
Thursday 31 March 2022

Karen's TTT Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well my lovely friends, we had a somewhat dismal day yesterday, boy was it chilly, in fact we were actually forecast snow through the night last night, I wonder if it will ?? Seems ridiculous having snow one day away from April but I guess it's not unheard of.  

Michele I hope that your hand isn't causing you too much pain today, try and rest, I know you will find it hard, hopefully you have a good book, no good relying on craft TV these days as that is as dismal as the weather!! 

I had a lovely craft afternoon yesterday, I got all set up to do a Tracy Tutorial, we started out well, although I made a right mess, paint and gesso everywhere!  I didn't know that coating my pink frog card with Gesso will leave the paint 'open' longer so that I could blend the paint through a mask, Tracy also said that the paint appears a little brighter if the card is Gesso'd.  I got the messy part of the background done (the painting).  I then started on the focal point, I stamped the sunflower and then had to 'watercolour' it, well that in itself was an obstacle, I am in no way a natural when it comes to watercolouring! 4 attempts in I gave up. The tutorial was using a light ink to stamp so that it's almost invisible when the flower is coloured, I had to add the detail of the sunflower in with a fine paintbrush, that's when I gave up!  I am waiting for Mr Amazon to bring me a fine paint brush today so that I can continue, I will not be beaten!! 

On a positive note, I then went into the kitchen a made a delicious Chicken, Leek & mushroom 'Chicken Pot Pie'  Basically chicken leek and mushroom in a creamy sauce with garlic and thyme with a puff pastry top !! It was delicious 😋

Today's card (thank heavens Karen had a more successful craft session than I did) Is Karen's challenge Journal Page for this week.                                                                                                                           Using Categories:  Stamping/Bird/ Ink Background                                                                                   Karen's Description:

Speckled egg through stencil and Tracy stamps I was inspired by a photo on FB

The hardest part was lining up the square centrally which is on foam pads and I think I should have made square smaller so that you could see the black and white stamping underneath. 

I love the technique you have used Karen, I also love the bright vibrant colouring on the flower too.  You must be so pleased with your Journal Page. 

Thank you so much for helping me out today, although your journal page will inspire us all for those last minute Challenge makes.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, wrap up warm, 

Sending love and warm hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning everyone
    A lovely card KAREN. That sunflower is just beautiful.

    Well we have a covering of Snow this morning.Everything is covered and it's bitterly cold. What a difference from last week. We shall be staying in today.
    I have to make a CC today. Things just seem to have got in the way of me and my craft room this week.

    MICHELE- I hope all went well yesterday and that maybe you're home.

    The CAFE is OPEN nice and warm so pop in.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning everyone.
    It's Snowing in MK 🙄 and only 1c but feel colder because of the wind chill ☹️ staying in and hoping to get a cc together but nothing will look as good as the card today from our Karen. Your card is Gorgeous and the flower 🌻 is beautifully coloured in.
    Michele, take care and I hope you're doing well and not in too much pain after the op.
    Lilian, wishes for you and a speedy recovery. Hope R feeling some better.
    Special hugs to our Brenda and Lynda and anyone else who need some.
    Have a nice day. Xoxo

  3. Hi everyone
    Karen, I absolutely love your card/journal page, it’s beautiful 😊
    Sandra, I hope you manage to get back to your creation today, it’s so frustrating when things don’t go to plan…..but don’t be too hard on yourself. What you showed us last night was fantastic 😊
    I woke up to sunshine this morning, so took Barney out for his walk first thing. Glad I did, because it’s clouded right over now and looks like we’re in for something worse!
    Michele, hope your hand is ok. Take care xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Karen your journal page is beautiful, so much detail there and the Sunflower just pops out to say look at me.
    Sandra I hope you have managed to follow and complete your tutorial, I think you are being very hard on yourself, hope today’s efforts have been rewarding.xx
    Spoke to my sister this afternoon, they have had snow on and off all day, that’s in Leicestershire, our weather seems to be going backwards, Its spring so should be springing forward !!!
    Michele hope you were able to sleep last night and haven’t been in to much discomfort today.
    Sending Hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  5. I have been so busy today Work was particularly manic and then went out to lunch with a friend who I hadn’t seen since October So we had quite a bit of catching up to do
    Thank you for your love comments on my journal page I enjoyed having a play
    I would keep your samples as journal pages so that you know what to use and what not to use in future It’ll be fun looking back on what you did in the future
    I hope your hand is not too painful MICHELE
    I hope you’re beginning to feel better LILLIAN
    Take care everyone xx

  6. Hello, it’s so cold , it’s feels as though we are heading into winter instead of spring.

    Karen your flower page is stunning, love the colours and the little bird.

    We have the grandchildren down , staying near us, we have been to the hotel for dinner with the family. Very nice but very filling.

    Hoping to do challenge tomorrow, night all. Lilian
