
Tuesday 10 May 2022

My 1st All Die Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies,

How are we all today?  I had a slow start to the day yesterday but seeing the sun beaming through the bedroom curtains was all the motivation I needed to push myself to get moving, after getting up and ready I had breakfast while browsing Pinterest for some inspiration, I decided on a couple of ideaa and also got some inspiration for a challenge! 

I got into my craft room and gathered the bits that I needed fot the card.   I faffed about making different variations to try and decide on colours, this took me a good 40 minutes.  Now please tell me does this sound familiar to any of you or is it just my lack of skill ???                                                            I got ready to stamp the detail onto the label, every  one I stamped had either an ink mark or the stamp wasn't quite perfect but when I re-inked and stamped over the original it looked over inked, then when I went to pick it up I smudged it as it wasn't quite dry!!! I was about to give up but went and had a tea break with Paul and returned and stamped the label petfect first try,  😅!  I set that piece aside to dry and got on die cutting all the elements of my card, I used the Lace Border die set to cut the pretty edge top and bottom, Floral frames stamp set and matching dies for the label and flowers and foliage. The colours I used are Very Vanilla & Soft Sea Foam. I finished the card with some little faceted pearls.  I quite like the soft look of this card. 

Paul is in the office today so I will be in my craft room, what are you all up to?  

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday The day went so quickly
    I loved your cards yesterday Brenda especially that rose Your shading made it look so realistic
    I’m out tonight But hope to craft this afternoon
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Your card is pretty SANDRA it is sooooo hard to keep a white card white. I faff for ages about colour choices, the design and it takes me at least 3 attempts to do a perfect stamp. xx

  2. Morning everyone
    Love your card Sandra 🙂
    You all know me, it takes days to make one card and I'm still not sure. Looking on Pinterest do gives me ideas but so many it confuses me .
    Spending the morning at hospital for x-ray/ scans for hips and knees. Stomach is bad on top of it and it's raining 😂 what else can you do....
    Wish you all a nice day, many hugs to you all 🤗 xoxo

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card today and it’s a beautiful colour 😊
    I’m exactly the same, I spend ages faffing about trying to decide colours, sentiments etc, etc!
    Maria, hope your x-ray and scans all go ok xx
    Had rain here this morning, but turned out to be a sunny afternoon.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, well the sun is shining now, it’s been dull up to now and very breezy.
    Sandra love todays card, so elegant, would make a lovely wedding card.
    Lazy day here watching the tennis from Rome, will hope to start card tomorrow.
    Hope you are feeling better Maria, and results of the X-rays are ok.

    Have a good rest of the day, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card Sandra, love that soft green it’s so classy. Hands up, yes ….. I also spend more time faffing over my projects than I spend actual making them. Glad to know I’m not the only one.
    Maria hope your hospital appointment went well and you will get some answers and hopefully pain relief. xx
    Lilian and Sonia pleased you did get some sunshine today, a bright sunny day is so uplifting, fingers crossed you get more sunshine for the rest of the week.
    Michele I’m sorry I should have said how lovely it was to see you yesterday on the blog.
    Take care everyone, Brenda xxx
