
Friday 6 August 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Thank goodness it's Friday is all that I am going to say!  Although I have had a productive week in the craft room which is always a good thing. Have you all managed to get any crafting done?

I didn't get any crafting done yesterday however, I was trying to sort out a very frustrating issue!  My sister had a message from one of my Aunt's to say how lovely Mum & Dad's Headstone is?!!!  My sister was a little upset that I hadn't told them that it was being laid, I had to explain that I had no idea! I thought that the stonemasons would have contacted me to let me know that the Granite had arrived in the country and that they were preparing it, then maybe a photo or something for me to check that the spelling and details were correct.  The other thing is that at the time I ordered it we weren't sure of where Mum's plot was definitely going to be, so they must have just looked around the Cemetery for her plot, it just seems wrong for them to do it without saying anything. The other concern I have is the fact that Mum has only been in her plot for just over a month, the Clerk and the Gravedigger chap both said that the ground had to be left to settle for 3 months!  I tried calling them yesterday but got no reply,  I don't know if I am wrong for being annoyed.

Your Next Challenge

My choice for the Challenge this week is 'Let's make some cards for Men' , we haven't done this challenge for a while and I have 3 male Birthdays to make for in August so it will work perfectly for me, I have to make a card for Matt and Paul and I also need to get a 30th Wedding Anniversary card made for Paul too (in case we end up going on holiday) as we travel back on our actual Wedding Anniversary.  
I don't mind if your cards are 'specifically' for men, as long as they would work for Men as well, for instance the Christmas card above isn't specifically for a Man, but if would work because it isn't overly feminine! 
I actually really love the first card above, I don't often say that about my own cards, do you think Paul would notice if I gave him the same one again?? I bet he wouldn't you know! 

I hope that you all have a lovely relaxed weekend, the weather isn't looking too good, we can always sit and craft I suppose!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Love your Challenge of this next week SANDRA.

    Well I for one will be more than pleased to see the back of this week.
    I shall be doing my usual 'swearing' today and taking my shopping from Mr Tesco when he delivers this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN and there's plenty of coffee/tea and peacefor you all to enjoy.
    HUGS are winging their way to you allwith loads of extras for all Dear Friends who are in need at this time..PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Great idea for a challenge and some lovely inspiration too I have one male birthday this month!
    I have the dentist this morning which I am really not looking forward to It’s the start of a long road of treatment apparently although I don’t know what the plan is
    OH is out this afternoon and evening So I hope to make a start on some cards for next week
    Take care all xx

    1. I feel for you Karen. Will be thinking of you xx

  3. Hi ladies
    Can understand you are a bit annoyed about the stone. Hopefully it looks fine and it wont be sinking or sliding anywhere.
    Great cards and challenge for next week. I have 3 men to make a card for next months.
    Hope you are alright Janet and can have a relaxing weekend.
    Good to hear Luke is feeling better Sonia.
    Must go, our visitors have turned up and we are taking them to IKEA for a look around. Hoping to make some crafting this evening. Yesterdays plans didn't work out.
    Have a nice day and many hugs are being sent for you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. You have given us a great challenge. And I love all three cards that are inspirational. Men’s cards are always harder to do than ladies aren’t they. The beach/sea card is absolutely fantastic, I love the metal anchor which is the perfect finishing touch. I wonder if Paul would notice if you sent it to him again? He would love it anyway I’m sure.
    I would definitely be upset if the stone masons laid a headstone without letting me know before hand. Surely they should at least send a photo of the finished stone so you could check spelling etc. and give you the date of it being laid. Definitely needs a phone call so I hope you get to talk to them today my lovely xx
    Karen, how is the bed feeling? Good luck at the dentist xx
    Have a good day ladies.
    I have the day to myself so I have som ironing that needs doing and then crafting is the plan πŸ₯° Sending love snd hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Fabulous cards for next weeks challenge 😊
    Sorry to hear about your day yesterday. I too would be annoyed! Surely they should have let you know. Hope you can get hold of them for an explanation.
    More like an autumnal day here - wet, windy and cold. What happened to summer?
    Hope you get on ok at the dentist, Karen xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi ladies
    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Hope all goes well at the dentist Karen.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sunny as the moment not very warm though.Lisa is coming down today hopefully she might be able too find my craft things that Terry couldn't find.
    Sandra your card's are all lovely ,πŸ˜πŸ€— KAREN hope the dentist πŸ˜‰goes ok and you manage some crafting later.
    SONIA hope you get on ok as at the dentists. πŸ€—πŸ€— Hugs.

    Better get ready for carers
    Hugs Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great new challenge you have set Sandra. I will definitely have to get my thinking cap on.

    Yesterday was a day and a half, it started with me going to my hairdressers, John stayed home with the electrician. On the way home I did the shopping (can’t remember the last time I did it on my own) during the morning granddaughter sent a text to say could she come over as she had returned from Leeds. She still has her little flat and will be returning for the Autumn term when she is due to start her MA. Think she is planning to become a perpetual student! By bedtime I was an absolute wreck. Today has also been busy, it’s John’s birthday (can’t believe he is 80) we will be celebrating with the family over the weekend.

    I also love your firs card Sandra. One year I gave John the same Christmas card that I had sent a year earlier - he didn’t realise, Not sure if Paul would be the same.

    I had to empty a cupboard today the electrician needed to check a socket at the back. I came across some letters etc. Relating to my parents. One was from the undertaker to say the headstone had been placed on my parents grave. But that was quite a long time ago. Maybe they don’t let you know these days.

    I’m off to bed now it’s been another long day. One day life will get back to normal, mind you I have been turning out cupboards and getting rid of ‘stuff’ that I (we) no longer use.

    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
