
Wednesday 22 December 2021

Another Tracy Evans Workshop card


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

How are we all my lovelies? Are you all finally organised?  I am still panic buying presents, Paul is without doubt THE hardest person to buy for in the world!  His 'yorkshireman' tendencies have him not 'wanting' or 'needing' anything apparently, so frustrating, so far he has a couple of shirts and some coffee!!  Are you husbands the same, what do you all resort to?? 

We were treated to Carol Singers last night, what a delight, I don't think I have ever heard proper Carol singers before, they were raising money for a local charity, they sounded really good, a real festive treat! 

Today's card is another of my Tracy Evan's Workshop cards, I thoroughly enjoyed switching off for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon and just crafting away to Tracy's instructions, I really love the warm and sunny colours in this card, they were a combination of 'Squeezed Lemonade, Ripe Persimmon, Picked Raspberry, Crackling Campfire & Mermaid Lagoon'. The butterfly is coloured using Polychromos but you could just as easily use Distress Oxides to colour or your own preferred medium.  I was really pleased with how it turned out, it wasn't until I was sat crafting that I realised how much I have missed sitting at my desk this past few days.

After chatting to his Mum Paul decided that we will go down to visit them between Christmas and New Year as all of Paul's siblings are going before and he will be both overwhelmed and exhausted, it's good to spread the visits out too. It also means I won't be stuck in the car for 7 hours in one day, which I wouldn't mind but is not ideal 2 days before Christmas. So we will watch and wait the Covid situation before we go of course.

I hope that you all have a good and productive day, please stay safe. 

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Your card is beautiful I love that colour combination and the attention to detail I have paid for a couple of Tracy’s workshops that I still haven’t got around to Perhaps I will have some time over Christmas to start one
    I’m a sucker for listening to Carole singers I can get quite emotional
    Off to hospital in a mo and the dentist this afternoon I certainly know how to party!!
    Take care everyone xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card today, everything from the colour combo and all the details is perfect 😍 I really must look into Tracey’s workshops and have a go at one.
    Mark is difficult to buy for too. He said he didn’t want anything! I managed to persuade him he needed a new hoodie, so got that, along with some boxer shorts and coffee too. What is it with men and coffee, lol 😂 He received a CD yesterday which he’d ordered ages ago, so I’m giving him that aswell.
    How lovely having the carol singers coming round, makes it so much more festive listening to them 😊
    Well I was up at 5 this morning so decided to go and finish my shopping. I was in Tesco just after 6, in Aldi just after 7 and back home again before 8! What we haven’t got now we’ll go without! Tesco is open Boxing Day anyway - not that we’ll be going, but I said to the lad on the checkout that you’d think they’d give all their staff at least Christmas and Boxing day off!
    Karen, hope you get on ok at hospital and the dentist xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Morning ladies
    Gorgeous colours in this card Sandra.Think I like the butterfly best. Lovely to hear carol singers coming around.As I was laid up yesterday and it seem to be the same today I have watched quite a few Christmas movies with nice singing.
    Good going with the shopping early this morning Sonia. :)
    Karen, good luck with hospital and dentist. Be thinking of you.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs are sent for you all. Maria xx

  4. Hello.
    Lovely card Sandra, very happy colours, would make a lovely get well card. I’ve done one of Tracy’s workshop and throughly enjoyed it. Might have a look at some new ones in the new year.

    Hearing about your carol singers, brought back some happy memories of when we used to go carolling, we were on the back of a pick up Roger on the piano, we visited all the pubs and houses in the village. It was great fun but very cold.

    Finished wrapping presents today, and mr Sainsburys is coming with the Christmas food tomorrow. Not sure it will all fit in my fridge, gone a bit over board. Still shan’t have to shop the following week.
    Keep safe , the numbers are so scary now. Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love today’s card, the butterfly is so beautiful. I have to confess I wasn’t a fan of these stamps until you and Karen introduced us to them at Watford, you really inspired me. Thank you for the inspiration xx
    Hope you find Paul’s parents as well as can be expected when you visit, it’s better to space out visits between siblings, it would be to much for Dad if everyone turns up at the same time, also visiting after Christmas will give them something to look forward to.
    Hope you have all had a good day. Hugs Brenda xxx
