What do you all have planned for this month?  I cannot believe that Matt turns 30 this month, that makes me feel really old. I have a frustrating job today, the first overnight hotel we have booked has cancelled our room as they had double booked apparently, it was a lovely hotel too, really quirky and individual, we stayed there last year on our way down and back, we had a beautiful suite overlooking the Loire for our wedding anniversary on our way home.  I bet there will be hardly anything left now, we booked weeks ago.

Today's card is one of my makes from last week, I used the stencil that came free with the last Creative Stamping magazine and did a 'Partial Stencil' technique, which is pretty self explanatory, I chose a corner of the stencil and used Broken China Distress ink to add colour brushing the ink up from the corner, it's actually really effective, I think that like a lot of us I had 'fear of the White Space' thinking that a card doesn't look finished unless every bit of card is covered.  This technique works really well at drawing your eye to the point of focus, which in this case is the flower that is also from that same magazine, I used Squeezed Lemonade Distress ink to colour it after I had heat embossed with white powder, just so that the detail shows up. To finish the card I added a sentiment stamped in grey ink so that it wasn't as harsh as black, which would draw your eye away from the flower.                                  I hope you like it and it gives you another way to use your stencils. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning everyone
    A beautiful card Sandra.
    Like you I am not sure about leaving too much white but it looks very classy and clean.
    Hopefully you find an equal pretty place to stay at on your way to Spain. Did you find a good insurance company ? Why do they have to be so expensive !
    I have been up since 5 this morning. Couldn't sleep so feeling like a zombie but hoping to get some crafting done later. Have nothing special to do this month other then meeting up with some of OH family.
    Had a nice, long Skype with Son and hit girlfriend yesterday. He seem happy and have a few things going reg work. Both got covid and feeling a bit rough but are on the mend.
    Have a good day everyone with whatever you are up to. Many hugs to you all, extras for anyone who need some. Maria xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card today, very clean and simple. I’m finding I’m doing more c&s cards now, I used to think I had to fill the whole card, but I love the look with the white space 😊
    How disappointing about your hotel. That’s pretty bad as you booked it so long ago that they’re only just letting you know now! I hope you manage to find somewhere else.
    Got quite a busy month too - Barneys birthday next Sunday, James 21st and brother in law’s wedding on the 20th and a work colleagues 60th party at end of month. Also my twin brothers 25th wedding Anniversary next week, but we’re not seeing them for that!
    So I’ve got lots of cards to make! Got dentist appointment, hair appointment and Barneys groom as well…..this month is going to fly by! Then, as you say it’ll be the run up to Christmas 🙂
    Maria, hope you manage to have a relaxing day, with a little crafting ☺️
    Have a good day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Did I mention I was going into the office today? What a culture shock after a year! The background noise was very annoying (one lady had the most irritating voice!) I much prefer the radio in the background instead! But the job went well
    I agree August has come around very quickly We don’t have anything planned apart from the odd game of bowls and some dancing I hope you can book a hotel OK and that’s very bad that they’ve only just told you Makes you wonder why you’ve missed out and not the other booking I hope you feel better soon MARIA
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love today’s card it’s so beautiful and fresh. I love this style.
    Maria hope you were able to get a nap today after getting up at 5am. Also you managed to get some crafting done. I’m really struggling with crafting, my mojo must have gone on holiday!!!
    Karen it must be strange going back to the office after such a long time and to have people around you once again! I spoke to one of our grandsons earlier he is now back in the office near London Wall, he said it was brilliant having people around him in the office.
    Sonia like you we have a lot of birthdays and anniversary’s at this time, it was daughter and SILs anniversary on the 28th July and on 29th it was same daughters birthday, on 6th August it’s John and SILs birthday and 13 August it our other daughter and SILs anniversary and my sisters birthday. Hope Barney enjoys his birthday and James has a great 21st on the 20th. xx
    Sending hugs to everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda 😊
      Hope you’re ok. Hugs xx
