
Sunday 8 May 2022

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that today finds you well, it was lovely to see the sun yesterday, although there was a chilly breeze and a few clouds just to remind you it isn't quite time to pack your jumpers away!  Paul gave me the oddest look when I said I was cold, mind you he was digging at the time whereas I was sat in my chair.  One thing that gives me great pleasure is just sitting listening to all of the different birds, who knew there were so many different bird calls.  We keep having a huge Hawk visit the garden you know its around before you see it as all of the other birds go crazy.  

Let's have a look at your cards....

Your Challenge Cards 


Maria's Description:

My first card is made with a die I got from our MIchele, can't remember name.
 I cut it out four times to get the bits I needed to make a paper pierced background.
My second one is made with a EF, tumble blocks ? and a few flowers.

Thank you so much Maria for two beautiful cards, I love the colours you have used to paper piece your first card, the sparkles give the card a touch of luxury.
The flowers on your second card are so beautiful,  the colours are lovely too. Thanks again my lovely XXX 


Sonia's Description:

Here is my Journal page for this week's Challenge:

I used a piece of the tissue paper I stamped on a while ago, adding Iced Spruce, Antique Linen and Tattered Rose distress inks. The butterfly is from my stash (sorry can’t remember who it’s by) and the sentiments are from Tracey Hey.

Absolutely incredible piece of art Sonia, I love everything thing about it, the colours all blend so perfectly, the background stamping really grabs your interest, the butterfly is the perfect finishing touch.  Thank you so much for taking part despite feeling unwell, sending gentle hugs XXX


Karen's Description:

Here’s my contribution for this we’d challenge 
A simple inked through an Aall and Create stencil with antique linen DO
Daisy B stamp coloured with chalk and graphite pencils Sentiment is a magazine freebie.

Karen, no word if a lie I thought the gentleman was a Kanban topper, I have some (somewhere) that I got in a Kit many years ago, I hadn't realised you had coloured him, which is amazing, tje sentiment gives a touch of humour to the card which can be hard to achieve on man cards, everything works perfectly together. Thank you so much for taking part XXX 


Lilian's Description:
 Here is my card for this week :
 Kay Carley stamps, Stencil from Lavinia, oxides inks, very simple card, but all I could manage this week.

Wow Lilian, your card is amazing,  I love every element from that lovely stencilled background to those beautiful flowers, your colouring is as always stunning.  Thank you so very much for taking part XXX


Thank you my lovelies, what an amazing display of cards made with hand stamped/stencilled/embossed backgrounds.  They are all incredible! 😍

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday,  fingers crossed the weather is asgood as yesterday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful cards from the background Challenge.
    I tried yesterday afternoonj to comment but after telling you all about our gorgeous cakes - Friday evening- it just would not let me publish.
    Basically Jim had one of his favs a slice of custard tart with black cherries both in the taredt and on top decoration.
    Mine was called 'A PETRONUS' - so I had become a Harry Potter fan. Nine beautiful thin layers of Red Velvet sponge each having a thin layer of Creme Pat on the sponge. The top was the crowning glory - it was the Heraldic Shield of The Petronus made in very thin icing. I do have to say it is a cake not to be eaten often as it's very sweet but you have to try don't you.

    Congratulations to SOPHIA -well deserved
    MARIA beautiful bead work
    Very interesting shopping.
    Have a good week-end. Take care and safe.
    It's a public holliday here today celebrating the end of WW2.xxxx
    It's a holiday here today - celebrating the end of WW

  2. Smashing cards ladies I would have liked to submit more but just ran out of time
    I didn’t compliment your art MARIA It’s beautiful
    Living Crafts was wonderful - my first time! I will share photos of my purchases It was fascinating to watch silk scarf marbling, willow weaving, glass blowing etc Beautiful products to buy Some were very expensive!
    OH is playing bowls later I am really looking forward to watching rather than playing
    Your cakes sound exquisite Janet
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards today, I love them all 😍
    Janet, your cakes sound delicious, what a wonderful treat 😊
    Karen, glad you had a good day at Living Crafts, will look forward to seeing the photos 😊
    Nothing planned for today so will be another quiet one.
    Hope you all have a good day whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely background cards to look at this Sunday. Beautiful works . I thought Karen's look like he came out of Peeky Blinders. Lovely colouring ladies.
    Janet, your cakes sounds sooo good. Hope that you have some sun too today. It is a lovely day here so not doing much else than sitting and reading out on the patio while OH is watching sport on the TV.
    Glad you had a good time Karen. Nice to get out to see these things but usually one never buy much other then some homemade fudge perhaps.
    Have a good day everyone and I hope you feeling better Sonia, take care 🤗 big hug for you all, Maria xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Firstly, 🥳🥳 CONGRATULATIONS SOPHIE 🥳 🥳 I have seen just how much hard work Soph puts into her course work, as she does with everything so it’s good to know it has been recognised by her tutor. You and Paul will rightly be very proud parents at her graduation 👩🏻‍🎓(where did that time go though, feels like she only started last year!)
    Wonderful cards and Marias lovely CA picture that you have shared over the last few days. I completely understand the Pinterest saying. It is so true isn’t it.
    I didn’t end up even sitting at my desk due to lots of appointments for various things, swollen joints , hands in particular and missing Mum so struggling a bit at the moment. I also had a large filling done which went well only to discover yesterday that I had lost another chunk of filling from a tooth on the other side of my mouth!!! I’m lucky again that it isn’t painful though. Just another appointment to attend.
    Sandra I hope you and Paul are having a lovely day out today my lovely xx
    Maria, I’m glad you pushed for your injection. Can you go back to your FP too and push for stronger pain meds? I hope you can as being in constant pain is debilitating isn’t it xx
    Karen, your day yesterday sounds like great fun. I love your card you made too. The colouring in is fabulous. Well done you xx
    Sending love snd hugs to you all. Take care xx

  6. Hello, it’s been a dull and drizzley day here, so no sitting in the garden today.

    All of the cards today are lovely, and so different. Hoping to start this weeks a bit earlier. Been looking at Pinterest for a few ideas.

    Hope you all had a lovely day, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely cards each one is a work of art, you are all so gifted. Janet your cakes sound so delicious, I was drooling just reading your description.
    Sue, really sounds like you are having a tough time. Hope your dentist can sort out your filling. Try thinking of all the good times you and mum enjoyed, it will get easier I promise, but for now I’m sending gentle caring hugs to wrap around you xxx
    Sandra hope you and Paul have had a good day today and the weather was good.
    Take care everyone, Brenda xxx
