
Wednesday 20 July 2022

Tictactoe card 1

Good Morning Ladies, 

Fingers crossed for a cooler day,  I love the sun but mostly when I can dip my feet into the Med to cool off!   I barely acheived anything yesterday,  I think my body was performing under protest even for something as minor as getting dressed !!  I think it was a combination of the after effects of Monday combined with a terrible night pmus the heat. I n
Know that Lilian and Brenda will agree that AF and the heat are not a great combination, Karen must have struggled too, let one menopause symptoms etc etc   i think I will definitely be investing  in one of those 'cool scarves'  the damp Flannel in a freezer bag was helpful especially through the night.  My suffering was nothing compared to those people that lost their homes in the horrific fires yesterday,  it was frightening to see how quickly it spread and it makes you stop and think, especially when you are surrounded by tinder dry fields waiting to be harvested!!  I have often seen cars that toss out a cigarette end still burning and thought I wonder if they consider the damage they could cause, thats all it could take especially when everywhere is so dry.  

Today's card is the only thing I acheived yesterday, I say right beside the fan which was a new challenge,  it was mostly ok, well up until I added pollen to the centre of my Daisy then I regretted my decision,  I had it everywhere,  even found more when i stripped off to shower! Fortunately enough did end up where it needed to be.  The colours O used were Bumblebee and Mossy Meadow, the die and stamp set are called Forever Fern, I love those gold circle ring embellishments,  I have hd them ages but this is the first time using them, I kept picking thrm up and then putting them back.
So the Categories for this card are:
Circle/Diecutting/Favourite colour  (green)

I hope that You are all ok,, 


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a beautiful card, the stamp set is really pretty. I love it. I can just imagine the chaos the fan caused 🤣 xx
    I’m hoping you, Brenda and Lilian are able to have a better day with less AF issues and the rest of you all being able to feel better now it is a bit cooler.
    My plan is to do my challenge card today all being well. Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  2. Hello Sandra and ladies, Really love today’s card, green has to be my all time favourite colour and yellow add that extra wow. I have visions of your pollen covering your card and work area, it must have been a nightmare, but you ended up saving the day and completing this lovely card.
    I hope you are finding life a little more comfortable today, it’s 25 degrees here which is a lot more bearable. Yesterday it was an effort to move and going outside was definitely a no no.
    I hope everyone is coping and staying safe.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    I love your beautiful card today 😍 The gold ring embellishment finishes it off perfectly 😊
    I hope you, Brenda and Lilian are all finding it more bearable today with your AF, and everyone else too. It’s much fresher here with a nice cooling breeze.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love the card Sandra. Love the colours and the extra embellish with the gold ring. Yes fans and open windows are a nightmare when using pollen,glitter etc is'n it .
    Anyone with AF I hope you feel better today. OH have it and it was hard the last two days, thank goodness it is cooler today but that's outside, even with window open in the kitchen it showing +26 c !
    I haven't done any crafting so have put Friday as my day to do the cc for tomorrow I am off to make the Powertex. As you know it was cancelled for me so now it's happening !
    Today it was the scan on my hips. It was fine to be in the box but after to get off the bed my back locked and I've been in agony all day. It now feels better so should be fine for tomorrow but no crafting done.
    I hope you all have had a good day and be able to sleep more soundly tonight. many hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, much cooler here today, thank goodness. Even had a drop of rain this morning.

    Sandra love those stamps and the colour you used. Hoping to do my this card tomorrow.

    The grandchildren go hope tomorrow and much as I love seeing them I’m feeling shattered.

    Hope you manage to keep cool, I have a cardigan on this evening, shows you how much cooler it is. Lilian
