
Wednesday 30 March 2022

A 'Thinking of you ' card for a lovely friend


Good Morning Ladies,

I want to wish our Michele well for her Hand/wrist Surgery today, I hope that you are first on the list and home before you know it, fingers crossed that you have little pain and wish you a very speedy recovery🥰

It was a very wet and dreary day here yesterday,  quite chilly too, it rained early on but dried up and the sun tried to come out but failed,  later in day it was that rain most like mist. Such a shame as I have girls uniforms to wash and dry, it was so lovely getting it dry in the sunshine! Thank goodness for the Aga, although whether we will keep it on constantly is questionable with Gas prices hiking up this week.  It's so handy having a constantly preheated oven,  we never use the electric oven at all, it's large and takes a good 15/20 minutes to heat to 180/200. So it's swings and roundabouts really.

Today's card is one I made with a special friend in mind.  I used the SU Free (Sale-a-bration)  papers that accompany the 'Hello Friends,' stamp set, I adore the papers as they feature lovely florals and some pretty 🐦 birds. The colour palette is fresh spring colours as you can see with the striped paper down the side of the card, it shows all colours included in papers. I layered a couple of different pieces of paper onto a white piece of card, I matted a piece of Pool Party card onto a white card base, to finish my top layer I added some soft succulent ribbon finished with a bow. I stamped the sentiment and die cut with Oval layering dies, I didn't want to add anything else as I wanted that pretty bird to stand out as well as those lovely flowers.  

I hope that you all have a good day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Thank you for your kind wishes, I hope I’m home early today so I can relax.

    Lovely card Sandra, it’s so pretty.


  2. Good luck MICHELE I hope it goes OK
    Your card is very pretty SANDRA I love the colour combos
    Nothing much planned today which is great because I need to catch up with myself but I do have someone coming around to clean my ovens at long last The original appointment should have been in November
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Morning ladies.
    A very pretty card, lovely papers.
    Good luck to our Michele!
    Washing on and it's sad the weather have changed to winter again after such a lovely weekend when it could have been hanged out instead the house will look like a launderette once again. Going to call my parents and see if they are ok, have not heard anything for a while so best check on them.
    Have a good day everyone and Karen enjoy your clean oven, ours need one too but it's self-cleaning and it stinks the house up when doing it's clean cycle so need to have the windows open, too cold for that at the moment. No heating on but a lot of clothes.
    Hugs to you all, xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card again today 😊
    Hope all went well Michele, and hopefully you’re back in the comfort of your home by now. Sending hugs xx
    I’m looking forward to 2 days off work now before I have to do it all again at the weekend! Phew, it’s been busy.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello all, back to dull weather again, also chilly.

    Sandra, a really lovely card, such delicate colours.

    Michele hope the hand is not too painful, and you manage to get some rest.

    My covid seems to have come back today, runny nose and sore throat.
    Good night all, Lilian
