
Monday 20 December 2021

A fun Heirloom


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

How was your weekend?? I must apologise for the delay in posting yesterday's blog post, I didn't mean to worry you all, thank you so much for your sweet messages.  I left publishing the blog until we got back from dinner, as I wanted to write about it, by the time we got home I was exhausted,  I think that having very little to no face to face interactions o er the last year or so has taken it's toll, I was mentally exhausted about an hour after my sister and her partner arrived, we had so much to catch up on that we were probably talking at 100 miles an hour. We had our table booked for 6 and were still talking at almost 9pm! It was so lovely though, I could see that Emily was so touched that everyone had made the effort to come and spend the evening with her too.  Anyway it was about 9.45p. When we got home, I just wanted my bed, I finished the blog and set it to publish at 6am on the 19th, but I hadn't noticed that my fumbly fingers had put January in stead of December!! 

Today I am sharing with you my 'Heirloom' Christmas decoration, my Mum and Dad had this on display every year on top of their record player,I vividly remember all of the details, Mrs Claus making sweets,  Santa's Workshop has all his tools displayed, there is a Reindeer Barn with a Reindeer inside. Here are some more photos....

There is so much detail,  everything is double sided so it looks lovely from both sides, the attention to detail for something so old is incredible.  Did anyof you have one?? 

This is a Ronco product, do you all remember the Ronco adverts, Paul remembered the Record selector,  we both remembered the 'Bottoneer' !! 

Paul and I went to the Village Carols and Nativity last night  its usually the night we would be singing Carol's on the Quay with Mum, so I hope she was looking down and smiling last night x

Anyway that's all For today, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful keepsake SANDRA.
    It's so nice to see these traditions going. I passed a lot of my and Mum's decorations on to My Granddaughter who just still loves a house full of Christmas and I know they will be passed down to her children.

    We met Jim's Niece on Saturday morning for the first time in ages to pass cards and presents over. I have to saythough that both of us were more than pleased to arrive home.

    The CAFE is OPEN -usual hours- so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE GREAT CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. What a lovely heirloom Most of my decorations are old but I wouldn’t call them heirlooms The oldest piece I have is a teddy made from flour dough painted in the colours of my childrens junior school So it’s probably 30+ years old
    Looking after the grandkids was so much fun but I was almost glad to hand them back this time!
    We hope to visit the family’s graves today and lay wreaths which has become a bit of a tradition since OH’s dad died
    Take care everyone
    PS Your mum would have definitely been smiling down on you xxx

  3. Morning everyone
    Lovely keepsake Sandra, nice to put up every x-mas and happy
    Some of the things on our tree are from my grandparents and others are newer but from holidays, nice to remember.
    Janet, glad you had the chance to meet up with Jim's niece again. Hoping after a day's rest you feeling better.
    Sonia, cuddles to Barney. I think your ornaments be safe.
    Sue, hope the cooking went well and it all tasted fab,
    Brenda, thinking of you and sending a big hug x
    Lilian, hope your back feels better. Try just to take it easy even if that's sometimes hard to do.
    Cold, wet and dull day here so not going anywhere. Hoping to finish tidying up so I can start on the Jan. cards but everything seem to take longer time for I get distracted by other things.
    Have a good day ladies and keep safe. Many hugs to you all. Maria xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your heirloom, and all the wonderful memories it holds for you 😊
    I’m sure your mum was looking down on you last night with a big smile xx
    We had a busy weekend - it went so quickly! I’m off work now until Friday, so I’m looking forward to a bit of a rest before the big day!
    Sounds like everyone had a busy weekend too, with one thing or another. Hope you’re all having a good day today and managing to relax.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I have just los a comment and don’t understand why, I was typing away and decided to change a word, went to delete it the whole comment was highlighted
    So I touched the comment box again and it disappeared. Very annoying!!!

    Sandra what a lovely childhood memory you have, it’s looks in beautiful condition, now your children can enjoy it.

    Janet lovely you were able to meet up with Jim’s niece on Saturday, let’s hope come the New Year you will still be able to.

    My appointment at the Royal Marsden on Wednesday has been cancelled. Apparently they are still waiting for some test results from Croydon, it’s now been moved to the 29th of December. So I just have to wait!

    Time to finish getting the dinner ready, it’s almost ready so will not take long.

    Love and Hugs to all. Brenda xxx
