
Thursday 5 August 2021

Sue's 2nd Aperture Challenge card


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

Another beautiful day here yesterday,  we got two loads of washing dry which is always a bonus, it clouded over early evening but no rain so far!   

Sue came over yesterday which was lovely,  it's so nice to have someone to craft with, don't get me wrong I love Crafting while Paul is working and I will ask his opinion , he always says things look great though (whether they do or not) 🤣😅 Sue and I will always offer constructive advice.  I did smile today as Sue did the exact same thing as I did with the card I shared yesterday,  I set out thinking it was a quick and simple card, but cutting through 4 layers of card and having them all match up perfectly with an intricate pattern was frustrating!  Sue started a fantastic design that looked simple but the engineering and getting the layers right was  technically challenging, she got there though abd got to sit and watch me look for a die set for about 45 minutes,  I was about to give up but decided to look inside a box of paper and the bloody die set was sat looking at me!!  Had Sue not have been sat there i think I would have given up and scrapped the card, but I got it finished!  Thanks for coming over Sue XXX 

Now Im not sure if any of you noticed Brenda's Scam warning the other day, so I am going to add it below as it's important for us all to be aware. 

"There seems to be a new scam about, I’ve had two calls within the last week with someone saying they are calling from the Citizens Advice Service. Saying they have been informed that I have outstanding debts. OH NO I HAVE NOT. Just warning you in case they pick on y our area."

Thanks so much Brenda, there's always someone trying to scam people! 

Today's card is Sue's 2nd Aperture Challenge card, Sue has used the lovely combination of Kraft card and Red card, it just works so well! I love the clean and simple design of your card Sue, it would be perfect for batch making Christmas cards.  Thank you so much for inspiring us all. XXX 

That's all for today Ladies,  I hope that you all have a lovely day,  Special hugs for those that need one,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                      xxxxxx 


  1. Lovely card SUE I have never put Kraft card and red together In fact I have never put a colour with Kraft card I need to experiment more
    Going on from from BRENDA’s message re scams watch out for fake NHS ones offering PCR tests etc AND I am getting a lot of text messages saying that I have a voicemail message and to go to a particular website
    Our new bed arrived yesterday The jury is still out at the moment but I do think I slept for longer and deeper The movement sensitive lights at the base of the bed is a brilliant idea I just wish we’d known about them when our mum’s were alive MIL might have had less falls She wouldn’t have a nightlight because she said it kept her awake
    OH is working today So I will definitely craft this afternoon
    Take care everyone xxx

  2. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Early today carers came on time
    8 30am so they finished at 9am had
    My tablets and Did my needles then breakfast finished at 10am gives me more time to do more fussy cutting out and coloring.I have to do something. Lisa's is coming tomorrow so I will see if she can see where my small die machine.
    As OH is useless at ģetting what I ask for.we have sunshine today not sure how long as we were supposed to have heavy rain so fingers crossed.Terry had put two lines of washing out.
    I'm going to try some ironing
    Hope you all have a lovely day
    Love and Hugs Lynda xx

  3. Sorry SUE I Meant to say your card is beautiful I love it.
    Give Margaret a Hug for me.
    Love Lynda xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Great card Sue. Like the Kraftcard and red together.

    I was playing yesterday to make something but gave up when the paper got stuck in the die I was cutting with, so annoying.
    Had a trip in to to town this morning and got a few foodie things back from M&S. Doing some housework, have visitor tomorrow morning and I managed to plant some new flowers in some pots before the rain came. So different from yesterday when the sun was out most of the day.
    Karen- have some cosy sleeps in your new bed. Good with the lights at the bottom.
    Lynda- hope you can get your little machine out and do some cutting outs. Love to see what you are colouring in.
    Lilian- thinking of you.
    Sue- give mamma a hugs from me, hope you are all doing alright.
    Cheryl- hope you doing better, take care.
    Sonia- hope Luke is alright and not too bad.

    This blog is open for anyone who wants to join so don't be shy to leave a comment and get to know all the ladies, we are a very friendly group here in the "cotswolds cafe" 😃

    Have a good day ladies. Many hugs Maria xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Sorry I’m late in today.
    Beautiful card Sue, I love the red with the Kraft card 😊
    Been raining here since lunchtime, such a change from yesterday.
    Luke is starting to feel a bit better. I will do my PCR test tomorrow so I get the results back before returning to work on Tuesday.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Thank you for the comments. I am still not 100% sure about it. I think it is just too clean and simple for me but it does show what can be made with only a few things that are in everyone’s craft stash.
    Sandra, it is sooooo good to craft with you. It has certainly got my crafting mojo going at long last. But the very best thing is simply spending time with you.
    One thing that you haven’t mentioned lately is just how much weight you has lost. I see a shopping spree coming up to buy smaller sized clothes. You look fabulous my lovely. Well done xx
    Lynda, it’s so good to hear you are starting to craft again. Can’t wait to see your beautiful cards again. Mum says thank you for you hug and sends one back to you too xx
    Karen, I’m glad you think you slept better last night on the new bed xx
    Maria, mamma Margaret sends a hug for you and thank you for hers. The weather is horrid here too today. Monday and Tuesday were beautiful days here, about 22-23 degrees with a light breeze, just perfect. Wish it stayed like that all year round for me xx
    Sonia, glad that Luke is starting to improve and you are ok. No guilt feelings as you wouldn’t have been home to do housework etc. anyway so enjoy lots of extra crafting time xx
    Lilian, sending you gentle hugs. You are in my thoughts xx
    Janet, Michele, Pat and Cheryl hop you are all ok xx
    I am off to finish off another aperture card now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
