
Friday 3 September 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Here we are at the end of another week, I can't believe that 12 days of our holiday have gone already, we leave a week on Sunday, I thought ot would go slowly as its just the two of us but it's literally flown by.  We speak to the girls every night, they video call us and we usually eat dinner together which has been nice. They have managed fine, although they both felt a little unwell on Wednesday as they had their second Vaccination on Tuesday, I am its just a 24hr thing. 

Thursday was a dull day, I had to put a cardigan on for an hour in the morning as it was chilly early on, the sun showed it's face for a couple of hours around lunchtime,  we had no thunderstorm Wednesday night into Thursday so far. From 7pm Thursday through the whole of today we have thunderstorm forecast, there is also a Warning ⚠️ for disruption as a result of the thunderstorm, so we are waiting to see what happens, I did say to Paul that I would like to go and watch the storm on the beach as you usually see magnificent lightning out at sea, he just looked at me like I had lost my mind, saying that there probably wasn't a more dangerous place!!  So I guess that won't be happening.  

Your Next Challenge 

I am going to call the challenge I chose for this week "Sparkle & Shine'' 

I thought it would be nice to make some cards with some added Sparkle & Shine, whether it's for adding a little something extra for Christmas cards or just to give any card a little lift. 

Your sparkle and shine can be in any form, Mirror card, embossed powder, gem stones, glitter, sequins, Mica sprays, even something as subtle as swishing over your card with a Sparkle pen. 

I hope that the cards I have shared give you a little inspiration. I have 3 or 4 new designs to share with you next week. 

Sue, I was so disappointed to read that they are putting obstacles in the way of Mum getting home, Pops must be devastated,  let alone how Mum must be feeling.  I feel you and Pops are going to have to have some stern words, which is so wrong, your Mum just needs to be where she feels the happiest and most comfortable and that is home with Pops by her side 24/7 getting more constant care than she would on  busy ward. I have everything crossed that this is resolved soon my lovely XXX 

I hope that you all enjoy a lovely weekend, 

Love and huge hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxxx


  1. I’m so pleased the storm didn’t seem to do much damage Thunder and lightening doesn’t scare me but I do worry about the aftermath sometimes
    Look at the damage in New York A city that seemed to last place to witness that kind of chaos The first thing my OH said was Well switch the lights of in Las Vegas - that would save a pretty penny and help the climate!
    This new challenge will definitely be a challenge for me I very rarely use glimmer and shine There was a time when every card was layered with Mirri card!
    I hope you get things sorted for your mum All of you must be so disheartened Especially knowing how much better she’d feel being at home
    I am at the dentist this afternoon Tto have “teeth” out So I don’t know if it’s one, two or what - I don’t think I want to know
    Take care all I hope you got an answer MARIA

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very dark/grey and gloomy morning here.

    This week's Challenge will be just that SANDRA. Thinking cap will be well used.

    OH SUE -I really feel for you all. MUM must be so upset as you all are. I sometimes wonder where so called 'we know best' really have their brains.
    Sending loads of HUGS and LOVE to you all and I'm hoping MUM will be home where she belongs asap.

    Again the week has flown and I find I have to 'swear' today. Wouldn't it be lovely to just click fingers and everything is clean and bright. Well I suppose I have to have other things todo other than

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for all Dear Friends needing extra ones.

  3. Hi everyone
    Some lovely inspirational cards for next weeks challenge ๐Ÿ˜Š
    I would have been there with you, watching the storm from the beach. I do love a good storm, but obviously not the damage and devastation it can cause. One year when on holiday in Dorset, we sat on the decking of the mobile home my parents used to own, it was right on a cliff looking out to sea and we watched a lightning storm far out at sea, it was incredible.
    Gosh, can’t believe you’ve been on holiday nearly 2 weeks already! Nice that you can eat dinner together with the girls - isn’t technology wonderful ๐Ÿ˜Š
    I haven’t managed to do a card this week, but I will look through to see if I’ve got something that will fit this weeks challenge.
    Sue, I hope things get sorted, and your mum is soon able to come home soon xx
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone.
    I'm not normally a shiny and sparkling girl but I do love the cards you have posted today so will see if I get a chance to make something.
    Karen, are you alright ? Bless you ๐Ÿคจ
    I'm seeing the dentist next week and already got some diazapan in ๐Ÿ™„
    Love to see a proper thunder over water, we had an amazing one on holiday in Greece and I had to sit on a plane for 4 hours in the US ones because of thunderstorms, not so nice ๐Ÿคญ
    Think I need you here Janet to show the hotel staff how to clean properly ๐Ÿ˜‰
    It's old and sad and nothing like the pictures on line and a heater is the only heating, it's a bit smelly. It looks like a nice town tho so plenty to do. Walked past Betty's this afternoon and the queue was going around the building so not sure, we found another little tearoom which was very nice and we sat outside, is a bit nippy but no rain.
    I hope you all have a good day and I'm sending hugs to you all, extras for Margaret, Lynda and anyone who need some.
