
Thursday 28 July 2022

Shimmer Watercolour Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Thank you for your lovely comments on yesterday's card.  I have had a fun couple of days crafting this week, my craft room is a disaster but that's nothing new!! 

It sounds like some of you had busy days this week,  travel planning and Grandparent duties etc. Karen I bet you were glad when it was bedtime!  Janet there is no better feeling than getting things ticked off of  your 'To Do' List.  I have tried a few times this week to get an earlier appointment for my Blood Test, it hasn't been successful,  so I Friday at 3.30pm it is, the bit that puzzles me is that on previous occasions I have been told that they don't usually take any kind of samples on Friday afternoon as they won't get sent out over the weekend, maybe thats ok with blood tests.  I just want to know that I'll be ok to go on holiday.  

Today's card is from my craft session yesterday,  it is one of FOUR cards that I managed to finish, I was going for five but Becca came over and wanted help finishing and printing off some Tickets to an 80' Disco she has organised to raise money for her Skydive, that's right I did say Skydive!!! My most accident prone daughter is going to jump out of an Airplane!  She wanted Neon Tickets, luckily I had a few of the Lidl Card packs and they worked great after I cut them down to A4 to fit through printer. She went happy which is the main thing. 

So for this card I stamped the Passion Flowers onto Pink Frog card, I cut masks for the flowers and added the leaves behind the flowers, I added White Embossing powder and heat set, I then spritzed over the embossed areas and added some Shimmery Watercolour paints, I bought then for half price a couple weeks ago, I just added some purple to the flowers and green around the leaves, I spritzed a bit more water over the painted areas to get the paint moving a bit more.  While that area was drying I added some splatters if the same colour around the rest of the card.  To finish the card I stamped the sentiment in matching ink  mounted onto a matching mat then onto a C6 card base, I then added a few iridescent sparkles.  The shimmer fron these paints is incredible, I was realit impressed, I tried to capture the shimmer in that second photo.  

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Another pretty summery card, the shimmer paints add a lovely effect don’t they. Glad you got four cards done. Well done to Becca for doing the jump fund raising. I’m sure she will be fine as the training is really thorough. But as Mum it is only natural to worry anyway isn’t it. After worrying for weeks before Chris did his I told RJ to keep his date a secret from me until he had landed which was a little easier. Maybe your blood can be tested at the surgery or have the hospitals got so busy that they test for much longer hours so it doesn’t matter when you have them done? My fingers are crossed firmly for you my lovely. See you later xx
    Janet I forgot to say I’m glad to hear your test results were all good so now you can look forward to getting away worry free xx
    Karen, I hope you are not too tired. I bet all three of you are having a great time xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Another beautiful card today, and I love the sentiment 😊
    Becca is so brave doing a skydive, when’s the big day? I don’t think I could ever do one, they’d literally have to push me out of the plane! 😂
    Karen, thinking of you and your family today and sending extra hugs xx
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies, sorry I didn’t leave a comment yesterday, just another one of those days! Sandra I love yesterday’s card it’s just beautiful and so is today’s, you really are giving us brilliant inspiration, thank you. xx
    Gosh Becca is brave - no way would I ever consider doing Skydiving, I freaked out year’s ago when our eldest went up in a hot air balloon.
    Hope you get your blood test tomorrow. At our surgery you have to have samples taken or delivered to the surgery before 12 noon they are then collected and taken to the laboratory.
    On Monday last I wanted a GP appointment, you ring at 8am and eventually a receptionist answers, but not this time one of the Doctors answered, I told him my problem and he gave me an appointment for 10am couldn’t believe it…… what a result!
    Karen hope you had a lovely day with Oscar, I’m sure what ever you did he would have enjoyed it.
    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  4. Hello, it’s been a nice day here, not too hot.

    Sandra another lovely card, I must try and get mine done, had a look for the stamps that I wanted to use, but couldn’t find them , hope I haven’t given them away.

    Terrible back ache again today, cannot , get the dr to have a look, he’s really not interested.

    Feeling very down now all my visitors have gone, had my cut th evening, a bit too short, but at least it will las a while.
    Hope you are all OK Lilian

    1. So sorry to hear that your back is hurting so much still. Could you go private to be seen by someone ? not nice when they not listening and give you the help you need. Gentle hugs xx

  5. Hi everyone.
    A gorgeous card Sandra. You are steaming ahead with your cards I hear, well done. 😃
    I'm still trying to make one for this week, I'm nearly done 😉
    Great of Rebecca for doing a skydive. I have wanted to do one for years but not yet made it. Story of my life 😏
    Hope you all had a nice day. Sending hugs to you all xx
