
Tuesday 29 March 2022

Pretty Magnolia card


Good Morning Ladies, 

How are we all today,  what are you all up to today,  I had a lazy start to my day yesyerday as the little bit of time I spent in the garden had taken it's toll, it's got to the point that the duvet is too much weight on my legs it's painful, hey ho  the joys of getting old !!   I did enjoy being outside though, it just makes you feel better doesn't it ?!  

Janet did you get your appointment?  Our surgery is still doing same, in fact I was talking to my sister about it at the weekend,  her partner had a huge cyst on the top of his leg, he was calling drs for 4 days, when they answered at 8.04am he was 26th in queue,  so never got appointment, she ended up taking him to A &E on Friday where they treated him and said he would have ended up with Sepsis if left any longer, the infection had built up so much simple oral antibiotics wouldn't have helped.  This is where our GPs are failing us at the minute.  A lot of the ailments could be treated IF you were seen in time.  I just don't understand why they haven't gone back to normal surgery service. 

Today's card was quite a relaxing little make, I have had this Magnolia stamp for over a year and never used it,  seeing some Magnolias bursting into life got me really inspired, I had a browse on Pinterest for inspiration,  I also loved the technique Karen used on her card and wanted to haveva go.  So I stamped the Magnolia and heat embossed with Gold embossing powder,  I used a White paint pad with a waterbrush and coloured all of the flowers, when the white ink dried I used a pink ink pad to add some colour to the flower centres. I stamped the sentiment and Embossed it, I die cut it and added to the card with some twine and foam pads.  I finished the card with a bow and some sequins.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    OH SANDRA I love love today's card. The Gold really highlights the flowers and leaves. Just beautiful.

    Well I did get through to the surgery and had a call back late morning.I still haven't got an appointment to actually see a Doctor but arrangements have been made for another telephone consultation with another surgery for this Friday morning to talk to an Osteologist. We'll see what happens then.

    We have an extremely dull/grey start to the day here and the temp is really down. Fingers crossed that we don't get any of the 'white stuff'.

    The CAFE is OPEN -all hours- so pop in whenever you can.HUGS ARE WINGING THEIR WAY TO YOU ALL.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Your card is beautiful SANDRA I enjoyed doing this technique It’s quite simple but very effective I must try it with heat embossing
    All I can say is that it’s extremely wet here! Saves watering the garden I suppose
    A friend is coming around this afternoon She can knit and crochet but wants some help in reading patterns etc I suggested starting with a baby garment and coincidentally she is going to be a granny in July!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Morning everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra.
    Sitting in hospital for a blood test 😌 sure will be told off I have not been drinking enough water but I just can't do it.
    Started a new crystal art so will do that later.
    Have a good day everyone, many hugs to you all.Maria xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card today. The magnolias are perfectly coloured and really stand out on the Kraft card 😊
    A wet start to the day, but has dried up now and we’ve had a bit of sunshine here.
    Hoping to make a start on this weeks challenge card later, I just need to decide what I’m going to do ☺️
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I LOVE today’s beautiful card Sandra, I really want to try this technique the results are stunning.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Hugs Brenda xxx
