
Tuesday 21 December 2021

A lovely Christmas Card from Michele


Good Morning Ladies, 

How are we all this chilly Tuesday Morning??  We had  a quiet start to the week, Paul worked from home and the girls were both at work yesterday, I got on with some 'online' Christmas shopping, got a few more bits sorted thankfully.  
Sophie went to the Christmas light event at Blenheim Palace, she said they were amazing,  a lovely experience.  We thoroughly enjoyed our Carol concert, the Nativity was lovely although Mary was clearly not a 'keen Mother', Baby Jesus was stripped of his swaddling and spent half the service face down on a hay bale!  It is nice to see some of the big burly farmers taking part, dressed up as Wise Men, why is it always Tea Towels that create the head gear?!  Sadly they didn't sing 'Ding Dong Merrily on High', it was one of Mum's favourites, there were plenty of others though. After the Nativity and Santa appearing on his 4 x 4 Quad Bike they had Mince Pies, Mulled Wine and Hot roasted Chestnuts, the Mulled wine was very welcome, purely to warm my hands on mainly.  I was so cold that my Fingers and Toes felt like they were burning at the tips, I was well wrapped up, lots of layers and a blanket round my legs.  We kept our distance just to be safe, it was sad to see not so many faces but the majority of the village are elderly and far too vulnerable, especially with this Variant.

We had a lovely walk around the village posting Christmas cards yesterday,  It was bitterly cold but the fresh air was lovely.  I think we will try and get out for a walk (well roll in my case) while Paul is working from home, it just feels so good to breathe in fresh air without a mask, lovely clean country air too! 

Today's card is one of Michele's Christmas cards, it is lovely, the paper is really versatile and could be used for any occasion, it looks incredibly festive with the addition of a Christmas sentiment and some pretty poinsettias, what gives this card the 'Luxury Touch' is the piece of acetate that Michele has added, it gives the card a lovely festive shine, which catches the light beautifully.  Thank you so much Michele for such a lovely card XXX

I hope that you all remain Covid free and this pesky virus doesn't cause any of your Christmas plans to change, I think we all need and deserve a decent family Christmas after the last two years.

Love and warm hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a gorgeous card MICHELE and lovely to see you popping in.Have a lovely Christmas whatever you have planned.

    Yesterday was a 'panic' day well for me anyway. I was sure that I was short of a present but just couldn't think why as my list is all ticked off.
    I'm hoping for a quiet day today.

    The CAFE is OPEN for all who need an escape route. Just popin for a quiet few mins.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Hello, sorry I missed yesterday, simply forgot, age thing.

    Lovely card from Michele, great paper and the little poinsettias make it very Christmasy.

    Glad you enjoyed the nativity, a lot of places they are filming it and then the parents get a copy. I suppose it keeps people safe, but not quite the Christmas spirit.

    Ironing this morning and the wrapping the few present left. Cleaners are not coming until Thursday, so decs will have to wait.

    Hope you all have a lovely day, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card from Michele, love the Christmas sentiment with the poinsettias 😊
    The nativity and carols sounds lovely, especially with the bonus of the mulled wine ☺️ I’m like you with feeling the cold, doesn’t matter how many layers I wear I still end up freezing. Mark and I went to Prague a few years back in December, and after browsing the Christmas markets, a hot glass of mulled wine was bliss 😊
    I’m popping into work in a bit as we’re doing the secret Santa and raffle for gifts from residents. This afternoon I’ll be starting on the housework and wrapping presents.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Just got in from visiting a relative of OH She is not allowed visitors so we went to a very nice cafe for bacon sarnies and coffee We had a good catchup
    Your Carole concert sounded lovely I really must try and get out for a walk every day even if it’s only for five minutes
    Love your card MICHELE and a very Merry Christmas to you Take care
    Stay safe everyone xxx

  5. Hi ladies
    Beautiful card from our Michele. Love the font on the Merry Christmas and the little poinsettias.
    Your Nativity play and carolling sound so nice and fun.
    I missing the little ones at school, they were all so cute.
    Sending special hugs for our missing friends and for anyone who need some extra this cold day. Stay safe and take care everyone. Maria xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Pleased Michele is still with us, hope you are keeping well Michele and looking forward to a break at Christmas. Love the sentiment on Sandra’s card, it really is a ‘Statement Die’

    Sandra pleased you enjoyed the village Carol Concert, I always enjoy children performing in Nativity Plays. Daughter Julie was telling me about the year 1 nativity play at her school. The angel told Mary she was going to have a baby. Mary didn’t follow the script, because she had an urgent problem that had to be sorted out now…..her knickers were falling down !!!

    Hope everyone has had a good day, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
