
Wednesday 27 July 2022

Another 'New' Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Happy 'Hump' day !! I hope that you are all well, hugs on route to those feeling delicate 😘.

Janet I'm so pleased to read that you are starting to get organised for your summer break at Marigny, atleast you can go with a worry free mind, Fingers crossed your Ferry crossing is smooth and problem free, I would love it if you could let me know if the problems around passport stamping have eased.  I bet you cannot wait to get there and put your feet up.  My mouth is watering just thinking about the fresh baked bread and those yummy cakes XXX

Today's card I made yesterday afternoon,  I used the free stamp set that came with the latest copy of Creative Stamping Magazine,  its the one I featured on Saturday,  the stamps are by Christina Griffiths, I followed the instructions for one of the cards featured in the magazine, it was involved as far as techniques go, stamping, masking, stencilling,  more masking, shadowing,  Watercolouring, the part that took me the longest was choosing the colours.  I used Spun Sugar Distress ink for stencilling,  then Picked Raspberry (i blended a lot of it on on scrap paper first)  for the flowers I used Rich Razzleberry and Polished Pink blended with waterbrush. 
It took my a good couple of hours but most of that was fussy cutting 2 masks for each stamp and deciding what colours to use, i stamped a couple of flowers on a scrap piece of card and tested different colour combinations on them.  The finishing touches were a some of the darkest ink splattered around and some stickles ( which I haven't used for year) in the centres of the flowers.                                I really enjoyed making this card, which is surprising as I was on my own,  I'm not sure if it was the more taxing techniques or because it was something different, I was surprised when Paul walked in, where Normally I'm clock watching.   I think I am going to have to choose some quick and easy cards if I want to build a stash for holiday though, I did manage my goal of 2 cards, both needed masking and fussy cutting and colouring though,  my craft desk was a disaster zone when I had finished!!! 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,  

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Another beautiful card today SANDRA. I love those flowers.

    K&N was a very relaxed afternoon and I managed to get my Challenge card made as it was a 'do it yourself'' card.
    I'm hoping to get one or two jobs ticked off the holiday list today whether that happens?

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in. Tables are outside in the shade.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. I love this card Isn’t it lovely to get “lost” in creating something
    I started creating something yesterday evening I used your trick of putting ideas in a jar and picking one out Hopefully I will finish it today
    We are looking after Oscar today but haven’t planned to go anywhere special We will probably try out a new refurbished park near us
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello All, very heavy cloud, but hopefully no rain, a bit cooler thank goodness.

    Sandra your card is fabulous, love the stencil and the stamps. Unusual colours but they really work well.
    Hoping to find something to use today, found some stamps that I haven’t used , just have to think of ways to use it.

    Hope you all have a pleasant day. Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card, love the flowers 😊
    Not doing much this afternoon as work has been really busy the last couple of days, so just relaxing! Roll on the weekend.
    Hope you’re all having a good day.
    Hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Love this card Sandra and in gorgeous colours too. 😃
    Glad you got out a bit Brenda but do take care. Hope your feeling okay after the meal. How did puppy and Tortoise get along ? 😊
    Janet, looking forward to see your cards on Sunday. Your cards are always beautiful made with the pretty papers.
    Karen, I'm sure you found something to do together with Oscar. Did you go to the park ? During the summer holidays here so many teenagers takes over, graffiti drawing and damages. Very sad to see .
    Sonia, hope you can put your feet up for a bit when you get home from work. Do you share the cooking or is that you ?
    I hope you all had a good day and managed to do what you had planned today.
    Me not at all because as always being out all day yesterday I didn't function at all today so slept the day away. Very annoyed with myself but just can't get myself doing anything 😩 hoping for a good night so I can do something tomorrow 😒
    Many hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A lovely card today with that beautiful flower stamp. I’m glad that making helped the time pass quickly too my lovely xx
    Brenda, what dog does your granddaughter have? And what did the tortoise think of it? I’m sorry you are still suffering though. I hope it goes away very soon xx
    I haven’t got much done of anything today but hope to see you Sandra tomorrow 😁
    Sending love and hugs. Take care xx
