
Saturday 7 May 2022

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you have all had a relaxing start to the weekend,  we are gardening today and hopefully going out tomorrow, weather permitting, we will pack a picnic and make a day of it.  

Janet it was lovely to hear from you yesterday and to read that you managed to get a coffee/hot chocolate at your favourite Cafe and that Jim had picked you both out a deliscious cake , I can't wait to here just how deliscious it was XXX 

Sonia I hope that you are feeling better my lovely,  you work so hard and it seems so unfair that you feel unwell when you have holiday to enjoy, maybe spend a couple of days totally relaxing and pamper yourself,  it might just make you feel better, sending hugs xxx 


Karen had a crafty evening with a friend and creating the stunning card that I used to open todays blog post, I really love the stamp, your colouring brings it to life Karen, look at the shine on that Bow !! 

Karen's Description:

Here’s one of the cards I did on Tuesday Marie has this stamp They we’re playing with Washi tape and I went for patterned paper

So a Daisy B stamp Lidl patterned paper for bodice and background 

The sentiment is a mixture of Honey Doo and SueW.

Thank you for allowing me to share your stunning card XXX 


Maria's Description:

My latest crystal art is need to be seen from a distance to get the right view,

probably should have been a bit bigger.  Anyhow, this picture looks so much
like a place we went to once in Austria. A lovely place, and the Chinese liked 
it so much so they replicated it in China, the whole village.

Maria very kindly shared her latest Diamond Art Painting with us, I have to say that it is a breathtaking scene Maria,  I can't believe the level of detail there is, just look at the reflection in the water, it reminds me of the place we stop in France with the mountains in the background.  I can see why you enjoy creating these Maria, thank you so much for sharing it with us XXX



I discovered a lady selling some Bargain dies on Facebook,  when my die arrived I shared the lady's craft shop with our chat group 'Cheshire Crafts'.  Lilian went on to have a look a picked up some lovely bargains, those stamps with matching dies bottom left were £14.99 down to £5.99, I love the little dictionary descriptions as well as the foliage dies.  A lovely selection of background dies, I got a couple and they die cut beautifully,  Mask It sheet is always useful that gears mask will be great for Art journalling, all in all a fantastic haul, thank you so much for sharing Lilian  XXX 


Maria was tempted to buy the Diecutting Essentials Magazine after my last review and a couple of other Issue's just happened to fall into the basket, well it does make sense to make the most of the postage !! 
The IndigoBlu Magazines are always good value,  infact I have just ordered the latest issue (shhh) !  You will get some great inspiration from all of those magazines my lovely,  thank you so much for sharing XXX


I ordered these 3 items from Bumbleberry crafts,  I have wanted to try the Altenew inks for a while as I love how they come in colour sets, the sequins because I am enjoying adding them to cards for a bit of subtle sparkle, I ordered the Felt to make one of those things to help with stamp press! 

These two items were Facebook bargains (£5 for 1st  one) I have the dies and regretted not getting the matching stamps, so when I saw it for that price I couldn't resist. 

The poinsettia set I wanted for ages but thought the dies were expensive (there are actually loads in set so i get why they were so expensive)  saw them on Tuesday for (£20) which was less than price of stamp set alone!

I have wanted this die for ages, I saw it on Ebay for £10 + and bidding hadn't finished,  so looked on internet and found that Cutting Edge Crafts had it on sale for £6.65 !!!! 

I saw this set on Fb again for silly price, thought it would be great for Tracy cards and Art Journaling 

I loved these dies, they were £4 so I couldn't resist (fb bargain again) 

I have enjoyed getting some Happy Mail this past week or two, feels even better when it's a Bargain Buy too.!! 

Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, fingers crossed for some sunshine for all of us,

Sending my love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Thank you for sharing my card We had great fun together We chatted and laughed for most of the evening!
    Maria! Your crystal art is beautiful
    I’m looking forward to hearing about the cakes/patisseries Janet
    I hope you feel better soon Sonia
    The shopping looks incredible It always feels better when it’s a bargain!
    I woke up with a fright at 5am thinking it was Friday and I’d got this new task to do for work!
    Thank goodness it’s Saturday and I’m off to Living Crafts in Hatfield I am so looking forward to seeing craftsmen at work Let’s hope the weather brightens up a little
    Take care everyone

    1. Have a great day out, hope the rain doesn't spoil anything
      for you today x

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card Karen, and a great colour 😍
    I chuckled at the quote, it’s so true. Pinterest has a lot to answer for, lol 😂
    Janet, glad to hear you managed to get some delicious cakes 😀
    Maria, I love your crystal art picture, such a lovely scene. It must’ve taken ages to complete. Enjoy your magazines, they look fab 😊
    I love all of your crafty buys, and some great bargains too, enjoy 😊
    I was meant to be going to one of Mark’s gigs later, but think I will stay home and just have a quiet day.
    I hope you’re all keeping well. Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Wishing you better Sonia. Just take it easy and hope you
      have a nice time off work and the weather be nice x

    2. Thank you Maria 😘 Have a good day xxx

  3. Morning everyone
    Beautiful card Karen. Fun having crafting with others.
    Like the quote, so true. Pinterest have a lot to answer for. hihi
    Love all the shopping. The triangle stamps look interesting Sandra.
    Thanks for liking my CA. I have made another one in square drills but think I prefer the round. Got a parcel yesterday so watch this space.
    Can't wait to hear about your cakes Janet. French patisseries do
    looks so delicious.
    It was heavy rain first thing this morning but the sun trying to peep
    through the clouds. Have some flowers to pot out that I bought the
    other day and some "swearword" but nothing much else.
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, looks like it’s a lovely day here, must admit I haven’t been out yet.
    Sorry I missed yesterday, great idea for next week challenge, haven’t finished this weeks yet, a few in the bin but will manage something.

    Today: Karen your card is beautiful, love that stamp, so nice stamping with friends, really miss that.

    Janet waiting to hear about those lovely cakes.
    That saying about Pinterest is so true, I can never do one that turns out as it should.
    Maria love your C/A, it must take you so much patience.

    Shopping al looks great, great to get such bargains.
    Must go and finish a card for Sandra, Lilian
