
Monday 18 July 2022

Janet's Mixed Media style Cards


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Well I think we are justified in saying 'phew what a scorcher '!! We are used to these temperatures in Spain but it's somehow more bearable, we did have a nice breeze yesterday that helped but the minute the breeze stopped it was like being inside an oven. Needless to say we did very little, it was an effort just to move about.  I hope you ladies all manage to stay cool and safe today. 

Today's cards are Janet's cards that she made for our Mixed Media challenge. 

Both cards were made from LaBlanche's  Vintage/Autumn Kit, as you can all tell by the quality of the paper and the incredible attention to detail.  I mean that frame looks like an actual picture frame. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to take part in the Challenge Janet XXX 

Right I'm off to a Graduation,  I honestly thought it might be postponed but apparently not, those big pants will only be on for photos!!!! 🤣😂😅

Have a lovely day my lovelies, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning everyone
    Love the two cards from our Janet, especially the first one draws you into the picture. Very nice.
    Could not sleep much so have already gone downstairs and open all the windows and it is actually a nip in the air before the sun comes around.
    Sandra, have a wonderful day !
    Ladies, have a good day. Not sure yet what I will do, card making or start another ca or maybe both, one thing is for certain tho and that is I am not going far from the sofa 😉😊😎 Many hugs to you all 👋

  2. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for showing my cards SANDRA. I really don't know what happened to last week. I was way way behind with everything. Hoping for a better week.One thing is definite I shall not be leaving the house and all the blinds are already closed against the heat.

    Have the best day ever SANDRA. I know it will be difficult -heat and travel don't go together- but you will glow with pride.

    The CAFE is OPEN with cold water in the fridge and ices in the freezer. HUGS are on their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE EXTRA CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Lovely cards Janet I especially like that picture frame one
    The George Ezra concert went better than I thought We were prepared- I can certainly recommend cool towel and a hat! The Park was so well organised too Quite a few Water Stations and loads to get food and drink which made queuing very short
    Finsbury Park is a British Rail station and Underground They cleverly closed some roads and shepherded the crowds 40,000+ quite separately to FP and Manor House The concert finished at 9.30 and we were home by 10.15 It was nice to spend time with OH
    Enjoy the graduation SANDRA Those 2 hours will fly by with a lovely cuppa in a cafe with air con I don’t think I’d even bother with big pants in this heat!
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hi everyone
    I love your cards Janet, they’re beautiful 😍
    Enjoy the day Sandra 😊 I wouldn’t bother with big pants either, it’s way too hot 😉
    Barneys been enjoying his paddling pool in this weather. We’ve a nice shaded spot on the patio where we put it. Mind you, half of the water ends up all over the patio 😂 I might just have to sit with my feet in it today ☺️
    Have a lovely day everyone, stay safe and hydrated.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Lovely cards to start the week Janet xx
    Yesterdays challenge cards were all beautiful.
    Karen, I will be getting the glue gun out to have a play after seeing your lovely card xx
    I hope you are all as cool as possible. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  6. Doh, I forgot to say that I have been thinking of you all today Sandra. I can imagine how proud you and Paul are of Sophie. I hope all went well and you are able to stay somewhere cool xx

  7. Doh, sorry Sandra I forgot to say that I have been thinking of you all on this special day and how proud you are of Sophie. I hope it went well and you were able to stay cool my lovely xx

  8. Hello All, I’m just done in with the heat, tomorrow is supposed to be 5deg cooler tomorrow, do hope so.

    Sandra I’m sure you have had a lovely day, despite the hot weather.
    Have family down this week, the grandchildren have so much to tell us. It’s tiring keeping up with them.
    Janet your cards are delightful. Love those designs.
    Hope you managed to keep cool, Lilian

  9. Janet your cards are really lovely, thank you for sharing xxx
    Sandra I’m sure the degree ceremony went well and both you and Paul were bursting with pride. Congratulations again Sophie xx
    Hope everyone has managed with the heat today, we didn’t do anything that involved moving to much. Think tomorrow will be much the same.
    Take care everyone and stay safe, love Brenda xxx
