
Thursday 2 September 2021

Green card made using waste from Monday's card


Monday's Card

Good Morning Ladies, 

This week is going so fast, how is it Thursday already?! 
Janet  I am glad to hear that Jim's surgery went well, sorry to hear that he has a scratch though, Paul had to have stitches to hold the new lens in on his left eye because he has an astigmatism that meant the incision wouldn't lie flat enough to heal.  He could feel that at first causing discomfort,  we thought it was soluble though, it wasn't until he went for a check up in February that the surgeon admitted that he had forgotten to have Paul come in to have it removed,  to Paul's horror he just went and got the 'tools ' and removed it while he sat in the chair in his office!!! It was fine though, he didn't feel it.  I'm sure Jim's scratch will heal quickly, our bodies are incredible when you think about it XXX 

Today's card is a bit of  'lazy' card, I made it using the waste from Monday's challenge card, it seemed a shame to waste the bits.  I think that the texture of that 'Tasteful Textures ' embossing folder shows up even better on this card.  The method was exactly the same as Monday's Card,  the only difference being the colours being the opposite way around.  I also coloured the Narrow White Seam binding with the Just Jade alcohol marker. I Really like the card this way round too. 

Well the storm didn't really come to much,  a few claps of Thunder and a little bit of rain, it felt noticeably cooler at 7am yesterday morning though, the Sun came up and soon warmed the air though.  We were down the beach and in the sea by 9am and it was lovely,  so calm and clear, Paul managed to get out with his snorkel, it was crystal clear, I do prefer to be able to see my feet although I do tend to panic a little bit when my feet are completely surrounded by 🐟 🐠 fish!!  We worked out that they must feed on the sediment that you stir up with your feet! I wish that I had bought a waterproof case for my phone as the pictures would have been amazing.  
Today is forecast to be cloudy with spells of rain, so we will have a relaxed day, we may  go do a bit of site seeing.  

I hope that you all have a good day! 

Love and hugs to all of you  



  1. Todaocard is lovely I see what you mean though Is is because we’re so used to reading text etc on a white page? I dunno
    We went bowling and dancing yesterday So hardly any crafting apart from a few rows of crochet
    OH is out this morning but it’s whilst I’m at work So I won’t e crafting then either
    I hope JIM’s eye is OK My biggest worry about any surgery especially eye surgery is infection being a type1 diabetic I’m sure he’ll be fine
    Take care all xx

  2. Hello all, dull and much cooler here today. Have to spend the morning slicing an enormous glut of runner beans that we have this year, we are eating them every day but still have loads left, the neighbours don’t want them as they have loads also.

    Sandra great idea to reverse this card, think I prefer today’s card, seems to show up more.

    Hoping to make a start on my card this afternoon, while I’m watching the tennis.

    Sandra glad the holiday is going so well, and you weren’t affected by the storm.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone.
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday,not sure really what I did and all day I thought it was Tuesday! Your cards tho are really pretty and so was yesterdays, very nice.
    I like the cooking/bbq you got with you, perfect for the beach. I hope you still got a beach... Good the storm was not too bad tho.
    It's gone colder but we went to town this morning and it was warm in the centre. Looks like rain again today so Welcome Autumn for no Summer have we not had.
    Hoping Jim's eye feels better soon. Tell him to take it easy. You both have good day.
    Lynda, how are you ? Have you managed to get some pens and papers out so you can do some crafting ? Love to see some of your cards again.
    Sue, sad to hear Margaret didn't came home as planned but hopefully she will be home by tomorrow.
    I have phoned doctors and hospital to chase up to get appointments but not easy to get hold of them and I have left messages now three times for one so will just have to wait and see if she phones me back. It is so tiring.
    Lilian, wish your back is feeling better today.Take care the and enjoy the Tennis
    I must try to make some cc this afternoon. Might have to be in more then one fav. colour for I like a few.
    Have a nice day everyone and a big hug for you all.Maria xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Great card, love how you’ve used the ‘waste’, two cards for one 😊
    Glad the storm wasn’t too bad, and I hope it’s not too wet there today.
    Well we seem to have gone straight to Autumn, although it’s brighter here now, we haven’t really had a summer!
    Back to work today, for the long haul - no day off next week as I’m going in to do some training courses and extra hours a week Saturday, and to top it all I’ve got a cold! Been dosing myself up, so hopefully it’ll clear soon .
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx
