
Tuesday 19 July 2022

Very Proud Day

Good Morning Ladies, 

Well today's post is mostly a VERY proud Mumma gushing about how proud she is of her daughter!! 

Yesterday was just such an amazing day, not only seeing Sophie receive her Bachelor of Arts First Class with Honours Degree Certificate,  which has overfilled both mine and Paul's hearts with pride. That girl worked so damn hard and put EVERY ounce of her incredible skill into every piece of Coursework,  she has 100% inherited her Dad's trait of only perfection will do !!  Every bit of that effort the tears and exhaustion were so worth it, not only did she acheive her qualification, she absolutely smashed it.  You only have to look at her work to see how incredibly talented she is.  The other oart of the day that filled our hearts was watching Lucy constantly support and uplift Sophie, the bond those two share is just incredible, Lucy was by her side every possible second making sure her experience was the very best it could be.  We honestly couldn't be any prouder. 
My only wish was that Matt and Becca could have been there with us to celebrate Sophie's success and be included in the photos. 

To say we were hot was an understatement, but it was all worth it, we went and had some food afterwards which was around 4 30pm, we then got home and all of us went for a lie down!  What a day.

I have included a couple of cards to inspire you a little,  the first card uses Categories:

Diecutting/Tag/Heat Embossing 

The second card: 

Circles/Diecutting/Heat Embossing. 

I hope that you all manage to stay cool & Comfortable today, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Everyone
    Many many congratulations SOPHIE. Family history was made yesterday and a day which will stay with you all. Your photos are beautiful.

    It's already a roasting day and so another which will see me trying to find somewhere comfortable (not much chance). I have to chase my results of my scan which I had 27.06 as we cannot do anything about going to Marigny until I get them. We were hoping to go this coming week-end.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please drink plenty of water and try to keep cool. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Morning everyone
    Congratulations to Sophie once again. Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing your day with us Sandra.
    Janet- hoping you can get hold of your scans so you soon see Marigny again but yes do take care today and that's to all of you my friends for it is another near +40 c today.
    I am not going to do much today at all. Had an awful night so feeling pretty shattered but hopefully by tomorrow it will be better.
    Take care everyone and try to stay cool. Many hugs xxx

  3. Beautiful photos Beautiful family
    Congratulations Sophie
    Lovely inspiring cards
    I hope you’re all relaxing today
    We are off to Margate this afternoon to go and see Jason Manford No air con in our car! But we’ll have our cool towels and water bottles AND by the time we get there it will be cool enough to sit and have a refreshing beer
    Take care everyone and stay cool xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Glad you all had a wonderful day yesterday, and congratulations to Sophie once again. Your photos are beautiful šŸ˜Š
    Love your cards, very inspirational šŸ˜Š
    Blimey, it was hot at work, even the fan in our office was blowing warm air! When I got in my car to come home it was 42 degrees šŸ„µšŸ„µ so the air con was on full blast!
    Karen, enjoy your afternoon and the Jason Manford show. Hope you manage to keep cool xx
    Stay safe everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Thank you Sandra for sharing the beautiful photos taken at Sophie’s graduation. So many memories were created for you all yesterday, congratulations once again - what a great day you must have all had. XXX
    Love the inspiring cards you are treating us to today.
    Janet hope you have been able to chase up your scan results and you are able to go to Marigny at the weekend šŸ¤žxx
    Lynda thinking of you and Terry and sending gentle hugs to you both xx
    Karen hope your journey to Margate wasn’t to uncomfortable and you enjoy the Jason Manford concert, have a safe journey xx
    Sonia you must have felt like you were melting when you got into your car after work. Hope you have cooled down now. xx
    Take care everyone and stay as safe as you can.
    Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hello All, I’m totally shattered not used to preparing lunch for six people, still almost all gone and loads of tomato ketchup, thanks to Oscar.

    Sandra your photos are a lovely reminder of a very memorable day. Congratulations to Sophie, a day she will never forget. Your cards are lovely. Might have time tomorrow if it’s not too hot to have a go at a card

    Keep cool everyone, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Three beautiful cards for us today. All so different but still using the tic-tac-toe. I hope your not too tired after yesterday. Once again Congratulations to Sophie. Her special bond with Lucy is so strong isn’t it, lovely to see how much they support each other šŸ„° xx
    I haven’t done much today. Like d sad one of you my joints don’t like the very hot weather. I hope you have all managed to stay foolish. There is a fresher breeze at the moment, only 25 degrees at the moment - 12.30am!!!
    Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

    1. Sorry, didn’t spell check before publishing!
