
Friday 29 July 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I will be totally honest with you all, this isn't the first post I have written for today's blog!! I had almost finished another blog showcasing a card I made yesterday afternoon,  then Paul came in and said something about it being Friday tomorrow, it then dawned on me that I was in fact a day behind, so the card I was going to show has been pushed to next week!  

I then panicked about coming up with a challenge in a few minutes,  Karen came to the rescue once again, Thank you Karen 😘

Our Next Challenge 

If the cards above haven't given it away the challenge this week is........

Make a Card/Journal page/Tag etc using .....

Embossing Folders/Masks/Stencils 

I am looking forward to this challenge very much.

I can't wait to see what you create!! 


Did you watch the Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony?? Very colourful, it was put together by the man that wrote Peaky Blinders,  it included a lot of the history of Birmingham including a giant Mechanical Bull !! There were representatives from Countries and Territories that I have never heard of, it did drag on though! 

I hope that you all have a fantastic Friday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    from yet another very overcast and grey/damp start to our day here.

    I will try my best to get my CC done at the beginning of the week as my head is already spinning the wrong way trying to get things off my list.

    Our Covid Pass came yesterday and they are now valid for six months (running out in January next year).
    I'm hoping toget travel insurance sorted today as well as it being my 'swear' word day.

    The CAFE of course is OPEN and somewhere peaceful away from the rush so pop in when you can.
    HUGS areon their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. I don't envy you that job, Travel Insurance has gotten ridiculous we are paying three or four times what we paid about 5 years ago! I know it has put some older people off of overseas travel, add to that a couple of health conditions and you are talking extortionate amounts!! I'd love to know who you choose. Take it easy on the 'swearing' today xxx

  2. Some fantastic inspiration for next week which I hope you all enjoy It was this week’s challenge that inspired me when I was sifting through items I hadn’t used and came across EF’s and stencils I haven’t used yet
    After 4 fantastic days with Oscar we will definitely be relaxing today! But it was fun We’re out dancing tonight There is a live band playing
    Take care everyone xx

    1. I'm glad this weeks challenge encouraged you to dig out your stencils and EF's. Having a live band to dance too will really lift your spirits Karen, have an amazing time. xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week, and some lovely inspiration 😊
    I’m so glad it’s Friday! I’m now home from work and off until Thursday, yay 😀 It’s been a busy week, but has gone so quickly!
    I can only hope my days off don’t go as quick ☺️
    I shall be doing the bare minimum of housework and plenty of crafting - well that’s the plan anyway 😉
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Nice challenge for next week, will do my best to join in. Lovely
    card to inspire us.
    We are looking into insurances too and you are right with the cost
    that have gone up. I let OH sort it out. With many health conditions between us tho is it not easy.
    We had a lovely morning here but it's now clouded over. Did a little top up shopping in Lidl and I must say, they have the best ever croissants in store. :>)
    Hope you all managed to do with what you planned today and wishes for a nice weekend to you all. Many hugs xxx

  5. Hi All, lovely sunny day here again, not too hot and just a little Breeze.
    Not done much today, feeling under the weather, will try and do this week challenge tomorrow.
    Good idea for next weeks challenge.
    Hope you have a good evening. Lilian
