
Saturday 4 September 2021

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I thought that you might like to see the Scarecrows from our Village Scarecrow Trail again this year, Paul and I missed them but the girls kindly went and did the trail for us taking photos so that i could share them all with you. 

So here goes.....

The Names

I will leave you to put the names to the Scarecrows,  the girls got most of them right. You pay for an entry sheet in the village and all proceeds go to a local charity.  It's such a fun thing to do although there were some quite scarey ones this time!!  I think I liked it better when they had  theme though.   


Karen has shared some new goodies with us and the Beautiful Gift that the lovely girls next door bought for her.

I love your new craft bits Karen, I have to say I am a convert to those gorgeous resin dots, they are shallow enough to go through normal first class post!  Love the star stamp too, it will work so well with your latest Jo Rice style cards.  I have the Miss P Journal  it is an absolutely genius idea, it makes making any kind of albun or journal so simple  as you don't need any complicated binding. 
I can't wait to see what you create Karen .
Thank you for sharing your shopping and lovely gift with us.

I am going to close now as we are in the midst of a HUGE thunderstorm,  the lightning is forking in three different places!  Now my mum always said that it's dangerous to be on your phone in a storm.  
This is the worst we have seen, we went to beach earlier to discover another couple of feet has disappeared, its very concerning.  

I hope you all have a good weekend, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A great challenge again this week. I love your inspirational cards, each so different and all beautiful. How sad that your beach continues to get smaller. Glad you had a good storm to watch though. The more thunder and lightning the more we love them. Your village scarecrows are fantastic again. I’m going to try and guess who ch one is which. Glad to hear the girls are ok. Continue to enjoy yourselves my lovely xx
    Karen, I love you shopping and pressie. The mini album looks good. I keep saying he I want to have a go…. one day 😁 please share the end results xx
    Thank you for all of your kind words. Mum is still in hospital as I write this! After a VERY long day yesterday with legal advice being sought we were finally told by yet another consultant that Mum would be much better at home and that she will could come home last night, as long as there was an ambulance available. Yes, you’ve guessed it…..none available so I have had to bring Pop back to the hospital for 6am as Mum will be one of the first customers today. I am waiting to hear what time they should’ve leaving. Fingers are so tightly crossed as Mum is becoming more and more upset, understandably of course. We are trying to be positive but it’s not easy at all. I hope to be able to tell you tomorrow that she is home safe and sound!
    Janet, I’m glad to hear Jim is on the mend now. I find it amazing what they can do to our eyes. Xx
    Maria, we have hot weather coming in over the next few days so I hope you all get it too. Xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  2. The scarecrows are fantastic I will thoroughly enjoy trying to name them which in past quizzes I am useless at
    Thank you for sharing my crafting stuff I hope to capture days out etc and make mini photo albums After initial costs I think it’ll be cheaper than keep buying photo albums The glossies were an add on to get free p&p
    I do hope your mum is coming home today SUE 🀞
    We have a bowls match later today The original got cancelled So we’re having an in house one to give the guys that had had their first one cancelled a bit of a feel
    It is very worrying to read about the beach and sadly it won’t be the only one
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Just realised there was a Captain Underpants TERRY🀣

  3. Hi ladies
    I love the scarecrow trails. Your village has a lot of them.
    Hope your Mum comes home today Sue.
    Take care & stay safe everyone,

  4. Hi, very close here today, find it so tiring, been thinking it’s Sunday all morning, have to keep reminding myself it’s Saturday.

    The scarecrow trail is amazing, so many and all different.

    Sandra shame the beach is disappearing, will it come back during the winter, some of ours loose their sand but it usually comes back with the spring tides.

    R played for another wedding today, it was being lived streamed to all the relatives that couldn’t come to the church. He has a baptism next Saturday, so he’s very busy, with everyone wanting to catch up with family celebrations.

    Hope Mums gets home today Sue, and that she will be much happier at home.

    Have a good rest of the day all. Lilian

    PS sorry Karen , great shopping, will look forward to seeing you memory book, I have the tonic one that came out a while ago but haven’t tried it.

  5. Hi everyone
    Love all the scarecrows, so many different ones. Will have a go at naming them too 😊
    Great craft buys Karen, enjoy.
    Sue, I’ve got everything crossed that your mum will be home today. Thinking of you all xx
    That’s sad to hear about the beach Sandra. Sadly becoming all too common in places now. One of our residents had a house on the coast, and sadly over the last few years has had to watch the cliff top it’s on erode away, making her property and neighbouring ones totally unsafe.
    I hope the storm passed over with no damage, but can imagine it was fantastic to watch.
    Have a good evening. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi
    Fabulous scarecrows, such a fun thing to do every year in your village Sandra.
    Karen, looking forward to see your cards you make with your new stash.
    Hopefully I have a parcel at home when back on Monday πŸ˜‰.
    So happy to hear that Margaret came home at last. Sending her and Pop hugs.
    Have a good night everyone 😘 Xxx
