
Monday 9 May 2022

A special Monday treat ❤


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I do hope this morning finds you well, did you all have an enjoyable weekend ?  We did a few bits in the garden on Saturday (Paul dug veg plot, I sowed some more seeds, mostly mixed salads, I sowed a purple/red mix, a spicy mix and speedy mix, I think they will all turn out to be the same leaves but we'll see!  The marigolds and sweetcorn I sowed last monday are through already and our French Beans are already well over a foot high, I will sow another lot so that we  have them ripen over a longer period rather tgan all at once!  

So yesterday we decided to have a day out and what a delightful day it was, we went to Tyntesfield house which was 7 miles outside Bristol,  you would never have thought a City was that close though, the house itself is set in Acres of the most incredible woodland/countryside, there were magnificent trees as far as the eye could see.  The house itself with its own Chapel that was more like a small cathedral,  is Victorian Gothic, the family were very religious of Spanish decent.  There must have been hundreds of Oak Trees cut down to create the interior of the house as there was the most intricate carved panelling in every room.  There was so much detail to take in,  Paul went and looked around the upstairs, which sadly for me was the only way in to the chapel, I would loved to have seen the stained glass.

The Manager of the house asked if I would like a 'behind the scenes' tour of the servants hallway with a huge Wall of call bells from every room in the house, it was absolutely fascinating hearing how they worked and how the poor staff were up and down three flights of stairs all day and night, we went past Kitchen and scullery that aren't open to the public so it really felt like a special treat to get to see them.

We went from the house to the Walled Kitchen  Garden and Orangery, which had an amazing didplay of Orange,  lemon  lime &Grapefruit trees. Had a cuppa and picnic in the grounds then went to look around the shops, we were going to buy a plant as that is something we said we would do when we joined the National Trust last year, a little bit to support them and a plant with a memory for us, BUT this house had clearly bought their plants in the company was 'The Hairy Pot company' even a tiny Mint plant was £5 which seemed a rip off, Dyrham park had cultivated their own plants from cuttings etc, we bought a couple of different herbs for same price as one at Tyntesfield,  I wouldn't mind but they had the most incredible Kitchen garden and glasshouses that went on for miles. I did get a couple of books to create my Art journal from their 2nd hand book shop though. We finished our day off meeting Matt and his Girlfriend Alex in Bristol for dinner which was lovely.  

Today's cards I am so excited to share with you, they are all made by Our Brenda,  she has been keeping herself occupied with some Colouring, which is a perfect way ro relax and a great way to sit and practice.  I have to say that the colouring is amazing Brenda,  that first rose with the blend from the salmon pink to the yellow is beautiful, the blend is perfect.  The same with the lighter pink rose too, the Hedgehog is just so adorable, what a delightful stamp set, your colouring has bought him to life. 

Brenda's Description:

Both stamps are made by a company called Picket Fence
The rose is called …… Budding Rose
The Hedgehog also comes with a Robin and a couple of sentiments.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share your cards my lovely,  I have certainly missed seeing your cards each week, so this felt like an extra special treat X❤X

I hope that you all have a good day, I think mine will be a slow day after a busy weekend, 

Love and hugs to all, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Fingers crossed that Google lets me comment.

    Sandra-your day out sounds lovely.

    Brenda-your cards are gorgeous especially the hedgehog. He’s so cute.

    No crafting here yet although I might try again today.


  2. Hi everyone
    Brenda, I love your cards, the colouring is fantastic 😍 So happy to hear you are able to enjoy some relaxing times. Take care xx
    Sandra, your day out sounds lovely, with great weather too. Nice not to have to cook as well with a meal out to finish off the day 😊
    Michele, hope you manage to do some crafting today and your hand is getting better xx
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Ladies
    Oh your cards are just wonderful Brenda and it's so nice to see you making some cards again. Sending hugs.
    Your day out sound lovely Sandra ,such a beautiful house and gardens. The weather was gorgeous.
    Michele, nice to see you in the cafe'. Hope your hand soon is good enough so you can make some of your lovely cards.
    Sue, sending you many ,many hugs.
    Washing on the line, not as sunny today but a light breeze so should make it nice and dry in no time. Started a new A/C and have some cards to make so that will keep me out of mischief hopefully 😊 Have a good day everyone. Hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Thank you for your lovely comments about my cards. I thought I would try some colouring as a calming exercise, it wasn’t until I had finished that I even thought of making them into cards. It looks like I’m getting back into crafting in a roundabout way.
    Sandra you Sunday outing sounds lovely Tyntesfield house and the chapel look really impressive. What a treat to be shown part of the house that visitors would not normally see. It must have been fascinating. Shame you couldn’t see the stained glass windows, you have probably given the trustees something to think about. 🤞
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hello All, sunny, but a chilly wind.

    Sandra your day out yesterday sounds fascinating, shame no way for you see the stained glass windows, but a treat to see behind the scenes.

    Michele, lovely to see you in again, hope the hand soon gets back to normal, and you can make your lovely cards again.

    Brenda your colouring is superb, are they done with copics? I have some but don’t use them much, must practice more.

    Hope you are all having a good day. Lilian

    1. Thank you very much Lilian, Tried with my Copics but was not happy with the results, I used my Polychromo pencils, the pink rose I did lightly go over it when I had finished with a light pink Copic, it made a difference.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    It looks and sounds like you have a lovely time yesterday and how lucky for you to get a private tour but sad you had to miss the chapel. It looks stunning. Why do some of these places just want to part you from your money? As you said you would happily buy something if it is actually from the house/garden you are at. I hope you are having a quiet day today my lovely.
    Brenda, what a wonderful start to the week seeing these gorgeous coloured pictures. Thank you so much for sharing them, you are certainly an amazing colourist. And I hope it helps you to both pass the time and relax. Thank you for your kind words. Xx
    I am just about to finish my cup of tea then I am going to sit at my desk and make a die only card. After my last attempt at stamping a sentiment I will be glad to use dies 😁love to you all. Take care xx
